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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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Dune 3/10. This was horrendous the only thing stopping me marking it lower is that it was visually impressive through the effects, sets/backgrounds and the costumes. It was soooo long it just went on and on and on. Ridiculously over complicated/hard to follow but somehow still stupid and no reason to invest in any of the characters who some just appeared 3/4 of the way through the film with little to no intoduction.

Nearly 3 hours of your life you won't get back.

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Dune (2021)

The worst film I have paid full price in the cinema to see. Was going to write a big long thing but it's just a self-important and portentious dumb film that remixes aspects of Star Wars and Game of Thrones in a parade of dull neofascist imagery and themes (hereditary power, great men, narratively convenient magic). There's some nice imagery but honestly filmmaking is so much more than nice images that look a bit like David Lean. Really boring. 2/10

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First Reformed 

More Paul Schrader magic. Ethan Hawke is a minister in crisis who meets an environmental activist who challenges him about the correct religious response to climate change. Hawke is brilliant in every scene and the use of 4:3, fixed camera and austere colours gives the movie the look of a painting. Maybe the best film I've seen from the past 5 years. 


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On 17/10/2021 at 22:05, Arch Stanton said:

The Departed (2006)

Just magnificent from start to finish and gave Scorsese his long awaited Oscar win.

Brilliant acting from Di Caprio, Damon, Nicholson, Wahlberg, Farmiga, Sheen, Baldwin...everybody!

It even has a guy from Paisley in it, trying hard to keep the smile off his face.

I know it's a remake of a Japanese film (Infernal Affairs) and I really need to get around to watching it.

However, for everyone who hasn't seen The Departed, give it a watch, it's outstanding.

ETA it also stars a not so youthful Ray Winstone!

Bloody Mexicans, always remaking Japanese films. 

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Interesting to see Dune getting pelters. The trailers have made it look like the most generic and tedious sci-fi blockbuster imaginable.

Still seems to be getting good reviews elsewhere, though.

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Interesting to see Dune getting pelters. The trailers have made it look like the most generic and tedious sci-fi blockbuster imaginable.
Still seems to be getting good reviews elsewhere, though.
I'm tempted to go see it, despite nor reading the book, watching the original or knowing anything other than seeing the trailer a few weeks ago.
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3 minutes ago, Stellaboz said:

I'm tempted to go see it, despite nor reading the book, watching the original or knowing anything other than seeing the trailer a few weeks ago.

A variety of people have been determined that I ought to read fantasy books at various points in my life, and Dune was one of them, but I'd already realised the genre wasn't for me by that point. However, I definitely saw the David Lynch film on the telly when I was a kid and found it very dull but, to be fair, I was pretty young.

Any film that features Sting in a metal nappy can't be all bad.

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Dune for me is hard to recommend because the writing has aged badly and it’s boring in a lot of places but it does have some of the most interesting concepts and setting that I can recall. I’ll probably see it in IMAX to see the big spaceships and see how it translates but I’m not surprised some people aren’t into it.

It’s also one of the most openly psychosexual novels ever written. Put your hand in the box, Paul. The pussy box.

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On 23/10/2021 at 00:35, Christophe said:

Dune (2021)

The worst film I have paid full price in the cinema to see. Was going to write a big long thing but it's just a self-important and portentious dumb film that remixes aspects of Star Wars and Game of Thrones in a parade of dull neofascist imagery and themes (hereditary power, great men, narratively convenient magic). There's some nice imagery but honestly filmmaking is so much more than nice images that look a bit like David Lean. Really boring. 2/10

Other than being an adaptation of a novel that was published in 1965, 12 years before Star Wars was released?

It was a poor adaptation. It's probably proof that if anybody is going to do a proper Dune adaptation then it has to be a large scale TV series over a number of seasons.

For folk who havent read the book(s) then its understandable that they were confused. For those who have, its understandable that people are disappointed that it was done so poorly.

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Watched No Time to Die last night.

Couldn't get into it till late on by which time I felt ill and had a wave of sweats hit me for no bloody reason. Wife thought I was totally engrossed in it leaning forward but I was trying not to spew.

I appreciate I haven't seen any of the previous films for years but...I dunno. It fell a bit flat and if the lady takes over as main role, I'm out. She was fucking boring. However Ana whatshername was an absolute delight.

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Boss baby 2
Was ok. Seemed to expect the audience to remember bits of the first one, which wasn't memorable enough for that. Didn't really make a lot of sense on its own terms, but it was stupid and pacy enough for basic entertainment. 

Did he fire anyone?...
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Light Sleeper (1992)

Still in the Schrader zone. Willem Defoe is a coke dealer working for Susan Sarandon and in classic movie style just when they are about to go straight something terrible happens. Like most Schrader movies it's about loner who wants to change his life but doesn't know how but unlike the better ones it's got aspirations of being a mainstream hit so it's not visually interesting enough to make up for emptiness of the main character.

On Dune as TV show I don't think it would work as TV shows either need to have likeable characters or be funny. Dune as far as I can tell is completely humourless so you would end up with something as rubbish as the final few episodes of GoT.

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10 hours ago, BallochSonsFan said:

Other than being an adaptation of a novel that was published in 1965, 12 years before Star Wars was released?

It was a poor adaptation. It's probably proof that if anybody is going to do a proper Dune adaptation then it has to be a large scale TV series over a number of seasons.

For folk who havent read the book(s) then its understandable that they were confused. For those who have, its understandable that people are disappointed that it was done so poorly.

I've read the novel, it's good!

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Went to see Halloween Kills on Friday night with my son, his choice and easily one of the worst films I have ever seen, fucking dreadful predictable cliched nonsense 

The ending where Michael Myers gets shot five times in the chest, gets a garden rake through his spine and a boning knife through the neck then, a minute later gets up, right as rain and just starts volleying c***s sums up the absurdity of it all.

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Venom: Let There Be Carnage (cinema): the titular anti-hero battles against another symbiote attached to a serial killer.

Been a while since I saw the original, but I remember it being a fairly mediocre CGI action film that became enjoyable because the title character was quite amusing. I'm not sure if that aspect has worn off on me, or if this was just a poorer film, but I really didn't get much out of it. You could sum up the full script in a paragraph, the dialogue ranges from meh to cringe-inducing (including an embarrassing title drop), there's masses of destructive CG action, and there's a distinct absence of risk involved in any of it.

Woody Harrelson and Naomie Harris are good value with what they're given, but it's all just very much...there, and it's the most average, middle-of-the-road, mediocre Hollywood effects movie that I've seen in a while. If you're going to see it, definitely do so in the cinema, as I'd guess that it would bore the tits off you without the big-screen FX to distract.

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