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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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At what point in the last couple of weeks did the sleuth forget that, in the event of Team G&S sweeping all before then at the EGM, their first job is to pay Ashley his money back?

Once they've done that, they'll find out what kind of severance package the "rats" have got themselves.

Then they can work out of they can afford to pay the wage bill.

I believe there's the small matter of finding a manager. Oh, yes, and some players would be handy too.

"Be careful what you wish for" was the phrase, I believe. Wise men, gardeners....

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This story has Toxic all over it, all a ploy to allow them to postpone the EGM on 'safety' grounds, rats desperate to hold on to power.

So... it's a lie then ? Fabricated story you say ? Never really happened at all ? Completely made up?

That would be a story in itself no?

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I wonder if Norman has been on a certain chin stroking social WOR........errrrm I mean journalists blog?

Anyway he raises some points that I'm sure haven't been discussed before (lol)

£5m back to unky mike as it stands right now.

Hefty would be my guess Normy.

I'm sure they've figured that out Normy.

I'm sure they've also thought of that too Normy.

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I wonder if Norman has been on a certain chin stroking social WOR........errrrm I mean journalists blog?

Anyway he raises some points that I'm sure haven't been discussed before (lol)

£5m back to unky mike as it stands right now.

Hefty would be my guess Normy.

I'm sure they've figured that out Normy.

I'm sure they've also thought of that too Normy.

Every faith in the man who watched the old club burn before stealing more money than Charlie could fit in his sizeable pockets.

Do you lot never learn?

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Do you think current the rangers will consider administration again prior to the egm?, I was told this by a pal as he said it would keep Ashley in control and give them a chance to clear the decks and re-group?

They'll do whatever Ashley wants. The one thing that's sure at the moment is that Ashley will not lose Penny One on the whole affair.

One interesting development could be this. Everybody wants to be loved, yeah? Even Ashley, turning up at SJP in his barcode shirt to get in with the Toon Army. Well, look at the way the Horde have behaved to those they believed were outsiders, not "real rainjurs men" - Ng, Miller, now Ashley. Now, it's one thing holding up banners saying "truck off, Yank" to prospective buyers/investors, but it's quite another to be agitating against a man who has not just invested a significant amount (and gained significant control) in the organisation, and who has such an amount of control over the club's destiny.

From the outside, i.e. realising that TRIFC is a corner-shop league trifle to Ashley, is it inconceivable that he might just say "fúck it, if that's the way they feel..." and happily get the fiddle out to watch ibrox burn? He might think that a few million is good value, given the attitude of the Horde.

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I did not say that,

So...is it the truth then ? Accurate story you say? Actually happened ? nothing made up?

What I can tell you is the Derek has previous for this, similar story with Newcastle in 2011 turned out to be bollix

It may have happened, it may be shoite, I await the police report.

Except...you didn't.

Weighed right on in there with ..."all a ploy to allow them to postpone the EGM...."

Daily Express banned if Glib and Shameless arrives I presume ? :lol:

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I said the whole think stinks off Jack Irvine, I posted a theory, you do this every day.

A wee bit of help for you then Tedi.

Try using the tried and tested "In my opinion" (Imo) or "I strongly suspect.." or "it's possibly/probably..." or any other similair pre-caveat to clearly differentiate what is meant to be "a theory" as opposed to laying out bullshit as fact. ?

There's a good chap. 8)

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This story has Toxic all over it, all a ploy to allow them to postpone the EGM on 'safety' grounds, rats desperate to hold on to power.

If you don't understand the stuff you type Tedi, then that explains pretty much everything.

Care to have another go at revising the interpretation of the statement above ?

Actually, don't bother. Your highly interperative and revisionistic style of posting says plenty.

Unless your typing from inside a Smokehouse... :lol:

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No pictures of the bawbags injuries? No direct quotes?

On my phone but i would think IF he had been attacked it would be spread all over EVERY Scottish Sunday tabloid.

All these stories and the delaying tactics point to one thing. The Rats are on their last legs. Not long now and we will have our club back.

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No pictures of the bawbags injuries? No direct quotes?

On my phone but i would think IF he had been attacked it would be spread all over EVERY Scottish Sunday tabloid.

All these stories and the delaying tactics point to one thing. The Rats are on their last legs. Not long now and we will have our club back.

Who is we? king and Murray...the guys that took it into admistration, side letters, ebts,


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No pictures of the bawbags injuries? No direct quotes?

On my phone but i would think IF he had been attacked it would be spread all over EVERY Scottish Sunday tabloid.

All these stories and the delaying tactics point to one thing. The Rats are on their last legs. Not long now and we will have our club back.

u can have the club but there's fek all to go with it. Ashley owns most of the assets
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