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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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Had a few long journeys recently so watched quite a few things.

Assembly 7/10

Chinese film set during and after the Chinese civil war. Some very well done (and very brutal) fight scenes. Suspect the rest of the film lost a bit in translation but still really enjoyed it.

Searching For Sugarman 10/10

Astounding. Jut watch it.

Big Star: Nothing Can Hurt Me 7/10

Interesting look at a band that all my favourite bands were inspired by.

Joe Strummer: The Future Is Unwritten 7/10

Not much to say. Good documentary about an interesting guy.

Waynes World 9/10

The product placement scene is probably my favourite film scene ever.

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Attack of the Clones is easily the worst Star Wars film for me. Ball-achingly boring, and full of embarrassing pish like the whole "C3PO in the robot factory" stuff that spilled over into the big action scene. Not to mention that it's the one where, after years of wondering about the titanic emotional struggle that brought Luke Skywalker's dad to the Dark Side, you find out that Darth Vader was just a selfish, whiny little shit who needed the piss slapped out of him.

God, that was the one with Yoda bouncing around like Mario on crack too, wasn't it? What an abortion of a film. It got off way too lightly compared to The Phantom Menace.

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Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the sith


I'll start with some good points.

The opening scene with the battle above Coruscant. Love it, and once again Ewan McGregor was brilliant as Obi Wan. And that speech by Palpatine to Anakin about the power of the Dark Side and Darth Plagueis is probably my favorite scene out of all the prequels.

But again, the acting and dialog is horrendous at times .Also some of the character just seem pointless or shoehorned in, Take Grievous for example, who is he, what was the point in him, you learn nothing about his backstory, Where did he come from? He just seems like a token bad guy with no dept.

I'd much rather they didn't kill off Maul and not bother introducing either Dooku or Grievous

Anakin comes across as nothing more than a huffy VL

Its just an average film. Not really much more I can say

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Ex Machina

After the first 20-30 minutes I didn't think I was going to enjoy it but it definitely grew on me. I found it both clever and poignant throughout and in my opinion acted very well, especially from the 2 make leads. I find the ending slightly confusing though.


Also Alicia Vikander is a very attractive woman attachicon.gifImageUploadedByPie & Bovril1446520749.457603.jpg

I watched this last night and loved it. 9/10 for me. With regards to the ending:

Nathan had engineered the test to find out if Ava would use Caleb as a means of escape, which is exactly what she did. In that aspect she passed the test. Just unfortunate that she also killed Nathan in the process. I might need to watch the end again, but I'm sure the last time you see Caleb, the power goes off, which should have opened the doors as he reprogrammed the security system to let Ava out

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Steve Jobs - Pretty enjoyable film but it only covers three major events really over a 14 year span so you can't help but feel there is a lot missing. Fassbender put in a good turn as Jobs though in my opinion


ETA: thought the ending was abrupt and pretty pish.

Edited by ListerRRFC
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A bit heavy on the melodrama at times, and Ben Whishaw just doesn't work as a nastier guy for me. Other than that though, this is a damn good watch. 8/10

Black Mass

The way it's done seems to get some stick, with the focus being on the informants and their testimony for the most part, but I liked that way of doing things, and considering it's based on true events and it's only really going one way, they did it well. A superb cast, topped off by Johnny Depp in his best role for over 10 years. Corey Stoll's brief appearance in the final third of the movie is definitely worth a mention though. I really liked the John Connelly character and the way it was portrayed, as sometimes you got the impression that this guy was every bit as cold hearted as Bulger, and used loyalty as a smokescreen for that. 8/10

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