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No it wisnae. He is basically saying if you write fanzine style articles you can't be a real journalist.

Nah, the point is more subtle than that.

It recognises that McGillivan wants to be able to write childish spiteful rubbish in the same publication in which he wishes to be taken seriously as a journalistic heavyweight fighting the good fight.

If you don't see a contradiction there that dents his credibility, such as it is, then I'm surprised.

Edited by Monkey Tennis
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The problem with MacGillivan is that he thinks he can post fanzine style articles, while at the same time he thinks he should be seen as a real journalist and taken seriously by the dreaded SMSM .

The two don't mix, stuff like his incubator blog will always bite him on his well stroked chin.

Aye, I'd say that's fair comment, Benny.

I'm not quite sure he's a bigot but he's certainly a complete loonball.

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Any attempt at humour was unsuccessful in that it was unfunny. It also came down due to the nasty edge in there - the bigotry if you will. References to "Catholic schools, priests" and "Loyalist wings at Long Kesh", certainly take us into that territory here.

Sorry MT, success or failure does not change its intent. The fact that it is a steaming pile of shite, along with the faux outrage and wailing from team sevco is irrelevant.

Nah, the point is more subtle than that. It recognises that McGillivan wants to be able to publish childish spiteful rubbish in the same medium via which he wishes to be taken seriously as a journalistic heavyweight fighting the good fight. If you don't see a contradiction there that dents his credibility such as it is, then I'm surprised.

I see what you are saying here but, the absolute disaster that was the coverage before and at the time means I'd hardly put anyone in the SMSM on a pedestal. He's partisan towards a Glasgow football team and a zoomer. A pretty common CV for a sports journalist in Scotland. Not sure why this suddenly became such a massive issue, warranting such scrutiny right around the time those cheating b*****ds died?

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Sorry MT, success or failure does not change its intent. The fact that it is a steaming pile of shite, along with the faux outrage and wailing from team sevco is irrelevant.

I see what you are saying here but, the absolute disaster that was the coverage before and at the time means I'd hardly put anyone in the SMSM on a pedestal. He's partisan towards a Glasgow football team and a zoomer. A pretty common CV for a sports journalist in Scotland. Not sure why this suddenly became such a massive issue, warranting such scrutiny right around the time those cheating b*****ds died?

My point is that any intended humour was not of an innocent variety. Your previous description of the piece as "light hearted" was, I'd say, well wide of the mark.

I'm not attempting to place anyone on a pedestal either, but I think it's seriously pushing things to imply that this guy's support for a Glasgow team and degree of zoomerdom places him in a similar bracket to plenty others.

Anyway, I'd rather tackle what he writes rather than who he is and in the incubator piece, he comes across really badly.

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The dreaded SMSM again, of course the proper media can't publish the same stories that your friendly neighbourhood blogger can. A lot of the stories they blogged would have seen real media outlets in some soapy bubble if they had picked them up.

Guys like Philip probably do believe that there is some sort of grand conspiracy out there protecting Rangers and stopping them from becoming journalists but the truth is .. There isn't.

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My point is that any intended humour was not of an innocent variety. Your previous description of the piece as "light hearted" was, I'd say, well wide of the mark.I'm not attempting to place anyone on a pedestal either, but I think it's seriously pushing things to imply that this guy's support for a Glasgow team and degree of zoomerdom places him in a similar bracket to plenty others. Anyway, I'd rather tackle what he writes rather than who he is and in the incubator piece, he comes across really badly.

Fair enough. I think criticising the content is far more productive than slating the man and the piece in question was guff. But not evidence that he's a bigot and everything he's ever written should be dismissed. Certainly not in the context of 2012.

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Fair enough. I think criticising the content is far more productive than slating the man and the piece in question was guff. But not evidence that he's a bigot and everything he's ever written should be dismissed. Certainly not in the context of 2012.

Agreed, inasmuch as I've said before that he shouldn't be dismissed simply on the basis of being an agenda driven nutjob, because he was sometimes right. However, back then, his strike rate was better than it's since become.

I wouldn't necessarily share you view that the 'incubator' article was not evidence of bigotry though. I kinda think it was, myself.

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What you really mean is the SMSM didn't have the balls to publish what was going on at Ibrox.

What happened at Rangers that would have got them into soapy bubble if they published it?

Are you trying to say that the media ignored what at happened at Rangers?

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Are you trying to say that the media ignored what at happened at Rangers?

They did indeed benny.

Very late to the party compared to the likes of RTC and dare I say mad Phil when his strike rate was better.

These guys were talking about Rangers financial woe a long time before it hit the MSM.

They were also asking the difficulty questions about Craig Whyte that actual journalists should have, but instead they went down the MBB/wealth off the radar road.

Edited by AberdeenBud
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They did indeed benny.

Very late to the party compared to the likes of RTC and dare I say mad Phil when his strike rate was better.

These guys were talking about Rangers financial woe a long time before it hit the MSM.

They were also asking the difficulty questions about Craig Whyte that actual journalists should have, but instead they went down the MBB/wealth off the radar road.

The media were talking of Rangers debt and financial issues from as far back as 2004/2005 , infact you could argue that bloggers and so on such as RTC came about probably roughly after the time Walter smith came out in 2009 and stated that lloyds were basically running Rangers

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They did indeed benny.

Very late to the party compared to the likes of RTC and dare I say mad Phil when his strike rate was better.

These guys were talking about Rangers financial woe a long time before it hit the MSM.

They were also asking the difficulty questions about Craig Whyte that actual journalists should have, but instead they went down the MBB/wealth off the radar road.

I remember reading about financial problems during the latter stages of Advocaat\ early stages of big Eck, the media have never shyed away from it.

Rtc deleted all of their blogs.

CF has apparently been arrested.

Philip apparently has been stooge for mediahouse

The whole bloggers being the future scenario has been blown out of the water, agenda driven stuff like that just doesn't work.

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Aye...FFS people on the street knew Whyte wasn't paying bills.

They gave it plenty of paper space, but never ever did they tell the Rangers fans what was happening.

Mark Daly done a good piece and the red tops more or less ignored it, Rangers fans called him a F**** b*****d. Boycotting the BBC.

Then when Big Hands appeared the red tops printed every bit of bullshit he told them. Traynor and Jackson were lapdogs for him.

The mark Daly piece was full of what ifs and might have's, plus I'm sure he had Rangers guilty of tax evasion, as well as reportedly getting his info from the bloggers. Tho his faux phone call was quite amusing, just lacking in credibility.

Apart from a few clangers, Jackson has been pretty much on the ball and has been quite active in digging into the going ons at Rangers.

Roddy forsyth and victor meldrew have also been pretty hard hitting throughout this saga.

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They never asked any questions. Show me an article where the media ask DM any hard questions about money.

Show me one they ask and receive an adequate answer from DK about where the money is coming from to get Rangers out of their current situation.

Of course they asked questions and reported about the financial situation, ffs man that is taking paranoia to a level above philly.

You recently posted an article from stv regarding money and Dave king...

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The Problem with Phil is , that he is a Katie Hopkins type character he relys on people being offended by him if the Orcs ignored him he would be an irrelevance just like Leggat or McMurdo , Celtic fans mostly ignore their stuff or laugh it off.

But as the last 3 years have shown on here Rangers fans take the bait everytime with him.

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The media were talking of Rangers debt and financial issues from as far back as 2004/2005 , infact you could argue that bloggers and so on such as RTC came about probably roughly after the time Walter smith came out in 2009 and stated that lloyds were basically running Rangers

There was talk, but never forensic analysis. The reporting of Rangers debt situation was covered with the caveat of "David Murray will cover it again". When the debt was hitting it's worst point and Murray had to underwrite £50m worth of a rights issue it was hailed as a masterstroke when the truth was the situation was an absolute disaster. Almost no one in the press was willing to speak out negatively against the club in any way when Murray was running the shop.

They also almost completely ignored the ongoing tax cases until a very late stage. I know guys who were talking about that subject several years before the RTC blogs made it common knowledge.

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Ps & Ds re writing history again.

The Corduroy Kid was talking about £80 million debt years before the RTC

Everybody knew about our financial trouble when Big Ecks Rangers were winning trebles against The Sainted ones celtic team.

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