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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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300, 16 Blocks, Black Snake Moan were 8s.

My 8s there stop at Over The Hedge. The Presige to Alpha Dog hit the 9 mark. I'm sure you can figure the rest out when I tell you that 7 is the lowest rating.

It's safe to say Dead Man's Chest will not be making my list, or even coming close to doing so. X-Men won't be on the list either, even though it wasn't as bad as some people seem to make out.

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Python 4/10

usual giant snake malarky starring Robert Englund who has to be one of the creepiest looking men alive, if he hadn't became famous as an actor I think he would have became a seriel killer or a kiddy fiddler.

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Predator (1987)

Was on ITV4 last night so thought I'd watch it instead of SmackDown!, bad mistake. It's aged extremely badly!

The wrestling connection of Jesse Ventura made it passable, but that's about it! That and I shouted to the predator ''look over there, it's Andy Peters'' and he turned that way which made me laugh.


It's a classic! Shame on you! :angry:

But you had Saw III and Snakes on a Plane as your 1 and 2 of the best movies of '06 - you are an incompetent fool when it comes to movie reviews! :lol:

I have to agree with McGarry, mate. :(

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master and commander

very good

8.5/10 B)

I liked it, it wasn't anywhere near as good as you've made out, but good nonetheless.

Enjoyed the film as well - one of the few I've got on DVD - but it's not a patch on what it could have been. The script was a mishmash of incidents and lines taken from several of the books, and it missed out much of the excitement and almost all of the humour.

If you like the film you should try Patrick O'Brian's books - there were 20 Aubrey/Maturin novels published before he died, and all but the last two or three are brilliant.

The last film I saw was 'Kung Fu Panda'. Quite funny, brilliant animation, and the boys liked it. 6.5/10. I can't understand why my son can enjoy this film and also tell me how much he enjoyed watching 'Saw III' at his mate's house, a film which would have me scuttling to the big white telephone within the first five minutes. I suppose it's his revenge for me taking him to see City get humped 5-1 by Cowdenbeath in the pouring rain this afternoon.

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I liked it, it wasn't anywhere near as good as you've made out, but good nonetheless.

i always tend to give too many points, but really, that was a good movie :)

and thank you for the info scrooge1928 :)

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Bleed (2002) (V)

Your typical low budget horror, ripping off Halloween, in turn Scream. Then a cheap nod to the Shining.

A followed up by a mildly funny stereotypical comedy add-on just before the credits after where the film should really just have finished.

4/10 for the forensics being better than usual, and the script being as bad as they tend to be.

V for vandetta

Nonsense film that is watchable all the way through. Natalie Portman doing her best Adam Wee impression!

Stephen Fry is classic Fry mode!


How anyone can call Predator a classic when it's aged so badly it makes Alien seem up to date!

A classic is something like Apocalypse Now, Dawn of the Dead or the Rocky Horror Picture Show which are still the best films of their kind despite being made in the 70s.

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How anyone can call Predator a classic when it's aged so badly it makes Alien seem up to date!

A classic is something like Apocalypse Now, Dawn of the Dead or the Rocky Horror Picture Show which are still the best films of their kind despite being made in the 70s.

I don't think Predator's aged badly at all! :blink:

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I don't think the problem with Predator is that it has aged. The problem is that it's w**k.

Reign of Fire ( 2002 )

Wasn't the blockbuster type movie that I was expecting. Then again, I have only seen the DVD cover. Could have done without seeing Matthew McConaughey trying to act cool. He's not cool. The other problem with this movie is that from the very beginning, it seems to signpost where it's going to go. I've had worse movie experiences than this though.


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How anyone can call Predator a classic when it's aged so badly it makes Alien seem up to date!

A classic is something like Apocalypse Now, Dawn of the Dead or the Rocky Horror Picture Show which are still the best films of their kind despite being made in the 70s.

How can anyone call Apocalypse Now a classic when it goes to shit halfway through and just turns into a heap of gung-ho bollocks?

I don't think Predator's aged badly at all! :blink:


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master and commander

very good

8.5/10 B)

Master and Commander is the best Star Trek film never made ;)

How anyone can call Predator a classic when it's aged so badly it makes Alien seem up to date!

Time to hang up the reviewing boots Salty! All those shitty horror movies have pulpified your napper. :P

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How can anyone call Apocalypse Now a classic when it goes to shit halfway through and just turns into a heap of gung-ho bollocks?

Apocalypse now was shite, started of quite well then descended into utter drivel

Predator is still great.

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I just watched Cars. It's great. And it's on again...

It's brilliant, so watching it twice isn't a bad thing. A lot better than overrated bore-fests like Predator.

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Spiders 2 - 5/10

A bit better than the first one but not by much

I bought a "creature feature" box set with Crocodile 1&2, Octopus 1&2, Spiders 1&2, Shark 1,2&3 and Creature from the Black Lake.

Really have no idea why, as the spider ones sure as hell won't be watched, especially since I have now heard they are pretty crap!

Crocodile was quality though!

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The Blues Brothers

10/10 amazing film :D

good songs, good car chases and quite funny :D

Also the next night I watched Blues Brothers 2000 which was pish <_<

4/10 such a dissapointment and they never needed to make that after the success of the original!

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