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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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I see he said an "ideal scenario" would be Rangers & Celtic winning the league 55% & 45% respectively......two cheeks one arse right enough! :rolleyes:

I couldn't resist listening in. The guy is a nutcase . He has little money by that i mean much less than many believe . Basically his plan is to get Rangers fans to set up accounts into Daves scheme . Tom English nailed it saying all it was, was sound bytes.

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Dundee Harp is who you're thinking of. I can get my probation officer to read wiki y'know ;)[/quote

Harp,Hibs,Harp then bust..then 12yrs later another Hibs.

Having been made an instant Google expert in all things DUFC my understanding is this:

1. The club dates from 1909 and was originally Dundee Hibernian.

2. The almost went bust but were saved in 1923 and changed their name to Dundee United having thought about calling themselves Dundee City.

3. Dundee Harp/Hibs went bust in 1897 and have no connection with the 1909 club.

I'd say we should get a knowledgeable Arab* to arbitrate but the only ones who post on this part of the forum will be too busy on Ranjurs Meeja.

*I'm aware of the oxymoronic possibility here........

Edited by The_Kincardine
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I couldn't resist listening in. The guy is a nutcase . He has little money by that i mean much less than many believe . Basically his plan is to get Rangers fans to set up accounts into Daves scheme . Tom English nailed it saying all it was, was sound bytes.

We want/need fan investment money.

Rangers' Dave King: Sandy Easdale played me but I will succeed

Look. Would everybody stop getting duped :lol:

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WRK poked fun at your underlying reasons for boycotting and No8 for not carrying out his threat to boycott (based on the parameters he set for boycotting) ... Now explain how it makes him hypocritical?

I don't think you really understand the meaning of the word .. do you?

Clue .. just because the word boycott is used in relation to you, No8 and WRK is not enough to make him a hypocrite ...

Noo fire away and keeping digging that hole of stupidity...

No, no and thrice no. The next time someone PMs you a post to use on their behalf , at least try and make it look like you wrote it.

It just makes you look really silly...

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Dundee Harp is who you're thinking of. I can get my probation officer to read wiki y'know ;)[/quote

Harp,Hibs,Harp then bust..then 12yrs later another Hibs.

You're not really getting it, it doesn't really matter how many Hibs or Harps there were before Dundee Hibs of 1909,the clue is in the name.

The same goes for The Hibernians and Hibernian again the clue is in the name. They all had the same history as Celtic.

And ok I take your point that not all Celtic fans are obsessed about their Irsh identity.However the perception is that Hibs and United have moved on and can attract fans from all backgrounds.

The point about Hibs badge is that it sends out the message that everyone is welcome without forgetting how they started.

Edited by Nipper
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You keep coming out with this nonsense. You are the one who lied on the match threead. You were the one who brought up the child abuse issue and lied about it....you claimed the story was made up FFS!!! When i corrected you what did you do? You started ranting about me using it to point score. Liar.


wulliamwallace, on 02 Feb 2015 - 13:16, said:snapback.png

your the fkn lowlifes making child abuse up or using it to score points.

your reply-

Really? Somebody should tell Alan Brazil he was never abused it was just a made up story.

I hope Jim Torbett sues the authorities for all they have for locking him up based on made up stories

I admitted i got it wrong about the kid being hurt and i also said the guy who did it should go to jail, i also said the likes of you bring up child abuse to score points and in your reply ^ you used child abuse to score points.

I also heard a few songs at the game which was mocking child abuse funny how you never mentioned them being sung ?

Im not going to carry on the tit for tat pish with you, its not why i come on here, i can see through you and you have already come across as a seething bigot and a racist so i dont expect anything else, you are a liar and a fraud.

This is supposed to be a football forum where we talk about football and in this topic about sevco and their admin/ liquidation can we please keep it to that and not whataboutry.

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Yes was the word you were looking for.

I stated about 6 times they let themselves down.

I may however have to revise this, after listening to the tv, it is clear what they were singing;

Up to our knees in Greenyin blood

Oh no soap in rome.

f**k the soap.

We hate celtic, greenyin b*****ds.

"Oh No Shots On Goal

From Wage Thieves Who Lump The Ball High

To A Fat Guy Up Front, Who Plays Like A Cùnt

It's Just As Well These Fuckers Died".

© HT Productions 2015.

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You'll have the facts figures and breakdown of the various demographics involved (including percentages) to back up your deluded and ludicrous bollix ... complete with links.

Or you just making stuff up ...


Usual response from you,surprise surprise. If Dundee United hadn't changed their name and broadened their fan base they would have died. I didn't make that up, its a fact.

Hibernian claim that the vast majority of their support is drawn from Leith . Again it's not something that I have made up its what the club themselves say. In other words the majority of their support is based on geography.

The support for both club's therefore would tend to reflect the demographics of the city and area where the club's are located, much more than Celtic could ever claim.

Before you choke on your cornflakes, Rangers couldn't claim that their support in anyway reflects the demographics of Glasgow either.

Do you need a link for my last point or is that Bollox as well ?

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You clearly have no clue what demographic means in statistical analysis in relation to anything do you?

Demograhic - the statistical characteristics of human populations (as age or income) used especially to identify markets. 2 : a market or segment of the population identified by demographics.

As I said, if you were inferring that Celtic are any less capable of attracting support from "all backgrounds" you are talking out of your hole .. in fact it's likely to be the opposite since our supporters are drawn from a wider geographical area (courtesy of your last rambling post .. trying to stray off point). The effect being; the backgrounds of our customers are likely to be more varied ...

If you weren't inferring that the other three teams were better or different from Celtic at attracting fans from all backgrounds ... you could simply have said so ... though it's a bit late in the day since you appear to have picked it up and tried to run with it ...

Were the words I used too complicated?

No, just misspelled.

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:lol: ... I'm sure there was no typo in the original post though.

How old are you DA? Misspelt is the normal preferred spelling, least amongst those in the era I grew up in?

Old enough to know that the adjective is always 'misspelled'. 'Misspelt' is one of the verb forms (can't remember which).

And the era you grew up in is the one that turned every feckin sentence into a question.


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The Company confirms that it has today drawn down the sum of £5 million from the credit facility agreement entered into between SportsDirect.com Retail Limited (SD) and Rangers Football Club Limited (RFC) and has repaid the loan of £3 million to RFC provided by Mash Holdings Limited (MASH).

As a result of this repayment, all rights of MASH to nominate two persons for potential appointment to the board of directors of the Company and RFC have now lapsed. SD has the right to nominate two persons for potential appointment to the board of directors of the Company, but has not currently exercised this right.

Further to the Company's announcement on 27 October 2014, the Company would like to clarify the position in relation to any rights of MASH to appoint directors of RFC as referred to in that announcement. The correct position is that MASH never had the right to directly appoint directors of RFC.

Does anyone know if it's against the rules to make a company statement without it appearing on the Stock Exchange? I can't find it.

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