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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Are you honestly trying to tell me you think Jim Spence is pro Rangers? Richard Gordon? Mark Guidi? Tom English? Hugh Keevins?

I would absolutely say with a straight face that Keevins is pro-Rangers.

In the context of this entire affair, someone so closely associated with Celtic, is almost by definition pro-Rangers in that he would favour any course of action designed to resurrect the OF rivalry as was, and re-impose the old certainties on which the idiotic old fool relied.

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So a handful of anti Rangers bloggers on the internet killed one of the biggest clubs in Europe and the most powerful and influential club in Scotland, tinfoil hat logic from you there Tedi.

There's no way he's stupid enough to actually believe the "no wrongdoing" pish. He's must be on a wind up (or ill - always a possibility).

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There's no way he's stupid enough to actually believe the "no wrongdoing" pish. He's must be on a wind up (or ill - always a possibility).

I've been away from this thread for a while and go on today just to have a quick look on how the slo-mo car crash is going and I read Tedi's posts and I think ''did someone break Tedi, wtf ?'' :lol:

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Craig Whyte would never have been able to get his hands on the club if it were not for HRMC wrongly trying to impose retrospective punishments for a completely legal tax scheme, no wrongdoing, no cheating just lots of hate fueled hysteria led from agenda driven bloggers who have all been proved completely wrong.

All of this was reported at the time, but it was done in such a way to scare off any genuine would be purchasers. Rangers in truth were in a much better place, debt halved and still wining trophies with ease but thanks to the witch-hunt driven by hate and fear, everyone was wrongly convinced that Rangers were already guilty and that the BTC was a foregone conclusion.

It is in the past and the truth about the BTC is now known by all, Rangers were cleared and bloggers like the RTC have fled, deleting all their incriminating bile, but there will be no hiding place for these guys, the criminal investigations will continue, 'the heroes' will all end up exposed and punished for the roles they played, the tide has turned and Rangers will be right back where they belong.

Unbelievable stuff here Ted.

Do you actually mean it, or are you deliberately at it?

Of course Craig Whyte wouldn't have got near Rangers were it not for the EBT situation. Your wish to characterise that scheme as entirely above board and questionable only to those motivated by hate however, is utterly, utterly bonkers. The scheme was extremely dodgy - it sailed so close to the wind that Rangers didn't cooperate with the investigation and Murray offered to settle up for £10m. It also led one party to the decision to write at length about why she considered them guilty.

Are you really suggesting that people in the business world were swayed by bloggers, sufficiently to steer clear?

Are you really suggesting that Murray tried to settle in anticipation of victory?

Are you really suggesting that Murray himself wanted out for a pound, because bloggers implied wrongdoing?

"Right back where they belong"? What age are you man?

I wish the EBT case had gone the other way because in any moral sense, it clearly should have - the tax man was being cheated. It delights me though that despite being deemed legal, it was that disgusting scheme which sank them, and only them, despite the banner.

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Rewriting history yet again.

Rangers fan did everything they could.

These clubs had proper administrators that worked with the fans to achieve an outcome that was identified and achievable right from the outset, the sums of money required were paltry in comparison from the figures required by Rangers. In Hearts case the fans got lucky with a motivated fan who was also able and willing to stump up most of what was required and a bank that were willing to release the assets for a fraction of what they were worth. In Dunfermlines case the CVA agreed was £0

The fans of these clubs did absolutely nothing prior to the clubs going into administration.

The differences at Rangers were that everyone knew that HMRC would knock back any CVA and the administrators were only ever going to sell to one party in Charles Green.

Police investigations are ongoing and the full extent of wrong doing by those that were not Rangers fans will be known.

I'll accept that Hearts and Dunfermline both, to an extent, got lucky in a way that Rangers didn't.

I'll even accept that there was a great deal about what happened post-admin that looks decidedly dodgy and that some bad people might face deserved consequences over it.

The difficulty however comes in portraying Rangers fans as victims. So much of the public behaviour of fans was aggressive and projected outwards to find villains in the media or at other clubs.

We did not see that with Dunfermline and Hearts where the acceptance that what had previously happened at those clubs was wrong, was far more readily evident.

Your ludicrous posturing on here about "no wrongdoing", about "back where we belong" is very clear evidence of why Rangers fans got what they deserved and warrant no sympathy.

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and there we have the crux of the matter, despite all the not guilty verdicts, you and so many like you, blinded by hate had completely allowed yourself to believe that Rangers were guilty before any rulings had been made and when these rulings inevitably found against your entrenched beliefs you are still here stomping and stamping your feet like a petulant child.

Before these verdicts were delivered I remember asking many of those that were so sure of themselves if they would accept the verdicts in full, the majority said yes and the majority lied.

Sorry I have no pity.

Haters are going to hate.

Funny that MhTh is only glad Rangers were brought down by this perfectly legal tax loophole. Chelsea among others were allowed to setyle despite 'owing' hundreds of millions.

Funny that the Scottish SNP led government never questioned why a Scottish company was being treated differently from many English companies for the same 'crime'

Yep hatets are going to hate.

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and there we have the crux of the matter, despite all the not guilty verdicts, you and so many like you, blinded by hate had completely allowed yourself to believe that Rangers were guilty before any rulings had been made and when these rulings inevitably found against your entrenched beliefs you are still here stomping and stamping your feet like a petulant child.

Before these verdicts were delivered I remember asking many of those that were so sure of themselves if they would accept the verdicts in full, the majority said yes and the majority lied.

Sorry I have no pity.

What are you on about now?

Of course I think the verdict was a nonsense. I've no legal expertise or insight at all, so appreciate that a legal argument can and has been constructed make such an arrangement permissible.

Like you though, I know that these payments were not loaned to players in any way that either of us would recognise.

Of course you have no pity for us - why would you? We didn't watch our clubs being liquidated.

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Haters are going to hate.

Funny that MhTh is only glad Rangers were brought down by this perfectly legal tax loophole. Chelsea among others were allowed to setyle despite 'owing' hundreds of millions.

Funny that the Scottish SNP led government never questioned why a Scottish company was being treated differently from many English companies for the same 'crime'

Yep hatets are going to hate.

Ah, the 'h' is back in my name - a clear sign that I'm winning.

I'd be thrilled to see Chelsea, Amazon or Starbucks brought down in the same way.

Obviously not as thrilled as I've been about Rangers, but thrilled all the same.

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Rewriting history yet again.

Rangers fan did everything they could.

These clubs had proper administrators that worked with the fans to achieve an outcome that was identified and achievable right from the outset, the sums of money required were paltry in comparison from the figures required by Rangers. In Hearts case the fans got lucky with a motivated fan who was also able and willing to stump up most of what was required and a bank that were willing to release the assets for a fraction of what they were worth. In Dunfermlines case the CVA agreed was £0

The fans of these clubs did absolutely nothing prior to the clubs going into administration.

The differences at Rangers were that everyone knew that HMRC would knock back any CVA and the administrators were only ever going to sell to one party in Charles Green.

Police investigations are ongoing and the full extent of wrong doing by those that were not Rangers fans will be known.

Have a read of this -



As for Hearts I didn't even need to go looking, since you contradicted yourself. Hearts fans did nothing, so who was that that bought the club?. :lol:

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Craig Whyte would never have been able to get his hands on the club if it were not for HRMC wrongly trying to impose retrospective punishments for a completely legal tax scheme, no wrongdoing, no cheating just lots of hate fueled hysteria led from agenda driven bloggers who have all been proved completely wrong.

All of this was reported at the time, but it was done in such a way to scare off any genuine would be purchasers. Rangers in truth were in a much better place, debt halved and still wining trophies with ease but thanks to the witch-hunt driven by hate and fear, everyone was wrongly convinced that Rangers were already guilty and that the BTC was a foregone conclusion.

It is in the past and the truth about the BTC is now known by all, Rangers were cleared and bloggers like the RTC have fled, deleting all their incriminating bile, but there will be no hiding place for these guys, the criminal investigations will continue, 'the heroes' will all end up exposed and punished for the roles they played, the tide has turned and Rangers will be right back where they belong.


I'll give you the benefit of the doubt that you're on an expedition.

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I'll give you the benefit of the doubt that you're on an expedition.

I thought that was the only explanation too.

However, he's being equally daft on another thread.

I just think he's having one of his silly, showing-off days. Perhap he's tired.

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Why didn't Murray just simply sell the club without the debt ridden company?

Or better yet, why didn't Craig Whyte buy the club without the company for £1, he'd have no debt and wouldn't have to worry about HMRC

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