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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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BDO are required to get the best possible amount for all creditors, they clearly feel that HMRC are at it and by not appealing will suck up most of the pot available,

oh and its not tax payers money that fund the appeal, its money coming from the creditors pot,

but nice try in talking utter shite once again, im guessing now that the league is a formality and your european thread is barely worth venturing into that you will be back here rabbling a lot of unadulterated pish for the rest of the season?

Rabbling a lot of unadulterated pish.....bit like you when you got banned Jim for racism

now forced to troll with yer alias account.....are you still a member of that Stargate fans forum?????


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U wot blud? :lol:

I just read back his post. The highly intelligent individual, with an IQ which eclipses any we could offer, also uses the word "then" when he should be using the word "than". I am suspecting that he is bigging himself up a little and perhaps all his insightful posts should be treated with just the slightest amount of caution, he may be mistaken in some of his conclusions.

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A quote from the telegraph

" However, it is believed that one argument against the supposition that Rangers secured players by means of EBTs is that a range of variable inducements were in operation at that time and not only at Ibrox. Other avoidance schemes involved investment in such vehicles as film production companies and forestry development"

Film production companies?

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A quote from the telegraph

" However, it is believed that one argument against the supposition that Rangers secured players by means of EBTs is that a range of variable inducements were in operation at that time and not only at Ibrox. Other avoidance schemes involved investment in such vehicles as film production companies and forestry development"

Film production companies?

Whataboutery thread, for this pish.

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The never-ending story

What role did the tax case(s) play in all of this? The most important point in this entire affair is that Rangers’ failure to disclose the ‘side-letters’ allowed the situation to build to a point where there would be no escape from the inevitable insolvency. The evasiveness over ‘side-letters’ meant that a CVA was always unlikely. The use of taxes collected in season 2011/12 as working capital just banged down the lid on the coffin and made liquidation a certainty. The window for saving Rangers was in 2004. With every passing season, David Murray’s reckless spending and his board’s failure to implement spending cuts, the tar pit that was waiting for Rangers just got deeper and stickier. Only in the past few weeks have we seen the emergence of a most gentle repudiation of the disastrous David Murray years in the Scottish press. Scottish football has been slowly recovering from the effects of trying to compete with Murray’s ways. Yet there are some in positions of supposed influence at Hampden who seem to be actively trying to recreate this period rather than ensure it can never happen again.

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You will find many Rangers fans turning on DM on this thread.

We condemn these minor clerical errors in the strongest possible terms!

Yeah we've seen what passes for criticism of moonbeams on here. You'd call it a bit reckless putting the club at risk like that. But you will always stop short of admitting the level of dishonesty required to do what was done. As then you'd have to admit you were cheats and that the last 10 to 13 years your club was alive was meaningless for you and tainted for everyone else.

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We condemn these minor clerical errors in the strongest possible terms!

Yeah we've seen what passes for criticism of moonbeams on here. You'd call it a bit reckless putting the club at risk like that. But you will always stop short of admitting the level of dishonesty required to do what was done. As then you'd have to admit you were cheats and that the last 10 to 13 years your club was alive was meaningless for you and tainted for everyone else.


Any criticism of Murray is tempered by the fact that they love the baubles he arrogantly, dishonestly, brought.

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I was calling him an utter c**t 3 years ago alongside hoping he spent some time detained at her majesty's pleasure, not sure I could have gone much further without incurring a ban TBH.

This is just a myth that wallopers like you and the rodent push from time to time and much like the rest of the nonsense contained in your drivel daily it has no substance.

So why is he a c**t and why should he be in jail? To save a bit of time my next next post will be along the lines of:


Edited by williemillersmoustache
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The first one. You're consistently holding onto the position you were formerly inconsistent in switching to.

You're losing me. I'm pretty sure I said something like, "Now we know the outcome of the FTTT then the LNS inquiry is pretty pointless".

Pretty prophetic, in hindsight. No?

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You're losing me. I'm pretty sure I said something like, "Now we know the outcome of the FTTT then the LNS inquiry is pretty pointless".

Pretty prophetic, in hindsight. No?

No, there was plenty of point in such an inquiry taking place.

There are huge question marks however, regarding how it conducted its business.

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There are huge question marks however, regarding how it conducted its business.

Really? I have never, more than two years on, heard one word of criticism over the way it was conducted. It was clear, consistent, thoughtful and well documented. Fulfilled the "justice must be seen to be done" maxim in an exemplary way.

What aspect(s) of its conduct have you issues with and why has no one else raised this?

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