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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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Star Trek

Absolutely awesome! It's the 2nd best Star Trek film I've seen.

Pine gets Kirk spot on and there are a couple of moments that he IS Shatner. Everyone is excellent in it without just doing impressions of the original cast. Pegg's Scottish accent is just the right side of awful to get Scotty right and Karl Urban is very good as Bones. Quinto's Spock is probably the biggest departure from the original character, but he's excellent.

The special effects are tremendous and Abrahms really likes showing off his new Enterprise.

More of the same please 9/10

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Napoleon Dynamite 9/10

It is a master piece in its own simple way. Loved it from start to finish. It's not laugh out loud funny but it is still excellent!

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Some skanky east end slut is having an affair with Ewen McGregor, and whilst he's feeding her the boaby on the couch with the Arsenal v Chelsea game on the telly (Which her husband and son are at) the stadium is blown up by suicide bombers. Then it's about her struggle with the guilt, and the Met cover up of the whole thing.

A pile of shite, it gets 1/10 because said slut got her paps oot.

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Some skanky east end slut is having an affair with Ewen McGregor, and whilst he's feeding her the boaby on the couch with the Arsenal v Chelsea game on the telly (Which her husband and son are at) the stadium is blown up by suicide bombers. Then it's about her struggle with the guilt, and the Met cover up of the whole thing.

A pile of shite, it gets 1/10 because said slut got her paps oot.

What a fantastic review :lol:

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Armageddon - 10/10

Does it need any justification? Seen in loads of times. Bruce Willis is awesome in it!

Good man. :)

the only film's that made me cry :(

Gave me a little tear aswell. :(

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Vampire Killer Barbies 3/10

Punk outfit the Killer Barbies van breaks down whilst in the middle of nowhere during a tour so they stay at a local creepy looking castle which hosts a deranged man who is constantly followed by dancing midgets, a sexy old burd and some other twat. Most amusing dubbing I've seen in a film, constantly out of time, sometimes a new scene appeared and whilst the actors were still talking from the last scene. 1 point for tits oot, 1 point for muff out and 1 point for the Killer Barbies having a decent song which was played for the majority of the film.

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the only film's that made me cry :(
Good man. :)

Gave me a little tear aswell. :(

Right at the end when he throws AJ back in and tells him his job is to look after his little girl now. Made me cry and leaves a lump in my throat every time :(

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