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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Both could well be true.

It is true, Every waking hour i spend thinking about this new club, It's got to the point that i even spend loads of time at weekends with the wife & kids trying to take my mind off it....And through the week i spend about 8 hours every day at this job i've got, working & laughing with colleagues trying to mask my obsession.

I really don't know how i cope sometimes.

Edited by beermonkey
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It is true, Every waking hour i spend thinking about this new club, It's got to the point that i even spend loads of time at weekends with the wife & kids trying to take my mind off it....And through the week i spend about 8 hours every day at this job i've got, working & laughing with colleagues trying to mask my obsession.

I really don't know how i cope sometimes.

This just puts you in the majority of P&D posters. Sorry.

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Don't be sorry....It's not your fault that rangers died & this new club popped up & made everyone obsessed.

Fret not, chap. You're one of many diddy sadsacks on this bit of the board. They know as little of why they are here as you.

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I thought this thread was about the liquidation of Rangers. It now seems to be all about the how and the why of the folk who post their views on the subject of the liquidation of Rangers. Round and round and round it goes. Some folk are obsessed with the BRALT's contributors, it seems.

You know who you are.

Will the BRALT be closed once the liquidation process is completed?

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Needy people trying desperately to appear normal.

Nothing coherent or sensible to say then. Instead we get repetition of the same point, which you conspicuously fail to support.

You come across like RedRob's older brother, the one who passed the 11+.

Edited by Monkey Tennis
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I thought this thread was about the liquidation of Rangers. It now seems to be all about the how and the why of the folk who post their views on the subject of the liquidation of Rangers. Round and round and round it goes. Some folk are obsessed with the BRALT's contributors, it seems.

You know who you are.

Will the BRALT be closed once the liquidation process is completed?

Na, the rangers fans see the new club as a continuation so this will most likely be the same when dodgy Dave pulls the plug in Feb next year

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Apparently the impartial BBC have spat the dummy oot and will not be covering any Rangers games.

oh well I suppose we'll just have to cope with missing out on all those games they cover.....

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Apparently the impartial BBC have spat the dummy oot and will not be covering any Rangers games.

oh well I suppose we'll just have to cope with missing out on all those games they cover.....

Don't see much of a problem with that, since a fair few of you just stream the matches for free anyway.

And it means you don't need to boycott the BBC since you will be watching the games for free elsewhere.

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I thought this thread was about the liquidation of Rangers. It now seems to be all about the how and the why of the folk who post their views on the subject of the liquidation of Rangers. Round and round and round it goes. Some folk are obsessed with the BRALT's contributors, it seems.

You know who you are.

Will the BRALT be closed once the liquidation process is completed?

I hope so. The original intention has been diluted so much, it has been in terminal decline for a long time now, and has become a poor substitute for the Celtic v Rangers, Ranger v Celtic forum.

Not that that forum was anything special - so you can see how much, much poorer the BRALT has become

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A reminder here that Rangers keep banning BBC journalists and the BBC more widely because

a) the BBC is prevented by its charter from indulging in the kind of protracted, poisonous vendettas that e.g. the Sun or the Record can. The BBC won't respond to a ban by running three weeks of daily headlines about the chairman's dodgy past or the team's parlous finances, but the Sun will. This is why it's usually the BBC that gets banned, while the Sun doesn't, despite the fact that the Sun has attacked various Rangers figures far more viciously than the BBC ever could in the past.

This is the same reason why, whenever a politician gets on his high-horse about "media bias" or suchlike, it's almost always the BBC rather than the Sun that they target. And

b) because banning journalists greatly impresses the stupider parts of the Rangers support, much as politicians attacking the BBC impresses the stupider politics fan.

It's abject cowardice dressed up as courage, and it should be treated with derision.

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A reminder here that Rangers keep banning BBC journalists and the BBC more widely because

a) the BBC is prevented by its charter from indulging in the kind of protracted, poisonous vendettas that e.g. the Sun or the Record can. The BBC won't respond to a ban by running three weeks of daily headlines about the chairman's dodgy past or the team's parlous finances, but the Sun will. This is why it's usually the BBC that gets banned, while the Sun doesn't, despite the fact that the Sun has attacked various Rangers figures far more viciously than the BBC ever could in the past.

This is the same reason why, whenever a politician gets on his high-horse about "media bias" or suchlike, it's almost always the BBC rather than the Sun that they target. And

b) because banning journalists greatly impresses the stupider parts of the Rangers support, much as politicians attacking the BBC impresses the stupider politics fan.

It's abject cowardice dressed up as courage, and it should be treated with derision.


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Celtic fans taking the moral high ground over banning certain journalists, forgetting that their club has banned Kheevins and Jackson recently.

Didn't our dundonian friends also recently ban the BBC? I don't remember any outcry over that.

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