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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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the zombie diaries 6/10 cheap cheap cheap badly acted but fair play to them for making it

zombie land 7/10 good fun and a cheeky wee appearence from bill murray

dawn of the dead (original) 10/10 my favourite ever film a master piece which shits all over

survival of the dead 1/10 what an absolute unmitigated disaster please stop making them you are killing my enjoyment of the classics by churning out this shite badly acted badly written abortion

I loved SotD (9/10) but only as I knew it was going to be a parody, and didn't take it seriously. As a horror it's fucking shit, but it was never meant to be!

Zombie Diaries is not bad for a British zombie film, and not much worse (5/10) than Romero's worst one (Diary)

Long flight on Tuesday past:

Fantastic Mr Fox 8/10

The Pianist 9/10

Long? :lol: Two films....

Midnight Movie (2008)

Caught the last hour of this on Zone Horror last night, acting bad, script laughable, but hilarious deaths!

Worth watching for the movie's killer Radford going about killing people who are watching a late night screening of the film. Made no sense, but funny! :D


Edited by SaltyTON
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The Book Of Eli

I was told this film was similar to The Road. What I wasn't told was that it was exactly the same story, only with cartoon violence and a more famous cast, and a book. And you know what, it's not nearly as good, despite a small role for Tom Waits playing, well, Tom Waits really. Denzil Washington walks, not to the coast, but to the west. With him not his son, but a daft girl who is only there for the sake of the sequel, I suspect. Ought to have been much better.


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9/10 I love these kind of films. The special effects were unbelievable I wish I had taken the time to see this in the cinema. Obviosly these films are unrealistic but what annoyed me was the fact that every time they moved they were about three seconds away from death and the ground would collapse beneath them , must have happened like 12 times .

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Kick-Ass - the name does it justice. Its the best "comic-adaptation" movie I've seen. Its daft, over the top, gory, and just pretty awesome. 9 / 10

The Lovely Bones - absolute shite. A reviewer that was right on the money described it as "high school musical meets lord of the rings, with a paedophile serial killer thrown in". 2 / 10

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Sniper 3 (2004) (V)

Vietnam war sniper sent back to Saigon after the guy who was saved his life during the war. He learns about why the government want him dead, the usual corruption. Bits of violence, interspersed with a very patchy storyline.

Berenger and his Viatnamese counterpart perform wonders, and Billy Zane dies... what more can you ask of a second straight-to-video sequel?

Watchable, if wholly predictable.


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Had a mega session of dvd-watching on sunday

Office Space 59%

It was okay, i was expecting a little bit more due to all the hype that i had heard from it. Still, the bit from family guy when brian and stewie are destroying 'the bird is word' record makes a bit more sense now! lol

Predator 91%

Classic, got to be one of my all time favourites, and probably why my rating for it is so generous. Dutch is the daddy. Brutal, and little to no mercy shown. The way i like it :)

Predator 2 71%

It was always a hard job to follow the first and it would have got a higher rating hadnt the ending been so pedantic. I thought that glover carried the film pretty well and played to his strengths throughout. Although you could say he's a bit of a typecast playing cops in films, i thinks it a shame we havent seen him as the main man in more films.

Vantage Point 65%

It started off so promisingly, president shot and an explosion in at the scene. Even going through everyone's perspective was pretty enjoyable. Although as soon as the vantage points stopped happening in the film and seen the twist(which i thought was arguably quite predictable) it became something of an anti-climax and finished off rather dully.

Slumdog Millionaire 65%

It was good, but maybe i'm being less generous because i genuienly thought for some reason that this film would be one of those that would live up to all the hype. Not for one second did i think that the good guy would get the win.

Not for one second did i think that the good guy would get the win. On the final question, 'I just go for A. I dont give a f**k if i lose or win... Oh, low and behold i won!!' My arse.

Also i knew the answer was hobbs, but i have my mates experiences on the pub quiz machines to thank for it! :lol:

Frost/Nixon 62%

It wasnt that great however until it reached the 'imfamous watergate debate' climax of the film that was everything that i hoped it would be. I actually it watched again, because i thought the acting between the pair, and the portrayl of it all was top drawer. If the climax hadnt been so good it probably would have been rated at about 45%.

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The Burbs got another outing yesterday. I think I marked it at 8/10 a couple of weeks ago so it can have the same again.

I also watched 'The Road' which never really got going properly. Too slow and not a right lot happened. 5/10

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Road to Perdition (2002)

Was on film 4 last week, when it first came out wasn't too bothered, stuck it on sky planner to watch. Very glad I did some strong performances Hanks as an anti hero, Jude Law (who I'm not a fan of) nailed his role as a wee teeth pickin', dirty nailed rat hitman. Future Bond Daniel Craig as a spoiled playboy gangster. I think this was also the late Paul Newman's last film role, they don't make many actors like him anymore.

Basic plot: Craig kills Hank's wife and son, Hanks then has to try to protect his other son as they are hunted before he can enact revenge on Craig the son of Newman who is also his mentor.


I believe Sam Mendes director of this is earmarked for the next Bond film, should be in safe hands. Don't expect Bond to stepping stone any alligators though!

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2012: 54%

Graphics as excepted were decent and the only reason my mark is so generous. The storyline though at times was fucking woeful at times and every great kind of miraculous escape had to be by the smallest bawhair.

Shame as well because i quite like john cusack. <_<

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Drama based around the World Court in the Hague and the trial of a Serbian General for war crimes. Fairly downbeat, obviously, but not too bad. I can't see many people being interested. The fact I saw it in a cinema with two other people would seem to agree.


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Identity - 7/10

Felt they just went a twist too far on this one. When it's revealed that

all the people at the Motel are in the serial killer's head

i thought that was pretty good. However, right at the end when Amanda Peet meets her demise that spoiled it for me a bit. Was a bit too ridiculous.

I did enjoy it for the most part though, would watch it again.

Smokin' Aces - 7/10

Good fun. All the hitmen/women and their back-stories play a part in adding to the film's excitement. And Jeremy Piven's character would make a good government advert about the dangers of cocaine. He looks totally fucked!

And Alicia Keys is a babe.

Eastern Promises - 8/10

For about the 4th time. Viggo Mortensen is terrific in it.

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Shutter Island

I enjoyed this film. Granted their were twists plenty of twists, some of which you could see coming some were more of a shock, this wasn't really why I liked it. Di Caprio once again plays a really good part and carries the film. It is pretty much entirely based around him so if you aren't a fan it's not one for you.

The ending is actually quite sad with the viewer gaining an insight into how he, and others will feel. Overall it's well worth a watch.

Rating: 76%

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Drama based around the World Court in the Hague and the trial of a Serbian General for war crimes. Fairly downbeat, obviously, but not too bad. I can't see many people being interested. The fact I saw it in a cinema with two other people would seem to agree.


Presumably you took the opportunity to sit in the "premium" seats without paying extra. :ph34r:

I love it when the cinema is nearly empty. I saw Moon in a cinema in Milton Keynes and there was only one other person. It was great, but at the same time quite depressing as I knew fine well there would be a full house for Scary Movie 13 or whatever rubbish was on elsewhere.

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Zodiac 42%

This was so promising. For the first hour of the hour of the film, i really thought this was going somewhere. Your typical unhinged serial killer causing havoc all over the place. Then stagnated, i know that this story was based on true events but it spent far too long on jake gyllenhal's character pursuit of the serial killer. There no need to drag this film out over two and a half hours. I could have fast-forwarded through the movie in large chunks throughtout the middle of the story and would have been quite safe in the knowledge that i hadnt missed anything important in the plot.

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