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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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Richie Cunningham's screen adaptation of a stage play chronicling the series of interviews between David Frost and fallen president Richard Nixon after Watergate. It's wonderfully acted and directed - odd how a series of interviews which make make up the majority of the screen time can be so dramatic. One of the best films I have seen in a while. 9/10

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Ocean's Thirteen ( 2007 )

Great fun. The stuff with Casey Affleck is an absolute hoot. As for the rest of the cast, they keep things going well, and it turns out to be an entertaining movie.


Recount ( TV ) ( 2008 )

A movie about the Gore/Bush recounts in Florida. There's some right shameful stuff going on from the Florida Secretary of State, but you'd be surprised how little the gloves come off from either camp. All they really do is try to win the election, but then the SoS, played brilliantly by an over-acting Laura Dern, turns the screw and basically hands Bush the presidancy. It's nothing spectacular, but worth a watch.


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When i bought City of God, i saw that in HMV for a fiver. And was tempted as i had seen a few episodes on BBC2.

Worth getting then?

Aye for a five spot u cannae really go wrong, wud not say it reaches the heights of City of God but still really worth watching, filmed the same way and similar dialogue.

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Last night I watched Warlock (1989)

Richard E Grant was great as the witch hunter!

Quite a a funny movie, that doesn't even try to take itself seriously!

Richard E Grant: "Our interest lies in stopping those who would see all good falter. It lies in stopping the powers of misrule from coming of age. It lies in finding that damned book, and thwarting a vile beast of a man who shall not rest until God himself is thrown down, and all of creation becomes Satan's black hell besmeared farting hole!"



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defiance 4/10

boring.is it possible to make a film about the hardship of the jewish people without the sad violin music?couldve been an interesting film given the true story of the bielski partisans.tried too hard to be worthy.

hitman 6/10

dumb but fun,and olga kuyrlenko(sp?)get them oot :)

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Eden Lake ( 2008 )

The movie has a story, but it isn't mentioned for about 45 minutes. That pretty much sums this absolutely terrible movie up. This movie completely abandons it's premise and just turns into a bog standard b-movie. Not even half as disturbing as some people make out.


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Brazil ( 1985 )

It's amazing that a movie with such dull colour can be so easy on the eye. The only time that we have any real livelyness in the scenery is in the dream sequences from Lowry, and as the movie reaches it's nightmarish conclusion. The world created in this story is pretty bad, as is shown right from the word go, as a woman is forced to sign a receipt for her husband getting taken to jail. Thankfully, the movie doesn't take itself seriously in the slightest, and that helps to make this great. Robert De Niro is the highlight of the movie though, in fine comic form as Tuttle, the fugitive heating engineer.


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defiance 4/10

boring.is it possible to make a film about the hardship of the jewish people without the sad violin music?couldve been an interesting film given the true story of the bielski partisans.tried too hard to be worthy.

hitman 6/10

dumb but fun,and olga kuyrlenko(sp?)get them oot :)

I'm going to see this film at the weekend

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The Wrestler

Never knew Mickey Rourke had it in him. Fantastic performance and well worth his Oscar nomination. Enjoyable film, whether you're into wrestling or not - reason being that it's not really about the wrestling.


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L.A. Confidential (1997)

The download I had only had the last 70 minutes, but it was complete enough. The last 70 was a complete film as nothing was required from the previous hour to make it make sense.

9/10 because

Spacey died too soon.

Re-watched it, after getting it on DVD for £2 from Junkie Generator. Having the beginning added more than I expected, so makes it up to the full half score.


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The Dark Knight ( 2008 )

You can see why Ledger got nominations and awards for this. Easily the most sinister villain any Batman has faced to date. However, the revelation here is Aaron Eckhart as Harvey Dent, who is the most layered character in it, and as the movie goes on, he steals the movie more and more.

This is far from the wonder movie that some people make out. Although the cast is inch perfect and then some, the flaws are there for all to see. I'd call it a must see, purely to see how this thing unfolds.


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Elizabeth : The Golden Age ( 2007 )

Most of this movie is terribly boring. It's not helped by the most uncharismatic cast they could have selected, apart from Cate Blanchett, who is her usual great self in the title role, but she's the only highlight in a movie that's not bad, but just dull as dishwater. Thumbs stuck dead in the middle for this one.


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Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgandy - Best film I've seen in ages 9/10
Anchorman- Legend of Ron Burgandy - couple of funny moment but nothing special 6/10

Thank you. :) Exactly what I gave it when I watched it a while back... didn't see what was so great about it!

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I haven't watched a Woody Allen movie for years and I'm reminded why. Scarlet Johansson is a fine looking woman, and a great actor when she wants to be, but she should probably avoid comedy. Some absolutely shocking timing and particularly amusing wooden acting. Woody Allen does his neurotic New Yorker adequately, only this time in London.


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