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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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City of Angels (1998)

This would have been up there with the best, if they hadn't chosen to employ Meg Ryan and Nick Cage to 'act' in it.

A good story that builds up a semblance of emotion, but at the same time you have to fight the hatred for Nicolas 'I can't act to save my life' (ironic given the role he is playing) Kim Coppola.


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Off to see Tropa d'Elite on Friday, looking foward to it.

Just back from Elite Squad (Tropa de Elite).

The film is based in the BOPE, Rio's elite SWAT team police unit. The narrator and BOPE captain is about to become a father and wants to leave the ultra-stressful world of fighting in the favelas. He is faced with racheted up pressure to clean up the favelas for the Pope's visit as well as choosing his successor. The two candidates are two rookie police who move together through the mire of corruption that is policing in Brazil. Eventually, they show enough aptitute to become members of BOPE - the film tells the story of their journey to becoming 'Skulls'.

It's a very high octane film, extremely violent as you'd expect, but also is interesting in that it shows how the corruption in Brazil creates the environment for the urban warfare to develop between the BOPE and the drug cartels. The rank and file Brazilian police are simply out for graft and cash leading the idealistic young recruits to go to BOPE where they are exposed to the brutal culture of the unit.

I thought it was a great film, very well shot with superb action scenes. The performances of the police were good (the film mainly focuses on them), one criticism of the movie would be it didnt' flesh out the secondary characters, the drug dealers and NGOs, as well as it could have. These are minor quibbles.

The director gave a short talk afterwards, he was asked a few questions. one was about the fact that the narrator has become a 'folk hero' in Brazil with fans mass producing posters of him. This is despite his absolute brutality at times in the film. I think that it just shows that the character was nuanced rather than a character.

I'd give it 8/10 - here's the trailer, in Portugese I'm afraid:

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Watched Reign Over Me, an Adam Sandler (go with me) movie about a guy who lost his entire family in 9/11 and struggles to readjust. I hate Sandler with a passion, but this and Punch Drunk Love show that when he drops the inane comedy routine he's actually a pretty talented actor. Reign Over Me got a bit of a doing from the critics, but I thought it was amusing, poignant and interesting in all the right measures. Liv Tyler is horribly miscast as a psychoanalyst however. Great soundtrack, and one which has something to do with the theme of the movie.

6/10 - put firmly in the much better than expected envelope

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Alferd Packer: The Musical AKA Cannibal! The Musical(1996)

To think that if South Park hadn't been a hit that this brilliant piece of comedy/horror/musical would be left festering quietly at the back of the Troma vaults with only a rare few actually having ever seen it.

Strange thing being that it's probably the best film I've ever seen from the Troma catalogues (Okay, I've only ever seen all 4 of the Toxic Avenger films, this and Def By Temptation)!

Just comedy gold!


Edited by SaltyTON
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I hate Sandler with a passion, but this and Punch Drunk Love show that when he drops the inane comedy routine he's actually a pretty talented actor.

Not sure that he drops in Reign Over Me. He might tone it down a little, but it's definately still there, complete with the anger issues. The fact that it's toned down makes it work well though, as it fits in with the character he's playing perfectly.

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Alferd Packer: The Musical AKA Cannibal! The Musical(1996)

To think that if South Park hadn't been a hit that this brilliant piece of comedy/horror/musical would be left festering quietly at the back of the Troma vaults with only a rare few actually having ever seen it.

Just comedy gold!


I'm delighted you've actually seen it. I loved this film and i can't talk to anybody about it 'cos nobody's seen it.

The trapper song is fuckin' tremendous. Edit:

I would also give this an 8/10.


Edited by Gall09
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Very good film, slow at points but hey that's part of the magic that is Asian cinema.

Beasically it's about a man who has been kept in a prison for 15 years and then suddenly gets released so he decides to hunt down his jailor as hecan't remember why he was imprisoned!

Must watch film if your a fan of japanese cinema 8/10.


A film with so much talent but delivers SO little it has a nice few plot turns but is ultimately a borefest however, Peter Petrelli is in it :P which was how I hear about it. Worth a scout if your in the mood but definitely below average! 4/10!

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Very good film, slow at points but hey that's part of the magic that is Asian cinema.

Beasically it's about a man who has been kept in a prison for 15 years and then suddenly gets released so he decides to hunt down his jailor as hecan't remember why he was imprisoned!

Must watch film if your a fan of japanese cinema 8/10.


A film with so much talent but delivers SO little it has a nice few plot turns but is ultimately a borefest however, Peter Petrelli is in it :P which was how I hear about it. Worth a scout if your in the mood but definitely below average! 4/10!

Can't remember why he gets imprisoned, you obviously weren't paying a lot of attention to it were you, the kidnapper tells him to try to find out why he was imprisoned and gives him a time limit to do it in.

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Waxwork (1988)

Take Zach Galligan (sans Gizmo), add John Rhys-Davies and nods to just about every horror film made in the last 50-odd years and you've got a spoof that will keep you entertained for the whole 90 minutes!

Okay it's aged pretty badly as the effects aren't particularly good, sure neither has House but using no CGI is always a good thing!

The "feed me" scene from Little Shop of Horrors was timed perfectly, especially when it involved the midget! :lol:

I really have to get the sequel because as well as Zach Galligan, it also has horror legend Bruce Campbell (and oddly enough Martin Kemp)l!!!


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4 Months, 3 Weeks and 2 Days

A movie about illegal abortions in Romania. I get the feeling that you have to be from Romania to fully understand what's going on in this movie. It's still pretty absorbing stuff, even if a lot of the characters are a bit on the annoying side. A couple of tense moments and a really vile scene add a bit of power to the movie as well.


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A Secret Handshake ( 2007 )

Crazy movie about some guy that has nightmares or something in a hotel room. It's been compared to David Lynch, and I'd certainly say that's not too far off of the mark. It certainly has all of the staples. The bush league cast, the very weird sequences and the way that it's shot. There's a lot of senseless bullshit involved in the movie as well. The ending explains things more than a Lynch movie has ever done though. Might be a crap ending, but hey, at least it rounds things off.

It's an okay movie I suppose. It keeps you watching because of the strange nature of things, and the ending is the only real disappointment.


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Can't remember why he gets imprisoned, you obviously weren't paying a lot of attention to it were you, the kidnapper tells him to try to find out why he was imprisoned and gives him a time limit to do it in.

I just copied what it said out of the TV Times (I shortened it down however missing the things that weren't needed) so that I wouldn't be giving any spoilers away numbnuts <_<

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Zoolander (2001)

I'll talk about the last half hour, as the first hour was boredom personified and only gets 1 point, purely for CB's signature.

The last part from when Derek and Matilda (thought I recognised her from somewhere, just wasn't sure where...checking IMDb it was Bonnie from Friends) go round to Hansel's house onwards, it turned in to a watchable film.

Overall, the fairest mark I can give it would be...


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I just copied what it said out of the TV Times (I shortened it down however missing the things that weren't needed) so that I wouldn't be giving any spoilers away numbnuts <_<

Everyone's seen it already anyway. It's been on Film 4 umpteen times already and reviewed by everyone on this thread ages ago.

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Everyone's seen it already anyway. It's been on Film 4 umpteen times already and reviewed by everyone on this thread ages ago.

You'll find that there's boatloads of people who still haven't seen the movie, including myself.

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