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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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Lady Vengeance (2005)

Second part of the Vengeance trilogy, again about the kidnap and murder of children.

Was watchable although everything from about 100 minutes in (last ten minutes or so), until the final scene, seemed a tad forced and unnecessary.


EDIT: I know it was made third, but it makes more sense that it is the second in the trilogy!

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True Grit ( 2010 )

The Coens are certainly more reliable than your average director for producing the goods, and it turns out they're pretty good at remakes as well. It probably helps that I've never seen the original of this one though.


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Seen NEDS last night finally! Really enjoyed it. There's a few short periods where it's a bit meh but overall I thought it was great.

The Jesus scene was pretty bizarre, and it took me quite a while to actual figure out what they were trying to get across with the final scene.


Also watched Taken recently. Incredible. I love Neeson. 10/10.

What was the deal with that final scene then? Im still unsure as to what the meaning was :unsure:

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Youth In Revolt.

Michael Cera's the main star in it and he's a wait-for-it nerdy kid who doesn't get any girls but eventually does. ohmy.gif


Aye, I hate Michael Cera in films ... I think he's played the same sort of role in every single film he's been in!

What was the deal with that final scene then? Im still unsure as to what the meaning was :unsure:

I don't know if it's right but what I thought was that it was supposed to symbolise that he would always have to live with the mistakes he's made (hence the other guy being with him) and there will be dangers but that he would get through it unharmed. I've no idea but that was my take on it.

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Aye, I hate Michael Cera in films ... I think he's played the same sort of role in every single film he's been in!

And they say actors don't like to be type-cast....

I've seen him in Youth In Revolt, Superbad, Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist and Juno. He plays effectively the same character in all four. There's slight tweeks in all of them but essentially they're the same.

I've not seen Year One or Scott Pilgrim but wouldn't be surprised if they were similar.

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Dracula Has Risen from the Grave (1968)

The fourth of the Hammer Dracula films, and it was pretty bad... the acting is terrible (including Christopher Lee who was bloody awful in this), and it doesn't follow the usual vampire rules (albeit the don't really follow Stoker's roles) - he enters houses without a care, and walks in the sunlight... no thanks, it might have been okay to Stoker, but he wasn't trying to make a film and make a character who differs significantly from humans to make him worthwhile!

Fake blood that looks like paint, actors that can't act, lip synching which is done badly, vampires that die badly after being stabbed through the stomach with a golden cross... seriously what a load of nonsense!

It is entertaining though I guess trying to work out how they'll f**k it up next! Maybe it would have been better in black and white, as it didn't work at all in technicolor!


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Mystic River

Sean Penn, Kevin Bacon & Tim Robbins as three friends, looks back at their childhood and where they are now. One is a cop investigating the murder of the other one's daughter whilst the third is a suspect in said murder.

Not as good as I was expecting as I really like all 3 actors, very slow paced and got a bit boring.


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The Hurt Locker (2008)

Not the first and certainly not the last Oscar winner to totally underwhelm. Not a bad film, just nothing close to spectacular. Thought Jeremy Renner was great in it, so a few marks for his performance.


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Time machine 3/10

Terrible acting, poor plot, completely unable to suspend my disbelief, which let's face it, u need ti be able to in science fiction movies. Just nothing makes this film worth watching at all. Could have been great if done well.

The shawshank redemption. 8.5/10

Very good film, a little longer than it needed to be, and probably overrated imo, but shouldn't detract anything from it. Pretty good all-round it just didn't overwhelm me. I like the way the ending comes out of the blue as well.

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Neds ( 2010 )

I can't say I ever felt the need to root for the main character here. Even as a wee guy he was a fucking moron. So why should I care if he wants to redeem himself? All I wanted to see was the scrote getting his face blown off by someone. You have to credit Conor McCarron though for a hell of a performance. The ending is shit too. Besides all of that, I still enjoyed this.


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Killjoy 2: Deliverance from Evil (Video 2002)

This has nothing to do with the first one, except obviously the clown that was so shit you would die laughing before he ever did anything to you!

I gave the first one 2/10 as it is horrific, but this has slightly better acting (when I say slightly, I mean SLIGHTLY) acting... and a hilarious theme tune which I left it on the menu page for five minutes to hear the whole thing! So bad, it was good! Definietely worth the £1.25 I paid for it!

It's called Killjoy by Darken, I have to find a Youtube video (or the like) of it! If you can find any video of this genius track please post it!

The film on the otherhand is rotten, except for some amusing double entendres, and some really rotten insults! "Leave me alone, you psycho circus!" :lol:

"Oh, it's a big gun, I'm scared!" :lol:


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What was the deal with that final scene then? Im still unsure as to what the meaning was :unsure:

Neds had its moments but all things considered I left disappointed. Agree with previous posts that the ending was quite bizzare amd the Jesus bit was just mad, I understood it (I think) but felt it needless and didn't think it really added anything. Good performance from the guy that played John and the wee annoying mate with the glasses made me laugh a couple of times. 5.5/10.

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