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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Can't remember what it was now.

Anyhow.... free food.....local team for local people.....

" Do you fancy a free pie and bovril? Do you have some spare time? Do you want to help your local team? If the answer to one or all of these questions are yes, then Queens would appreciate your help.

On Sunday 3rd of July the club are asking volunteers to come along to Palmerston to help spruce up the ground ahead of the new season. New community coach, Dan Armstrong is looking for people to help with the clean-up day which takes place between 1200 – 1600."

Ok Bennett. Even by your standards, that's a weird response to my request that you back up your latest daft allegation.

I don't think I'll bother heading round to Palmerston tomorrow. I maybe should, but I can't be arsed.

There's also the issue of the club asking for help from a fanbase whose united voice it chose to ignore and reject four summers ago. My memory isn't that short.

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Bennet, if you are such an avid blog reader, I'm surprised you've not posted this one yet.

Actually, I'm not.


the moron behind that doesnt seem to have a basic understanding of whats going on


1. we cant just give the money to the club, we have a strip deal with fat mike and if money from another set of strips was given to the club , then it could possible lead to legal action from the obese parasite

2. buying tickets etc is way of getting the money to the club and avoiding this situation, the money is going directly to the club but avoids the possibility of legal action, as far as i am aware the tickets are given away as freebies to kids, schools etc


not difficult to understand

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There is yer evidence of Scottish Football hating itself to death, rather than help your club out, you instead refuse to, citing the fact they did not stick the boot into the club you love to hate...years ago.......pathetic.

You think that fans should just accept being treated very badly by their club?

Sorry, from lots of your posts on here, I thought you saw such things differently.

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You think that fans should just accept being treated very badly by their club?

Sorry, from lots of your posts on here, I thought you saw such things differently.

Badly? What did they do that was so bad, thst it's left you traumatised?

Edited by bennett
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Hypothetically speaking, would it be possible to buy a club *without* the history?

Please try and answer that without banging on about your list of sources for the 500th time. Believe it or not people are allowed to have their own opinions.


f**k knows, it didnt happen though so it doesnt matter, people are allowed to have their own opinion but like flat earthers etc being allowed to have their own opinion doesnt stop them being wrong which people who believe we are a new club clearly are. you would love it if a stopped mentioning all the evidence which shows we are the same club and your complete lack of any evidence supporting your new club pish

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Duff'nPhelps claiming a typing mistake to hang the entire Same Club schtick on....?


Raise your game, min - you are looking ridiculous....


no, :lol:  it was my typing mistake. nice try though

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Badly? What did they do that was so bad, thst it's left you traumatised?

They actively sought fan opinion on the Rangers question via the official website.

The response was remarkably consistent. This response was then ignored as the club voted in a way that their subsequent attempt at an explanation, proved they could not adequately justify.

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Oh for Christ's sake, why do you keep reeling off this list of bodies who reached opinions as if they each did so independently and as if such opinions represent irrefutable evidence? And why, above all, do you feel the need to tell us all of it all the time? Seriously, what's it for? If you're so convinced and consider the entire issue as utterly beyond question, why keep rising to any wee suggestions of 'new club'? Why the Hell does it matter what the "idiots" think if the whole thing is so cut and dried? You're pretty much the only one who goes on so regularly about ex-players' views, or about liquidated clubs in England, yet you claim that it's the ideas associated with such things that you wish to counter. It begs questions about why you keep highlighting such matters at all. I'm actually basically fine with continuation, more or less, but all you keep doing with this regular, repetitive nonsense, is remind us of quite how insecure you are about it all. It's kinda funny.


yawn i keep reeling off the list as its evidence that we are the same club, thats how debating an issue works, you present the evidence and argue your case, something none of the sevco new club moonhowlers are capable of doing and i keep mentioning it in response to the new clubbers who are showing their insecurity by continually bringing up the new club pish despite it being settled that we are the same club for about 4 years now. i enjoy disccussing it and tying new club morons in knots, which is what happens everytime they bring it up , hope that helps


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What are you on about? What website have I been using for 4 years? I've not once mentioned such a thing. You just lash out indiscriminately at anyone who doesn't share your reading 100%. It's senseless and makes you look childish and a bit daft.


as pointed out numerous times, its not my reading, its the facts. anyone claiming that we are a new club or there is some doubt that we are the same club despite all the evidence proving we are the same club  is a complete fucking moron

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Simple solution that will end all the arguments. If you are the same club, pay the millions and millions that you owe, especially the amounts owed for the face painter and your clubs paper bill.....lol. Deal?


paying back the people who were owed money by oldco has absolutely no bearing on the clubs status, hope that helps

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as pointed out numerous times, its not my reading, its the facts. anyone claiming that we are a new club or there is some doubt that we are the same club despite all the evidence proving we are the same club  is a complete fucking moron

Yes, but you specifically said I was reliant on some UEFA website I've not once mentioned.

Do you want to just admit that you were talking rubbish?

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yawn i keep reeling off the list as its evidence that we are the same club, thats how debating an issue works, you present the evidence and argue your case, something none of the sevco new club moonhowlers are capable of doing and i keep mentioning it in response to the new clubbers who are showing their insecurity by continually bringing up the new club pish despite it being settled that we are the same club for about 4 years now. i enjoy disccussing it and tying new club morons in knots, which is what happens everytime they bring it up , hope that helps

Naw mate. What you apparently enjoy doing is revealing quite how immensely insecure you are about the entire notion of continuity.

It's as funny as it's revealing.

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the moron behind that doesnt seem to have a basic understanding of whats going on

1. we cant just give the money to the club, we have a strip deal with fat mike and if money from another set of strips was given to the club , then it could possible lead to legal action from the obese parasite

2. buying tickets etc is way of getting the money to the club and avoiding this situation, the money is going directly to the club but avoids the possibility of legal action, as far as i am aware the tickets are given away as freebies to kids, schools etc

not difficult to understand

Farm me, do you know nothing about your 'club'.

Money can't go to the club, it has no legal personality. Money has to go to the company.

Please correct your post.

Yours, ever helpful.


Edited by aDONisSheep
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