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My favorite "journalist" was Darryl Broadfoot, the pure Rangers man who stuck his foot right in the shite when he said he had seen the side letters during the EBT stuff. He was never to be heard again on Radio Clyde. The rumour was he was working in Disneyworld as a fluffer for Mickey Mouse. Hugh Keevins just shook his head and said A&E need a strong The Rangers.

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Ps & Ds re writing history again.

The Corduroy Kid was talking about £80 million debt years before the RTC

Everybody knew about our financial trouble when Big Ecks Rangers were winning trebles against The Sainted ones celtic team.

Which was around the point Murray underwrote the rights issue for £50m and started floating ideas about movable pitches. There was almost no critical analysis of any of it outwith the message boards of other clubs, and no mention of either the big or wee tax cases until it was impossible for the mainstream press to ignore the story.

I knew folk who were talking about the payment systems being used circa 2006/07. The press did not cover that for a long time after.

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Are you talking about the perfectly legal tax avoidance scheme? Why would they talk about it? 5,000 companies used this scheme including many top English clubs.

Aftre the years of financial trouble Walter Smith came back and Rangers halved their bank debt whilst winning three Championships in a row against a strong celtic team.

You will need to ask HMRC why they chose to settle with Chelsea and Arsenal yet declined a better financial settlement from Rangers.

Anyway the point is journalists were reporting on Rangers debts...Journalists were and still are highly critical of Rangers and the way the club was run.

It comes as little surprise that the Ps & Ds look to the likes of the Rtc blogger..Phil and TSFM for their negative info on our great club. The Good Guys won and Rangers are on the road back both on and off the pitch.

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Are you talking about the perfectly legal tax avoidance scheme? Why would they talk about it? 5,000 companies used this scheme including many top English clubs.

Aftre the years of financial trouble Walter Smith came back and Rangers halved their bank debt whilst winning three Championships in a row against a strong celtic team.

You will need to ask HMRC why they chose to settle with Chelsea and Arsenal yet declined a better financial settlement from Rangers.

Anyway the point is journalists were reporting on Rangers debts...Journalists were and still are highly critical of Rangers and the way the club was run.

It comes as little surprise that the Ps & Ds look to the likes of the Rtc blogger..Phil and TSFM for their negative info on our great club. The Good Guys won and Rangers are on the road back both on and off the pitch.

If it was perfectly legal, why did Rangers admit liability on several of the EBTs? And why did they admit liability on the "wee tax case"? None of that was covered until the bloggers did.

And there is reporting on the debt, and reporting on the debt. When the debt was at it's worst point they were still hailing Murray as a visionary(See my link above) despite the clear and obvious truth being somewhat different.

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Seems a bit daft to commit suicide over something perfectly legal.

Seems similarly contradictory that while fans of Hearts say, rallied round and bounced back in a season you lot did nothing other than threaten the odd children's entertainer and public broadcaster.

I suppose that kind of betrayal, abandoning the club you purported to love when it needed you most would stick in my craw and be hard to admit to too.

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The Wee Tax Case was only discovered during the Whyte takeover and was widely reported at the time.

If the tax loophole wasn't perfectly legal why were Rangers cleared and why have HMRC not challenged the 5000 other companies that used the perfectly legal scheme?

Look this is all old ground and I am not going round and round in circles all day.

I get sick of reading this pro Rangers media bias garbage. I go on Follow Follow and read the complete reverse...both sides of this argument just see what they want to see. Are you honestly trying to tell me you think Jim Spence is pro Rangers? Richard Gordon? Mark Guidi? Tom English? Hugh Keevins? I am sure there are one or two with a leaning towards Rangers...I just can't think of any.

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Seems a bit daft to commit suicide over something perfectly legal.

Seems similarly contradictory that while fans of Hearts say, rallied round and bounced back in a season you lot did nothing other than threaten the odd children's entertainer and public broadcaster.

I suppose that kind of betrayal, abandoning the club you purported to love when it needed you most would stick in my craw and be hard to admit to too.

Hearts and Dunfermline arranged a friendly to raise money for their clubs. Both were in terrible financial trouble..they managed to get 5,000 to turn up.

Rangers fans managed to sell 38,000 season tickets and AVERAGE home attendances of over 40,000 in the 4th and 3rd tier of Scottish football.

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Hearts and Dunfermline arranged a friendly to raise money for their clubs. Both were in terrible financial trouble..they managed to get 5,000 to turn up.

Rangers fans managed to sell 38,000 season tickets and AVERAGE home attendances of over 40,000 in the 4th and 3rd tier of Scottish football.

Hearts and Dunfermline's fund-raising probably wasn't routed towards property purchases in Normandy.

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The Wee Tax Case was only discovered during the Whyte takeover and was widely reported at the time.

If the tax loophole wasn't perfectly legal why were Rangers cleared and why have HMRC not challenged the 5000 other companies that used the perfectly legal scheme?

Look this is all old ground and I am not going round and round in circles all day.

I get sick of reading this pro Rangers media bias garbage. I go on Follow Follow and read the complete reverse...both sides of this argument just see what they want to see. Are you honestly trying to tell me you think Jim Spence is pro Rangers? Richard Gordon? Mark Guidi? Tom English? Hugh Keevins? I am sure there are one or two with a leaning towards Rangers...I just can't think of any.

No.8 telling lies? On a day with a 'y' in it?


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All of this was reported at the time, but it was done in such a way to scare off any genuine would be purchasers. Rangers in truth were in a much better place, debt halved and still wining trophies with ease but thanks to the witch-hunt driven by hate and fear, everyone was wrongly convinced that Rangers were already guilty and that the BTC was a foregone conclusion.

Here we go again.

'It must be x pages since we last got this notion obliterated, hopefully everyone will have forgotten, so we will run with it again.'

I predict 10 pages of the same old shite before the subject gets changed, followed by zero mention of Rangers' buoyant financial health before they got sold for a whole £1 for another 200 pages. Nap.

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Hearts and Dunfermline arranged a friendly to raise money for their clubs. Both were in terrible financial trouble..they managed to get 5,000 to turn up.

Rangers fans managed to sell 38,000 season tickets and AVERAGE home attendances of over 40,000 in the 4th and 3rd tier of Scottish football.

Rangers were not in grave financial trouble at the time and both Hearts and Dunfermline survived. Very strange you crowing about attendances when both clubs succeeded in staying alive while yours didn't. My club is bigger than yours irrelevant pish, desperate stuff. Where were these 38,000 fans when your club really needed their support. Did Rangers fans get organised and attempt to raise money in different ways to keep their precious club alive?. Or did they do nothing other than threaten and blame others for the problems they helped create and sat around waiting for the next saviour with a wad of cash to come in and rescue the club?.

All those supporters and a world wide fan base and they did f**k all to help, unlike both Hearts and Dunfermline supporters who made the effort.

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Craig Whyte would never have been able to get his hands on the club if it were not for HRMC wrongly trying to impose retrospective punishments for a completely legal tax scheme, no wrongdoing, no cheating just lots of hate fueled hysteria led from agenda driven bloggers who have all been proved completely wrong.

All of this was reported at the time, but it was done in such a way to scare off any genuine would be purchasers. Rangers in truth were in a much better place, debt halved and still wining trophies with ease but thanks to the witch-hunt driven by hate and fear, everyone was wrongly convinced that Rangers were already guilty and that the BTC was a foregone conclusion.

It is in the past and the truth about the BTC is now known by all, Rangers were cleared and bloggers like the RTC have fled, deleting all their incriminating bile, but there will be no hiding place for these guys, the criminal investigations will continue, 'the heroes' will all end up exposed and punished for the roles they played, the tide has turned and Rangers will be right back where they belong.

So a handful of anti Rangers bloggers on the internet killed one of the biggest clubs in Europe and the most powerful and influential club in Scotland, tinfoil hat logic from you there Tedi.

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They done what they could, they made a banner or two. "Ignore us at your peril" "Sink us and we'll sink you" "say no to newco" "rangers fans say no to liquidation" Seeing how hard hitting and successful they were they also done one for their gardener "your loyalty and sacrifice will never be forgotten"

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