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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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22 July (Netflix)

Brilliant movie, the terror of the event along with the harrowing trial and trauma of the recovery for one particular family is captured perfectly by greengrass...should be awards heading his way. 9/10


A beautiful mind(film 4)

2nd time seeing it...career defining performance from crowe IMO.9/10



Pretty much every cliche you can imagine in a western put in this one  plus various scenes from other films stuck in for good measure, watchable enough 5/10








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Inside out

Watched this a couple of years ago but caught it again on BBC 1 today. Honestly think this is the best thing Pixar have ever done.

Maybe a bit too complex for really young kids as it is quite deep, but it's an unbelievably effective journey into the emotional development of a child. Anyone who works with/has kids should make a point of seeing it. Clearly it's not quite an academic journal but you can tell they got some experts in at some stage to consult.

On top of this, everything you'd expect from Pixar - amazing animation, top class voice acting and funny.

I'll take another week to get over Bing Bong though [emoji24]

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Inside out

Watched this a couple of years ago but caught it again on BBC 1 today. Honestly think this is the best thing Pixar have ever done.

Maybe a bit too complex for really young kids as it is quite deep, but it's an unbelievably effective journey into the emotional development of a child. Anyone who works with/has kids should make a point of seeing it. Clearly it's not quite an academic journal but you can tell they got some experts in at some stage to consult.

On top of this, everything you'd expect from Pixar - amazing animation, top class voice acting and funny.

I'll take another week to get over Bing Bong though [emoji24]
Agree 100% with that especially the bing bong part!! Seems to be one of the less well talked about Pixar films but agree it's one of their best.
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My final film of 2018 was Catskill. Three females go to spend a weekend at a cottage in the Catskills where a couple have just come up with a plan to kill some tourists during a casual conversation. As you do.

Early on they're shown around the place they're staying and warned not to go into a barn across from the property, where a tractor is stored.

I hardly got past the first half of the film even though it was only 67 minutes long but I'm guessing that at some point they're going to be attempting to ride that tractor to safety.

People actually donated to a crowdfunding campaign to get this shit made.


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Squeezed another couple in before the new year to take my total to 222 for the year...


Bros: After The Screaming Stops 7/10

Documentary about the recent Bros reunion shows told as an exercise in two estranged twins trying to mend fences after a traumatic past. Problem is they’re clearly not trying to fix anything and they’re both - in an amusing and un-self-aware way - utterly incapable of thinking about anyone other than themselves. Drums Bros has morphed into the drummer from Dekkar. He is unable to cope with being The Other One and constantly asserts himself despite his drumming being barely pub-standard and having spent 25 years not doing any music at all. Singer Bros is mostly a mess of US bullshit therapy talk and crystal healing, one of the most thin-skinned people on earth, but it’s him I end up feeling sorry for as he can’t even get his p***k drummer to play through a song once without moaning that He Needs To Feel Empowered. The makers capture some gold but it’s not the Spinal Tap/Accidental Partridge masterpiece some would have you believe. (BBC Iplayer)

Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse 9.5/10

It really is very special, the animation is utterly phenomenal, the style and execution is so obviously done with huge love and dedication, the tiny details is every shot defies belief. I think it’s probablty my favourite animated film of all time. The end credit sequence itself is worth the effort of watching the film. But it’s not just that. The script is tight as hell, the music is fucking amazing - both the incidental pop/hip-hop songs AND the score. Every Spider-Man is perfectly stylised. It’s really, really funny. It’s emotionally hard-hitting and sensitive to some fairy strong issues. It’s got Nic Cage in it (he’s been in some great films this year). I can’t really find any flaws in it at all. It’s incredible that this is a Sony film beacuse all of their previous efforts have been so flawed. The final battle sequence is so astonishingly jaw-drippingly awesome that I can’t put it into words. And every scene, every moment, every shot is so full of passion, love and attention that I cannot possibly believe that anyone would actively dislike it. (cinema) 

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And we’re off and running for 2019:


Black Cat White Cat 9/10

Another Emir Kusturica film, this time pouring all the comic invention and excess into a more typical comedy film (comedy like Shakespeare, Marx Bros and Coen Bros rather than Farrelly Bros). Really inventive and absurd, laugh out loud in parts, lots of riffs on the things from the two films reviewed upthread. Story concerns, among other things, a man whose son must marry a midget to pay off a debt, much to the protestation of most. Love the Kusturica signature moves now, like animals stuffed into various shots, music playing loudly as people are talking, this hyperactive illogic that pervades everything. There’s also an extended scene where a central character wearing a 97/98 Aston Villa shirt tries to retrieve a briefcase from a hanging corpse that is just incredible. (DVD)

The Favourite 9/10

Funny, sad, lavish, sumptuous, absurd, tragic, this was just fantastic. (cinema)

Roma 9/10

Quite excellent. (Netflix)

Happy As Lazzaro 8/10

Quite excellent. (stream)

What a rush of excellent movies to start the year.

Edited by Christophe
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Creed (the first one, on tv)

Dodged this when it came out as I thought it sounded a bit naff. It was seeing an advert on Sky for BlacKKKclansman that made it look like some lighthearted romcom that reminded me that the ads and trailers don't always have much bearing on the film. Found Creed to be a real treat, full of characters you could relate to and casting actual boxers and trainers in a few roles occasionally made it startlingly realistic (such as backstage before the big fight). The only letdown for me was the fight scenes themselves. The editing made it look like two 8 year olds going at each other full tilt, with the fighters constantly battering each other, rather than capturing the gut busting effort it can take for two big guys to actually land punches on each other and the menace of them stalking each other. One of those films about boxing that's not actually about boxing! 


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On 03/01/2019 at 03:58, Christophe said:

Bros: After The Screaming Stops 7/10

Documentary about the recent Bros reunion shows told as an exercise in two estranged twins trying to mend fences after a traumatic past. Problem is they’re clearly not trying to fix anything and they’re both - in an amusing and un-self-aware way - utterly incapable of thinking about anyone other than themselves. Drums Bros has morphed into the drummer from Dekkar. He is unable to cope with being The Other One and constantly asserts himself despite his drumming being barely pub-standard and having spent 25 years not doing any music at all. Singer Bros is mostly a mess of US bullshit therapy talk and crystal healing, one of the most thin-skinned people on earth, but it’s him I end up feeling sorry for as he can’t even get his p***k drummer to play through a song once without moaning that He Needs To Feel Empowered. The makers capture some gold but it’s not the Spinal Tap/Accidental Partridge masterpiece some would have you believe. (BBC Iplayer)


100% on Rotten Tomatoes :o

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The Favourite -- A great three-hander from Emma Stone, Olivia Colman and Rachel Weisz. A far easier to follow plot than Mary Queen of Scots which I saw a week or so ago, and far more entertaining with plenty of laughs scattered through the machinations of a royal court in wartimes, both internal and external. The three main protagonists are all awesome, but special mention to Colman who play the part of Queen Anne perfectly. 9/10.

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13 hours ago, MSU said:

The Favourite -- A great three-hander from Emma Stone, Olivia Colman and Rachel Weisz. A far easier to follow plot than Mary Queen of Scots which I saw a week or so ago, and far more entertaining with plenty of laughs scattered through the machinations of a royal court in wartimes, both internal and external. The three main protagonists are all awesome, but special mention to Colman who play the part of Queen Anne perfectly. 9/10.

It was very well scripted and cast. It broke all the rules of civility you would expect from a period drama. Some great lines in it particularly from Nicholas Hoult's character.  

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