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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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BloodRayne II: Deliverance (2007) (V)

I wish Uwe Boll would stop making films based on horror concepts, his films don't tend to horror as such and tend to be shite. Postal was hilarious, stick to less than casual racism!!

The first film was just about bearable, but this was horrendous. It was just nonsense, from Transylvania in the first and now in the 'Wild West'. There's a third film, called Warhammer next year, but this time made in Croatia.

Please stop Uwe!!!


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Requiem For A Dream.

Wow. Just. Wow. Probably one of the most amazing films I have ever seen. Right up there with the likes of Kontroll. A very intense emotional experience, and something to think about.


There is no praise strong enough, this film is not for the faint hearted though.

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I think Sam Rockwell isn't recognised enough. He's very good. Here he plays a lone moon based astronaut on a 3 year mission who encounters another version of himself. Together he and himself struggle to find some answers about what his mean company bosses have done to him. Unsettling music and Kevin Spacey in his best role in years as the voice of a computer add to the atmosphere.


I really quite fancy that. It was on a short run at the DCA in Dundee a few weeks back - may download it at some point if I can't find it on release elsewhere.

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I Am Legend

Finally got around to watching it last night. Any hope of it being a good film was blown away by the huge amount of CGI on show. Add that to the usual plot inconsistancies that appear in films such as these and I didn't enjoy it very much at all.


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alien 6/10

quite a slow film. didnt really start going until an hour in. not bad though when it did

aliens 9/10.

much better film than the original. i thought it was a really good movie. cant believe i'd never seen it before.

This one always sparks a bit of debate. I find the first film is much better. The second one is too much of a shoot-em-up to my mind, though it is very enjoyable.

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This one always sparks a bit of debate. I find the first film is much better. The second one is too much of a shoot-em-up to my mind, though it is very enjoyable.

i can see where your coming from.

Although it's not the shoot em up style for me, it was just how long it took the first one to get going that swayed it for me.

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Guest dougalldogg


All about the trial in Isreal help before the hanging of Eichmann, based on the true events. Decent movie was quite intresting I thought, nothing hugely stand-out but would recommend it if you were intrested in that kinda thing.


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alien 6/10

quite a slow film. didnt really start going until an hour in. not bad though when it did

aliens 9/10.

much better film than the original. i thought it was a really good movie. cant believe i'd never seen it before.

Alien is an easy 9/10 for me, but so is Aliens. Cameron did the right thing by not trying to outdo the original and going in a totally different direction.

3 is hugely underated imho.

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Seven Pounds - 6/10

I usually like Will Smith films, this one wasn't bad don't get me wrong, but I just couldn't get to grips with it. It was rather back and forth, past/present. A good story-line but rather confusing at parts. Anyone else seen it? And if so, thoughts?

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Guest dougalldogg
Seven Pounds - 6/10

I usually like Will Smith films, this one wasn't bad don't get me wrong, but I just couldn't get to grips with it. It was rather back and forth, past/present. A good story-line but rather confusing at parts. Anyone else seen it? And if so, thoughts?

Watched it on Sunday night for the 2nd time, I think its brillaint, one of Will Smiths best films, Im quite a big fan of his aswell. I like the story line and the way it all pieces together at the end because it is quite confusing until he meets his brother and sleeps with the bird.

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Inglorious Basterds.

Haha, what a film. When Spielberg makes a WW2 film he makes it bleak, gritty, depressing and as realistic as possible. When Tarentino makes a WW2 film he adds modern day rock music and completely makes up everything that happened. :lol:


P.S, the bit where Pitt is pretending to be Italian and he goes "Bonjourno" in the thickest Southern U.S of A accent ever was funny as f**k. :lol:

Absolutely quality film. 10/10.

Changeling 8/10

I did not enjoy watching this at all due to the depressing/disturbing nature of the film.

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Hancock - 8/10

I'd heard some pretty negative views on this, but was actually pleasantly surprised by it. Found it pretty funny, thought that Will Smith played the role well. Fucking stupid ending, though.

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