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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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Midnight Special. Hmmm. Don't know what to make of that. Plot was pretty basic. Acting was decent. 5/10

eta maybe needs another viewing when it's on TV.

Edited by young_bairn
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Into the Woods

It's a musical of various fairy stories starring James Cordon.

Just let that sink in.

-10/10. My telly is lucky it's still in one piece.

James Corden(I'm assuming that's who you mean) doesn't really bother me(as much as it should). Anna Kendrick is in it, therefore it is a 10/10 Edited by alang1993
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My Big Fat Greek Wedding 2 - 6/10


Not seen the first one but got dragged along to see this.  Funny in bits but a lack of proper eye candy made for an average cinema trip. 



Only other point to make was that there was somebody in the cinema who not only had an annoying laugh but also clapped when something was funny.  Clapping in cinema should be outlawed.  Fecking annoying when all that happens is somebody pulling a face for this happy clapper to go off. 

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The Legend of Barney Thomson - Quirky black comedy based in the east end of Glasgow. Strange film as I found parts of it to be absolutely dreadful but other parts to be really funny. Used to live on Bridgeton cross so was good to see the old gaff on the tele. 6/10.

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Spellbound (1945)


Another addition to my Hitchcock collection, this is a film I saw many years ago but it felt fresh watching it with my new found appreciation of the great man. The psychoanalysis dialogue feels a bit dated, the skiing scene looks rather ludicrous now and it never quite reaches the level of his best loved films like Vertigo, Rear Window or Shadow of a Doubt, however there are lots of good things about the film that make it a lot better than your average suspense thriller.


Ingrid Bergman, as you'd expect, is superb as the psychiatrist trying to unlock the supressed memories of Gregory Peck who may or may not have killed the man he is pretending to be. Amongst all the psychobabble there is a memorable surreal dream sequence devised by Salvador Dali and the introduction of Michael Chekov as Bergman's former tutor and mentor adds some light-hearted humour as well as suspense when Peck sleepwalks, holding an open razor, towards the nutty professor. There's a good twist near the end before a great tracking shot as you look down the barrel of a gun pointing at Bergman. Overall a very entertaining couple of hours.



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Batman vs Superman - I'd quite like to address this film in detail, so I'll spoiler my thoughts below in order to save space.




Respectable: The Mary Millington Story - documentary recounting the life of the Seventies British porn icon. A decent enough, and surprisingly explicit, watch, hampered by the fact that its subject isn't very interesting, outside of the prurience inherent in a character who was seemingly willing to bonk all and sundry. I couldn't help but feel that some of the talking heads were being allowed to bump up their roles in Millington's life, however, and the film ends with a fairly mean-spirited dig at her husband, happy to allow a few characters to heavily imply that he was married to Millington for her money and probably killed her, despite no apparent evidence. It's not hard to draw the conclusion that this was included as a GIRUY, as the man himself refused to participate in the film, and Millington apparently married HIM for financial reasons, according to the film itself.


Look Who's Back - German film following the conceit that Hitler magically reappears in modern-day Berlin, and sets about establishing himself in society. Not at all what I was expecting, this is a reasonably convincing argument that a fascist demagogue with a strong enough personality could do well in the world today; we're not as different to our recent ancestors as we'd like to believe. Oliver Masucci is magnetic as a fitter, stronger Fuhrer than Bruno Ganz's portrayal was in Downfall, and there's a nice, unexpected parody of the famous 'Hitler receiving bad news' scene from the latter. A funny, compelling, and slightly unnerving look at how these people can reach an audience, which is as timely as ever.

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The Ronaldo documentary.

It was...strange. I went into this knowing that he has an ego, but after you find out what his childhood was like, and how utterly vacuous and artificial his peer group is, it's hard not to feel sorry him.

Clear to see that he's an almost unnaturally driven individual. Also clear that he loves his son to pieces, but he does view him as being his successor.

So many things you could pick out that just seemed bizarre. Seen some comments that labelled Ronaldo as the Michael Jackson of football, in the respect that out with being the best in your field, not having anything substantial outside of it can turn you into a lonely, strange individual.

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The Monuments Men

Had pretty low expectations of this, as it got slaughtered by the critics. I have to say, I was pleasantly surprised, Clooney, Damon and Murray all had solid performances and Hugh Bonneville was very good as the British soldier. Plot was average, with only a few moments of drama in the entire film. Still, would recommend.


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Paris Is Burning 9/10

Incredible documentary into the NYC gay scene of the late 80s. Astonishing. On YouTube in HD, 75 mins, get on it!

Midnight Special 6/10

Great atmosphere, but the story didn't completely work for me. Kind of needed to be show nothing or explain everything but falling between the two just left it a bit disjointed. Good OST although a bit of a rip aff of 'It Follows' really.

Dheepan 7/10

Good film, much like 'A Prophet' and 'Rust & Bone' Audiard manages to create very believable characters and there is some great acting for the most part. There is one bit where you're like "ermmm WHAT?" but apart from that very decent.

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I watched that tonight too, pretty pish tbh. Find it strange how he won't tell his son who his mum is until he's 18 too.

I genuinely think that he may be gay, and that he chose a surrogacy option to be able to have a son.

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What makes you think he is gay?

Well, there are the rumours and pictures going about concerning him and that Moroccan (?) guy.

In honesty, he might not be, he could be bisexual for all we know. He has dated countless "wids".

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Definitely don't think he's gay. He seemed like a bit of a strange guy though and I found the movie pretty awkward to watch.

I googled the story about his kids mum and she's supposedly some American waitress that's been given 15 million to remain anonymous...? Bizarre set up.

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Walk Of Shame - 3/10. Watched it with a female friend who thought it looked good (FriendZone bitterness imvho tbqh) and I agreed on the basis that Elizabeth Banks is a total wid and the dress on the poster for it looked awfully tight. Pish film and Banks' wid-ness didn't really help get me through it since she's annoying as f**k in it.

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Well, there are the rumours and pictures going about concerning him and that Moroccan (?) guy.

In honesty, he might not be, he could be bisexual for all we know. He has dated countless "wids".


There was a clickbait story about his first date with Gemma Atkinson (wid) doing the rounds a week or so ago. They sat on the couch, drinking tea and watching Only Fools and Horses.


Regardless of his sexuality, that's f*cking weird.

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