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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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Last night I got round to watching Breaking the Waves. I thought it was an original and facinating story, with characters and a situation I felt real sympathy for. It was also very well acted. I found a couple of things maybe slightly unbelievable, the children hitting her with stones for example, what was all that about!?! I was also maybe a little dissapointed with the ending, I honestly didn't think that was how it would end or could end. Despite being, as Gall09 said, "hard going" it recieves a very solid 8/10.

Tonight I watched The Piano. Like breaking the waves an original idea. The music is instantly recognisable and simple brilliant. The acating makes this story believable. It was very well shot and the scenery was beautiful. Again, a solid 8/10.

I think I will make sure I watch both again some time, especially The Piano as I wasn't relly paying full attention to it. I think it may get a higher rating second time round.

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Recently I've seen

A Prophet

French gangster film that's been getting five star reviews in the press and regularly tipped as a film of the year. Disappointingly I didn't see what the fuss was about. It was quite good but overlong.


Up In The Air

George Clooney as a cynical guy who is employed to fly around the US and sack people. Nominated for umpteen awards and I can't understand why. Quite a few people seem to expect a quirky comedy and are very let down. I was expecting something a lot more low key but still found it no more than OK.


It Might Get Loud

Documentary featuring Jack White, The Edge and Jimmy Page. I've never been the biggest Led Zeppelin fan and don't really like U2 at all so I was never going to love this. Had some amusing moments and some good retro clips (the best of which didn't include the guys involved). The stuff with them talking as individuals was far better than when they all got together. Not too bad and not too good.


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Paranormal Activity ( 2007 )

This would be the one that wasn't messed around with at the end. It's a bit more tense than some people were letting on with their complaints. I can see where the "nothing happens" lot are coming from, but I definately got an increasing feeling of tension and it did certainly get scarier. The main guy is just a pure walloper in every sense of the word. It's almost as if he's being stupid for the sake of being stupid, but the tension just about lets him off. I love the sense of dread that comes with the rumbling. So yeah, good fun.


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Crank: High Voltage (2009)

I know that shit like this isn't what 10/10s are for, but this is so unbelievably ridiculous you can't help to love it! Every time you think that they've got to the most ridiculous they can possibly go... they go a million steps further! :lol:

Obviously you need ridiculous cameos to go with it, so stick in Ron Jeremy, David Carradine and Geri Halliwell.

Along with Postal this is my favourite ridiculous comedy ever.


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Paranormal Activity ( 2007 )

This would be the one that wasn't messed around with at the end. It's a bit more tense than some people were letting on with their complaints. I can see where the "nothing happens" lot are coming from, but I definately got an increasing feeling of tension and it did certainly get scarier. The main guy is just a pure walloper in every sense of the word. It's almost as if he's being stupid for the sake of being stupid, but the tension just about lets him off. I love the sense of dread that comes with the rumbling. So yeah, good fun.


I normally agree with your rating but not here.

Batman Begins

I love this film, i almost prefer it to the sequel. It an awesome cast and an all round good film. Without this film The Dark Knight wouldnt have been what it was. Also Scott Tracey from Thunderbirds is in which makes itall the better. As mentioned the ending is fantastic.


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Lakeview Terrace 7/10

A good suburban thriller. Samuel L Jackson is a widowed black Police Officer who takes out all his hatred by terrorising the mixed race couple that have moved in next door.

It was pretty straightforward but the part played by Jackson was good as was the aspect of a black guy being the 'racist'.

The missus was going on about this, may give it a watch although im not a fan of racism. Cant be worse than Shooter.

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The Wicker Man (Remake) - 0/10

I mean, we all know it's an abomination and expect it to be so before seeing it, but it's just so bad you feel compelled to watch. Not in a so bad it's good way, just in a so bad it has to seen to be believed, a hoping Nicholas Cage will never act again way.

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Paranormal Activity ( 2007 )

This would be the one that wasn't messed around with at the end. It's a bit more tense than some people were letting on with their complaints. I can see where the "nothing happens" lot are coming from, but I definately got an increasing feeling of tension and it did certainly get scarier. The main guy is just a pure walloper in every sense of the word. It's almost as if he's being stupid for the sake of being stupid, but the tension just about lets him off. I love the sense of dread that comes with the rumbling. So yeah, good fun.


I honestly wouldn't give this film anything higher than 5. I'm a bit of a sh*tebag when it comes to scary films before i watch them, but this was like all the rest and wasn't scary whatsoever.

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Finally got a chance to watch The Ultimate Cut of Watchmen. It's essentially the directors cut with 'The Tales Of The Black Freighter' interwoven into the film. This leaves a running time of nearly 3 hours 40 minutes which is heavy going by anyone's standards.

This is as close as anyone was ever going to get a faithful Watchmen adaptation to film. The additional scenes in this cut are superb, including the death of Hollis Mason which really should have made the theatrical cut.

Fantastic, but the book is still superior.


Is this out in the UK then?

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There was also Role Models quite recently. What a hilarious film. There are so many one liners it cracked me up: "You think I done it cause I'm black?" and "Me and the judge have a special relationship... I don't wanna get too graphic but I sucked his dick for drugs." Then there is old faithful ... "You know what I used to have for breakfast? Cocaine. Know what I had for lunch? Cocaine." "What did you have for dinner?" "Was it cocaine?" :lol: what a great film, great comedy and a not too bad story either - 9/10

Role Models is a film you don't expect much from and it ends up being hilarious.

One of my favourite part I never noticed the first time I watched, is the voice of the Role Playing guy in the background "Esplen's Alive?!"

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Role Models is a film you don't expect much from and it ends up being hilarious.

One of my favourite part I never noticed the first time I watched, is the voice of the Role Playing guy in the background "Esplen's Alive?!"

One of my favourite bits was also just a daft throwaway bit, when they're out camping. The geek Martin walks over to Paul Rudd and sings "Oh Danny boy, the Danny boy's are Danny boy" :lol:


Doghouse - 8/10

You know straight away what you're getting with this film. Just a mad, funny, gory zombie film, not too dissimilar to Severance (I realise that wasn't a zombie film, but if you see it you'll know what i mean).

There's some really funny scenes, and it's action from start to finish. Really enjoyed it.

Albino Alligator - 7/10

3 guys on the run from the cops take refuge in a basement bar which then turns into a hostage situation. It's well paced throughout, with a few good twists and good performances, mainly from Faye Dunaway and William Fichtner.

Though for some reason, whenever i watch Matt Dillon, i just see his character from There's Something About Mary. I suppose that's not his fault though. :D

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Lakeview Terrace 7/10

A good suburban thriller. Samuel L Jackson is a widowed black Police Officer who takes out all his hatred by terrorising the mixed race couple that have moved in next door.

It was pretty straightforward but the part played by Jackson was good as was the aspect of a black guy being the 'racist'.

I watched this tonight, and I'd agree with most of what you've said.

I'm not totally convinced Jackson was inherently racist per se, however. It was revealed that he thought his wife had been cheating on him with a white guy, therefore when he saw a mixed race couple move in next door, he kinda lost the plot. Being a mental bástard wouldn't have helped either, mind.

Early scenes showed him friendly with a far eastern chap, and his partner was hispanic, so I don't think he was necessarily as racist as the blurb made him out to be. Just completely fucked up.

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Last night I got round to watching Breaking the Waves. I thought it was an original and facinating story, with characters and a situation I felt real sympathy for. It was also very well acted. I found a couple of things maybe slightly unbelievable, the children hitting her with stones for example, what was all that about!?! I was also maybe a little dissapointed with the ending, I honestly didn't think that was how it would end or could end. Despite being, as Gall09 said, "hard going" it recieves a very solid 8/10.

In retrospect I think I may have been a bit harsh, what a fantastic film, 9/10.

Anyway, tonight was the turn of Brazil (1985)

Typically Gilliam and as you would expect very pythonesque. A fantastic soundtrack, which the film takes it title from. Once you get you head round the alternate world you understand what a a fantastic peice of brilliant satire this is. Plenty of belly laughs aswell. I am a big Monty Python and especially a Michael Palin fan, I have yet to see something he has done that I have not enjoyed, and this was no exception. The ending was simply fantastic and summed up the whole mood of the film! This gets a very easy 9/10. I did think the relationship between the two central characters was slihtly rushed.

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