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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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The Elephant Man ( 1980 )

David Lynch really did have a thing for black and white back then, didn't he ? This is definately more like it, although it IS much more conventional. Watching those final moments certainly doesn't go up there with the easiest things you'll ever watch, but neither again is much of this movie. The reactions to him and the way that he is revealed to us shows that David Lynch certainly DOES know how to tell a simple story. And a great one.


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Eraserhead ( 1977 )

A lot of people say that some of what David Lynch does is just a lot of nonsense. And they'd be right too. Even Lynch himself has admitted that this is so. That's the least of the problems here though. David Lynch has at least been able to put out a good movie even with the added weirdness. What he USUALLY brings to the table though is something that you can watch. It turns out he can't even do that this time. Everything from the way it's sounds to the way it looks to the actual plot is just horrific to watch. It's terrible.


I first saw that when I was about eleven circa 1982, and it totally freaked me out.

Saw it again as an adult many years later, and it's a very cleverly made film, bursting with symbolism. For an arty film fan, it's a wet dream. As a piece of entertainment, however, it doesn't really work. A lot of it is difficult to watch. Mind you, his hairstyle alone is enough to warrant a 5/10 rating!

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Eraserhead ( 1977 )

A lot of people say that some of what David Lynch does is just a lot of nonsense. And they'd be right too. Even Lynch himself has admitted that this is so. That's the least of the problems here though. David Lynch has at least been able to put out a good movie even with the added weirdness. What he USUALLY brings to the table though is something that you can watch. It turns out he can't even do that this time. Everything from the way it's sounds to the way it looks to the actual plot is just horrific to watch. It's terrible.


Is there a baby in it that bawls? Jello Biafra sings something about it in "too drunk to f**k"

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Watched Goodfellas today, got the DVD the other day. Great film, was confused as f**k though as halfway through the film you need to take the disc out, turn it upside down, then put it back in again. Took me at least 5 minutes to figure that out :(, surely theres not many other DVDs like that?


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Watched Goodfellas today, got the DVD the other day. Great film, was confused as f**k though as halfway through the film you need to take the disc out, turn it upside down, then put it back in again. Took me at least 5 minutes to figure that out :(, surely theres not many other DVDs like that?


I think I had to do that on the DVDs I have or Lawrence or Arabia and Doctor Zhivago and possibly Das Boot. In other words, it's not common but it's common in really long films.

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Role Models 8/10

Agree with a couple of others recently that watching it second time around you pick up on things missed the first time around.

"If it isn't Mr. Bullshit and Dr. I'm-full-of-shit?"

"In what way are we full of shit?"

"Which one of us has the Ph.D?"


Perfect movie for Paul Rudd and Sean William Scott. The back-up cast are brilliant as well with the Sturdy Wings bird and the two boys. Definitely a movie that won't get old.

Great, great film...

"They say..you look like a young Marvin Hamlisch. And I say..who the fuck is Marvin Hamlisch."

"Et tu you two?"

:lol: :lol: :lol:


Edited by Gordon EF
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Avatar 3D.

It's pretty basic Hollywood fayre but done with a simply stunning visual style that pushes it higher than the ABC storyline and makes it memorable.

Had it been cheaply or poorly made, I'd have probably given the story a 7/10. Decent but bearing more than a passing resemblance to the prinicples of Dancing With Wolves. The whole scenario of torn loyalties between the people who you work for and the people who you've grown to love.

But the style in which it is presented is simply astounding. The detail in the faces and movements of the Na'vi make you forget that they are computer animated and you genuinely care about them, I personally just got lost in the whole presentation. The environments are stunning and the people who worked on the CGI created a masterpiece in cinema. No matter what happens, it will be remembered as a movie which is pioneering, partly due to the CGI, and partly due to the 2nd, and real, dawn of 3D cinema.

This is the first time I've ever experienced a 3D film and I thought watching a movie in 3D for alomst 3 hours would make my brain and eyes hurt. Instead I found myself quite astounded at the entire concept from the first minute to the last as it was much more subtle than I envisioned. I expected a non-stop barrage of 'look what we can do' special effects. Instead it was the simpler things like the interfaces the characters used in the film and the slight differences which distinguish foreground from background which astounded me most. If you excuse the pun, it really does add an entire new dimension to film making and worked a treat for this film.

I'd say overall the story is 7/10.

For the visual concept, CGI and 3D though, I'd need to give Avatar a 9/10.

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balls of fury 3/10

imagine a shite 'enter the dragon' except with ping pong balls. Maybe funny in a couple of parts, but otherwise forced-comedy pish.

walk hard 8/10

i actually really liked this film. especially the bits when cox is trying to get talked out of the drugs.

talledega nights 7/10

shake and bake!!

blues brothers 6/10


star wars I : the phantom menace 7/10

fancy having a wee go off watching through the star wars film as i havent seen them in ages. I always rewind that bit between obi-wan and darth maul's saber fight. Christ i'm such a geek...

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Grotesque 7/10

Japanese torture horror film released this year and banned in the UK due to being sick as f**k. A few of the torture scenes were right minging.



Where did you get it? It sounds like how Hostel would have been if it hadn't been left to fester in the hands of Eli Roth. :)

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I think I had to do that on the DVDs I have or Lawrence or Arabia and Doctor Zhivago and possibly Das Boot. In other words, it's not common but it's common in really long films.

The original DVD release of Goodfellas is on a single layer two sided disc (they were cheaper to produce), the special edition (and most DVDs) is dual layer with the whole movie on one side. /nerd

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Blazing Saddles

Another fantastic Mel Brooks film with moment of sheer brilliance. I think one of my favourite lines of all time, a pishtake of the Irish, resides in this film but the explicit nature of it would no doubt reult in a warning on here. Gene Wilder on top form, almost as good as he is in 'Young Frankenstein'. This is not a film for the easily offended but lots of fun.

8.5/10 Im starting to be stricter with my ratings, in order for a film to get an 8/9 it has to be one of my favourite films ever and to get a 10/10 it has to be flawless.

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star wars 2 : attack of the clones 5/10

i fucking hate hayden christensen. Appalling excuse of an actor in this. The attempts at displaying sexual tension between him and natalie portman are nothing short of cringeworthy!

I also dont like how mcgregor goes from being the man in the first episode to a pansy in the second one.

I'm being a little bit generous with this mark due to the half-decent fight scenes at the end.

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