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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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That's entirely immaterial.  The terms of reference given to the commission was to proceed whether our use of EBTs was deemed to be within HMRC guidelines or not - which the commission duly did.


Is that entirely accurate?

I thought the commission was then instructed to proceed on the basis that the scheme was operated within HMRC guidelines because that was the existing judgement.

I didn't think it was instructed to proceed on the basis that any such judgement was immaterial.

It's an important distinction. Have I got that wrong?

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I was more than a little sceptical about The LNS enquiry as I suspected it could be a bit of a set up.  However, his lordship conducted himself with aplomb and was fair, reasonable and even-handed.  Above all, he was transparent.  Anyone who questions the enquiry clearly has an axe to grind.

And yet, you've said before that the whole EBT endeavour was clearly done in pursuit of sporting advantage, something you see as the duty of any football club.

Transparency needn't necessarily equate to fairness. The contradictions in your own stance are evidence of this.

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You predicted back in 2012 that this would happen in the 'next few years' it didn't, you got this wrong.  Hilarious that here you 4 years later setting yourself up for the same ridicule.

Almost as funny as you believing your racist hero that Rangers had paid all their small creditors lol...got that list proving it yet?...4 years and counting

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And yet, you've said before that the whole EBT endeavour was clearly done in pursuit of sporting advantage, something you see as the duty of any football club.

Gaining sporting advantage IS the duty of every club.  Sometimes you do it wisely and sometimes you don't.  My main point was that the phrase, "Gained a sporting advantage" is nonsense.  Who hasn't tried?

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Gaining sporting advantage IS the duty of every club.  Sometimes you do it wisely and sometimes you don't.  My main point was that the phrase, "Gained a sporting advantage" is nonsense.  Who hasn't tried?

And yet the judgement you place such self serving store in, is utterly reliant on the notion that Rangers did no such thing here.

You can't honestly point to said judgement as beyond question while openly questioning its central finding.

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Gaining sporting advantage IS the duty of every club. Sometimes you do it wisely and sometimes you don't. My main point was that the phrase, "Gained a sporting advantage" is nonsense. Who hasn't tried?

It's not the notion of gaining the sporting advantage. The method selected by Rangers to attempt to achieve this was to conceal, lie and die.

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Is that entirely accurate? I thought the commission was then instructed to proceed on the basis that the scheme was operated within HMRC guidelines because that was the existing judgement.

Nope.  The idea was that the findings of The FTT were not binding on the LNS commission and had no more status than hearsay.

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You can't honestly point to said judgement as beyond question while openly questioning its central finding.

Of course I can.  Our club, like yours, is set up to gain sporting advantage.  We gained nothing through our administrative inefficiency but got our wrists slapped for being disorganised.  That's all pretty fair.  Furthermore, our players were properly registered.

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Nope.  The idea was that the findings of The FTT were not binding on the LNS commission and had no more status than hearsay.

I think that's not true and I think that you've made many posts in the past that would suggest that you don't either.

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Of course I can.  Our club, like yours, is set up to gain sporting advantage.  We gained nothing through our administrative inefficiency but got our wrists slapped for being disorganised. 

But you've often said otherwise, yourself.

You know this and you also know that I know it.

What's to be gained by being silly about it?

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But you've often said otherwise, yourself

I did a quick search...and my views were:




"What I think is immaterial*.  The appeal possibility was discounted,"




Indeed not.  The LNS commission's judgment was unaffected by the UTT result, the CoS outcome or what may happen at the supreme court.


The SPL enquiry discounted what may come through the appeal process.  You know this.




It is odd to ask for a commission which found us guilty to be reconvened or overruled by a new commission.  On the basis that we should be exonerated or that we should be found more guilty than we actually were?  It has to be one or the other.


You also have to have a basis for the new commission.  That a later appeal found in favour of HMRC re The EBT scheme?  This possibility was both known, explicitly discussed and discounted by the SPL's representative who sought a decision irrespective of the appeal outcome.


Note to a few diddies banging on about sporting advantage.  The job of any club's management is to gain a sporting advantage.  Our use of EBTs was designed to help that for sure.  The issue is whether or not that advantage was gained unfairly.  The LNS commission found that it wasn't.


My view has been consistent as far as this part of the argument is concerned...LNS was advised to proceed and to discount any HMRC judgement.

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Absolutely we had a moral case to answer.  We overspent and we used an imprudent remuneration plan.  The consequence of being skint and of being chased by HMRC was administration which was absolutely our own fault and a fair moral judgement.


So LNS dealt with the legal case and the bailiffs dealt with the moral one so I say we've had our just deserts.  Time for The Diddies to agree with me and move on.



<<<Had more drinks than Kinky on an average Monday morning.

Edited by Joey Jo Jo Junior Shabadoo
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I am sure you were one of the posters that claimed the FTT (after Rangers won back in 2012) would have no bearing at all on the LNS commission.


Hilarious that you now claim it should.

You're right Ted.

Essentially it should have had no bearing at all and I maintain that. You'll find posts of mine saying the same after that was overturned.

The fact is though that the ruling was based on where that FTTT judgment stood at the time. The fact that that judgment has changed shouldn't matter but it therefore obviously does.

As far as I'm concerned though, Rangers transgressed in terms of player registration. That's why titles should be lost and it has little to do with the law of the land. Brechin didn't do anything actually illegal either in having a cup tie overturned.

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And here's the relevant quote in full. Note the bottom line which Bennett cut, the one that makes it extremely clear that I did not accept the verdict as correct.

You really are dishonest Bennett, forcing me to quote myself like that.

I told you that I don't care if you like it or not, that's why I never added that bit. It's accepting it I'm interested in?

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<<<Had more drinks than Kinky on an average Monday morning.

Your tragedy, JoJo, is that I could tober a bottle of Laphroaig and still be more sensible and coherent than you ;)

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I'll admit that I'm going mainly on your previous posts on the matter. Have you changed your tune on it?

You pretty-muched asked this question already which is why I went to the effort of digging out three quotes to disprove you.


I disagreed with the notion of the LNS enquiry but not with its terms.  Maybe this subtlety confused you.

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I told you that I don't care if you like it or not, that's why I never added that bit. It's accepting it I'm interested in?

You're being too foolish for words now.

It's clear that you tried to say I'd said something I simply hadn't.

You wanted it to be that I'd said before LNS ruled, that I'd accept his ruling, regardless of what it was.

Your tireless search turned up no such post, so you partially quoted one in which I said I was stuck with the the ruling after it was reached, even if I thought it was wrong.

In the words of someone else, you really ought to hold your hands up here.

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You pretty-muched asked this question already which is why I went to the effort of digging out three quotes to disprove you.


I disagreed with the notion of the LNS enquiry but not with its terms.  Maybe this subtlety confused you.

Has your new club paid it's fine for the old club cheating yet? Or are you still following cheats...

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