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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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Drag Me To Hell

Drag Me To Hull more like. Actually, this is a humorous horror with a wee twist or two in which a nauseating woman gets her comeuppance when she refuses a gypsy woman a loan to avoid her home being repossessed. So bad things happen after the gypsy puts a curse on her and her equally banal boyfriend. They consult a Cat Stevens look alike and much grossness ensues. It's not, it must be said, particularly frightening, but it never fails to raise a chuckle. Well worth going to pass an hour and a half, especially if you enjoy seeing

a woman getting smashed in the face with a frying pan.


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Mamma Mia

2/10 so far

Just sh#te

Funnily enough I agree. I started watching it yesterday and gave up after 10 minutes as it was just cack. I love Abba but that was just way too much.

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No Country for Old Men (2007)

Doubt this rating will change much in the last twenty minutes...

If this film was made by anyone by the fricking Coen brothers it wouldn't even have been nominated for a Bafta!

It's okay, but nothing worth writing any more about.


If it changes from a 6 then I'll edit this in the morning.

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Insomnia - 5/10 I expected so much more fromthis film with Pacino and Williams but it just never kept my attention.

Lakeview terrace - 6/10 Decent enough film. The only downside was it's predictability. You seen every twist a mile off.

I think your avatar tells folk everything about your sense of taste. That you didn't like Insomnia probably confirms it. :P

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There Will Be Blood

Not what I expected at all. Too slow-paced and it dragged on something awful. Didn't enjoy it at all, although the person that play Eli was brilliant. DDL was pretty good, but I didn't think it was worth winning an Oscar for imo. Seen better displays that haven't gotten anything.


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There Will Be Blood

Not what I expected at all. Too slow-paced and it dragged on something awful. Didn't enjoy it at all, although the person that play Eli was brilliant. DDL was pretty good, but I didn't think it was worth winning an Oscar for imo. Seen better displays that haven't gotten anything.


Pretty much agree with that, I liked it but found it far too slow paced and was expecting alittle bit more (from the story line, not the acting).

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Caught another couple of films in the Film Festival.


Predictably caused a lot of fuss in Cannes. I'm very familiar with the work of Lars von Trier and really like some of it while other ones do little for me. Unfortunately, this falls into the latter group. Visually superb prologue is followed by a lot of tedium as two dislikeable people work their way towards a fairly grisly conclusion involving sexual mutilation. Even if you know what's coming up, the violent bits are still sure to get audible gasps from the audience and a bit of laughter as well.



Canadian film described as a zombie movie but I don't think it falls too far into that category. Very well made film, brilliantly acted and best to be seen without knowing too much about it (other than the title referring to Pontypool in Canada and not Wales). I'm fairly sure the opinions on this thread will be split right down the middle with some thinking it's genius and others thinking it's pish. I love it.


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The hitcher 6/10

The young couple were so stupid


They certainly are. That bit where

he gets pulled in half by the truck

is gory as f**k, but hilarious at the same time.

I watched Deja Vu last night. It was FUCKING excellent. A very, very clever film. I'm gonna give it a 8/10.

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Mad Doctor of Blood Island (1968)

Noticed I hadn't watched this DVD that had just sold on Play.com...

Turns out it's one of the worst zombie-esque films ever made...

Only saving grace was this line, "You poor deluded fool! If I had any sentiment to spare, I would pity you!"


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