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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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Saint Ralph (2004)

When I was at my grans this morning I was flicking through Virgin movies on demand and I came across this movie. It's about 14 year old Ralph Walker who's Dad and Grandparents are dead and his mother is in a coma. Set in 1953 he is your average teenager (smoking, drinking and masterbating in public swimming pools). He goes to a catholic school and is forced to join the cross country team. He later realises that his cross country teacher was set to be an Olympian at the Berlin 1936 games before he got injured. Ralph is told that it will be a miracle for his Mother to wake up so he decides that if he can make a miracle she might wake up. So Ralph decides to run the Boston marathon.

Totally unpredictable ending!

I did not expect a lot of this movie but now it is one of my favourite movies of all time.



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control - a film about the late ian curtis from joy division. before i stumbled across this film on youtube i knew nothing about joy division except that the singer(whose name i didn't even know) died and new order rose from the ashes. it's strange in the sense that you don't know how to feel about ian curtis by the end of the film. i was intrigued by the obvious genius of such a young man and what a unique character he was, but at the same time the affair opens up a major flaw.

8/10 - i have since immersed myself in joy division.

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Have you watched Zombie Strippers yet?

Not yet, will watch it tonight.

Nightmare Hostel 2/10

Now that was fucking horrific, got it for £2 out of Woolworths and felt ripped off! It only got 2/10 from me as Andrew Divoff (Wishmaster) was in it, and he's the most evil looking person on the face of the Earth!

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The Lovely Bones ( 2009 )

What an up-it's-arse piece of shit this movie is. Seems that Peter Jackson was more interested in making the movie look good, rather than making the actual movie good. The performances were crap for the most part too. Susan Sarandon and Stanley Tucci are the only good point from that side of things. I'm willing to give points for the looks because at least Peter Jackson was able to succeed in doing that part right.


That's a pity the book is really good. I did wonder what Peter Jackson was going to do with The Lovely Bones.

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MacBeth 2/10 Had to weatch it so i could write an english essay on it.

Really helpful, given there has been dozens of versions of MacBeth made...

And if you wrote an English essay on the recent version you have just failed. If you wrote "weatch", and spelt English and I without capitalising them, then you have definitely failed...

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Iron Man 2 - 6/10

Too much dialogue and not enough action scenes IMO, although the dialogue in it was quite good and made the film watchable (well that and Scarlett Johannson wub.gif) . Seems like they were going towards the comedy/action mix that they pulled off so successfully in the first film, but they were never going to match it.

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Righteous Kill

Had this been a medium budget thriller with a cast of journeymen actors and actresses, it would have been a passable effort. That its two main stars are Pacino and De Niro, with support from the likes of John Leguizamo and the legend that is Brian Dennehy, makes it a bit of a travesty. Why the top two accepted this wafer thin script, I'll never know.

There's a few nods to other films the stars have been in (Taxi Driver, First Blood, etc), but the wee in-jokes don't really save this from being a bit of a turkey.


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Classic. 'Get to da chopppaaa!.


Watched this last week - very enjoyable watch. 8/10

Last night was Bad Boys on Comedy Central 9/10 for me. The banter between Smith and Lawrence is superb and Tia Leoni? :wub:

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Tea Leoni? :wub:

I've always thought Tea Leoni has looked like Tom Cruise wearing women's clothes with make up, and I just can't get past that. So, for that very reason, she's never really been in my w**k-bank, so to speak.

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Cannibal ferox (1981)

It's called the most violent film of all time, and as Italian horror tends to be it is pretty damn gruesome.

We've got a bunch of anthropologist trying to dispel the myth of cannibalism in the Amazon, who run into a drug dealer who has enslaved a tribe to get them to find him emeralds and harvest the coca leaf.

In the end, well they're pretty much getting slaughtered all over the place, and with a surprisingly high number of these Italian cannibal horrors two guys get castrated...

Quite well done, spaghetti horrors are quite hit and miss but this one was one of the better ones!


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Equilibrium - 4/10

I remember watching this when it came out a few years ago and thought it was pish. Then I watched it again tonight to give it another chance, its still pish. The film doesnt make sense, everyone has to take a traquilizer every day so that they stop feelin emotions so that it will end all wars and all paintings, decoritive items etc which would bring people feelings are contaband (WTF!!!)

But you can quite cleaerly see the characters showing emotion, happy, sad, angry etc I know some didnt take their tranquilizers and thats why they felt emotions. But the black cleric showed plenty of emotion but was still taking his.

The fighting scenes were either totally overdone or looked like somethin out a crap 80's movie. And it's got Brian Connelly in it!!!

Utter bollocks really.

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A quick question someone on here will know the answer to.

I've been watching movies on my old PS2 recently and I had on A River Runs Through it last night and it broke. I'd seen up to where the woman gives the guy a lift home along the train track - how much of the film have I missed? I was quite enjoying it.

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Zombie Strippers! (2008)

I agree with Uberman, again, on this one - a definite watch from comedy horror fans.

Delivered everything it promised, I even thought Jenna Jameson's acting wasn't that bad...

The most important thing in this movie, was the brilliant Robert Englund who once again acts everyone off the screen, he's brilliant in comedy roles as he' s so good at black humour!

He rescued Hatchet, Jack Brooks and 2001 Maniacs from being really low marks, and he helped get this one up from about 5, to 7/10

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Iron Man 2 - 8/10

Going into this movie I thought "If this movie is half as good as the soundtrack, I'll be satifisfied" and wasn't disappointed. Went to see it at the weekend and thoroughly enjoyed it. Maybe not enough action but when it came it was very good I thought. Rourke and RDJ are decent in it with a few funny moments and witty remarks.

Enjoyed the ending with Highway to Hell blaring.cool.gif

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Sacred Flesh 2/10

I have no idea what this was about, it seemed to be on the verge of porn and had a close up of a nun's nan in it which raised a chuckle. Some sort of zombie nun appeared in dreams predicting doom inbetween shots of lesbo nun's getting in about each other. The cover proudly proclaims The Scottish Sun ran a front page story about it on it's release and tried to get it banned, unfortunately they failed.

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The Village (2004)

Is there any wonder that M Night Marshmallow Man has the worst reputation in Hollywood? His films are tired predictable nonsense, with pointless twists which you can see a mile off and have given up caring by the time they happen.

The only plus points were the brilliant Brendan Gleeson, and for what happened to Adrien Brody.

3/10 - and that's being pretty generous!

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Four Lions

I'm a fan of Chris Morris but had heard some so-so reviews so was unsure as to how much I'd like this. Maybe going in without the high expectations his stuff can generate was a good thing as I thought it was very funny throughout. He was also successful in getting across the futility of suicide bombing without having to tone down the humour. I'm sure it will split audience opinion and that the most vocal objectors to the film won't actually have seen it. But it's bound to get a huge fanbase. It's best to try and avoid finding out too much about the plot before you see it.

"Is the Honey Monster a bear?"


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Mega Shark vs. Giant Octopus. 1/10

This is without doubt one of the worse films I have ever seen. It must be one of them deliberately bad films.

The shark at one point jumps thousands of feet out of the water to catch a plane. No, seriously it does.

It appeared like it was meant to be in some sort of 3D effort and when that went tits up with the picture they just decided to add a really bad script.

I was liking the sound of this film from the name and I so regret seeing it now. DO NOT WASTE YOUR TIME ON THIS FILM.

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