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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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I wouldn't be surprised if Cloud Atlas splits audiences in a similar way to The Tree Of Life...from what I've heard it's one that asks a few questions rather than explaining everything nicely. Alinear narrative FTW

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I have my hopes for Cloud Atlas but I hope it doesn't follow the by now very predictable line taken with time travel or films where the same actor plays different characters at different times in history. What's done is that there are events that are very similar so that your mind works with the film and links things together. I enjoyed that aspect of "Twelve Monkeys" and the more obvious example of history repeating itself with "Back to the Future" but with "Looper" for example I was disappointed. Very stylish film but derivative.

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Zero Dark Thirty ( 2012 )

Another one of the big Oscar contenders out the way, and for me, I'm not even sure why it's even nominated. It's not that great. Jessica Chastain might be worth the shout she got though. They could have gone down the "softy to hardcase" route with her, but went down the unknown entity route instead, meaning that when she got tough, it wasn't much of a leap, and Chastain played the increasingly more annoyed Maya perfectly. Everything else about the movie just seemed a wee bit too routine for my liking. It's a decent movie and given that it's on for way over two hours, it actually doesn't fill the time too badly. Just not spectacular, and a definate step down from The Hurt Locker for Bigelow.


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Killing Them Softly - Gave it a go based on praise from this thread and watching Jesse James Robert Ford recently. Liked it in many ways but it was a bit laboured in its attempt to be somehow profound or insightful. America's corrupt neo-liberal society is like lawless mafia gambling world. Sound, we get it. When Brad gave his wee speech at the end I was cringing a bit. Apart from that I liked it. Dominik is the current king of creating suspense - the dinner table scene in Jesse James and the card game in this were brutal to watch.


Edit: Uncle Psychosis's review for Source Code there would have been a much less long-winded review for exactly how I felt about this :lol:

Edited by SodjesSixteenIncher
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Flight - Entertaining but a bit daft in places. Sometimes felt like it wasn't really sure if it was a comedy or a drama and you got scenes that were both but neither at the same time. Good performances all round from big Denz, Cheadle, Goodman etc. There was weird religious undertones that they seemed to seed in throughout the film and then just completely ignored towards the end which I thought was a bit weird. Also a bit of a of a heavy handed attempt at a sentimental ending which wasn't really in keeping with the tone throughout the rest of the film.

7/10. Entertaining but forgettable.

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Eastern Promises - solid performances all round, but felt too much like Cronenberg had tried to shoehorn in all the good things from History of Violence. Viggo is suitably menacing as the gangster with a heart, but he was better in HoV.

Solid seven, but not one I'll watch again.

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The Raid - Redemption

Watched this with high hopes. The first five minutes or so are disappointing as it looks low budget and pretty tacky, but honestly, must be in anyones top 5 films from last year. Once the action starts, you'll understand why everyone was raving about this.

Can't deny it's a guys film though and might be one of the best action movies I've ever seen. Highly recommended.


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The Hobbit - An Unexpected Journey

Having read the book in the last couple of years the storyline was pretty fresh in my head. I think I would have enjoyed this film more if I hadn't have seen LOTRs as quite a bit of the scenery and fill shots/actors were used in both. I know that both books are obviously set in middle earth but to see the same bit of rocks again for the chase scene seemed a bit convenient for a film with a budget of £80M. The chase scene from the goblins was also extremely familiar. Anyway I did enjoy the film and am looking forward to the next, I was a bit sceptical about the book being dragged out over the three but it seemed ok timewise and not rushed or drawn out.

If you liked the LOTR series then you will like this.


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watched Schindlers List the other night, an incredible film that does put you through every emotion a film can possibly put you through, so many performances that are worthy of praise but Feinnes is the stand out,a couple of scenes will be in my top 20 for the other thread, one oft the greats 10/10

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Gangster Squad.

Trailers looked pretty good, reviews weren't as kind, but I really enjoyed this. Sets were great, and there was very little padding, so it went along at a good pace. I had feared that Penn would have been a bit cartoonish as a gangster, but he did nasty rather well


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