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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't King have a claim in with Oldco for the £20m he claims to have invested?

What possible benefit could it bring him to see the oldco resurrected and 50% of their debts paid off?

I just don't see why he would want the newco to give away so much money to creditors of something they have nothing to do with....

After all that is just a company that happened to run the football club. As we all know the football club was a separate entity that was purchased for 5.5m by Charles Green and it was the company The Rangers Football Club plc that entered liquidation not the football club. :)

Anyone for the continuation game?. :lol:

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Tell Queens Park that their existence is coterminous with The SFA's.

Tell UEFA that they are not doing their job as a governing body.

Under their rules, the rules which all European Association Football club's must adhere to a club is defined in their club licencing rules.

A licence applicant may only be a football club, i.e. a legal entity fully responsible

for a football team participating in national and international competitions

You have to be a member of an association to compete in competitions.

So your question about companies is moot, either that or if you wish to persist your logical stance proves the current Rangers are a new club due to the three year UEFA competition rule.

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After all that is just a company that happened to run the football club. As we all know the football club was a separate entity that was purchased for 5.5m by Charles Green and it was the company The Rangers Football Club plc that entered liquidation not the football club. :)

Anyone for the continuation game?. :lol:

Aye. The assets were fraudulently exchanged. There is no continuation only fraud and lies.

Game over.

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Tell UEFA that they are not doing their job as a governing body.

Under their rules, the rules which all European Association Football club's must adhere to a club is defined in their club licencing rules.

A licence applicant may only be a football club, i.e. a legal entity fully responsible

for a football team participating in national and international competitions

You have to be a member of an association to compete in competitions.

So your question about companies is moot, either that or if you wish to persist your logical stance proves the current Rangers are a new club due to the three year UEFA competition rule.

The SFA did indeed cover their arses back in 2012, they weren't even sure this Rangers was or was not a new club, even if they did say The Rangers was a continuation. I could almost get the faint hint the SFA were concerned about themselves personally becoming a target for the hate campaign back then after the way Rangers people and their supporters behaved during that summer of 2012. If it is true it sets a dangerous precedent and I can see why some supporters of other clubs who thought that way have given up on football because of this unfair playing field where intimidation and mob mentality is allowed to rule and the SFA were intimidated out of making a purely logical and impartial decision on The Rangers.

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3 yeas of trying to convince us it's the same club and the old company has nothing to do with it , blown apart in one sentence by Dave King, hysterical.

Maybe he's lying, maybe he doesn't want to but the oldco, maybe he doesn't think it matters. Oh god! How can we ever tell if what he says is true or not? i guess the bears will just have to pick and choose the bits they like as usual.

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Maybe he's lying, maybe he doesn't want to but the oldco, maybe he doesn't think it matters. Oh god! How can we ever tell if what he says is true or not? i guess the bears will just have to pick and choose the bits they like as usual.

It's the same as all their bravado and gusto in their posts. All so cock sure of themselves. All so superior. Then they get a bit of perceived good news and the guard is let down. They "good guys" win and they think it's all over. We get to hear from them of hiw hard a journey it's been and how much they've been through and all the rhetoric from before was just a front, lies (a common theme throughout the thread).

They are still up shit creek. The paddles are well gone and we are still seeing them desperately try to weave new info into their twisted and cracked rhetoric.

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Lets just read this again... :lol:

Yesterday, King said it was “practically feasible and legally feasible” to rehabilitate the oldco.

The South Africa-based tycoon added: “I would like to see us taking oldco out of liquidation and putting assets back into oldco.

“It would be a good thing to do. It would be back to the traditional Rangers.

“I think the supporters would like it.”

:lol: :lol: :lol:

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Dave King is fully aware he has been sold a fugazi by wanting to resurect the old company/club.


Magician Alan Duncan, who claims he is still owed £3200 from 2012, said: If the old club are brought back, I want my cash back.

Dave King said

It would be a good thing to do. It would be back to the traditional Rangers.

I think the supporters would like it.

So this Rangers in the Championship has no tradition, it just gets better. :lol: Dodgy Dave King knows. :lol: :lol:

Will the fake Rangers have to merge with the oldco? :lol:

And still yet not one Rangers fan has ever come up with the evidence that this club in the Championship is a continuation. :lol:

The gift that keeps on giving. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Uefa , Fifa , sfa , asa, aca

All the proof you need chief

54 and counting :)

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Looks like the Sevco Scotland fans are giving the forum a body swerve today. :lol:

They will wait until after the Livi game where they should be expected to get their self esteem back, though now that expected 9th win in a row just won't have the same meaning any more. :lol:

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