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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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On 09/02/2020 at 18:57, Scotty Tunbridge said:

Parasite 8/10. A really enjoyable movie with a great plot line and fantastic characters/development of them. The build up to the near end scene is expertly done as you can see Mr Kim slowly spiralling towards hating upper class people. It then ends on a bit of an emotional note after the gory aforementioned near end scene.

I’d honestly have it as my best picture winner compared to the other nominations.

Outstanding film. Why only 8/10?

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22 hours ago, MixuFixit said:

The Post.

Steven Spielberg film about the Washington Post publishing Robert MacNamara's unflattering appraisal of the Vietnam war.

It was fine I guess but I felt like they were very clumsily pausing for half a second every time they portrayed Nixon as a baddie as if to allow time for the audience to go "OMG HE IS LIKE TRUMP THIS IS A SOPHISTICATED ALLEGORY FOR OUR TIMES". If they'd just made the film without crowbarring in all the 'Democracy dies in darkness!' *Looks to camera* stuff it would have been better.


I'm pretty tired of this sort of stuff as well. Like Margaret Atwood getting wheeled out at every new book/season of the handmaid's tale to tell us that it's actually already happening. We get it

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15 hours ago, MixuFixit said:



Great performance from Saoirse Ronan. Great performance from all of them to be fair. I liked how there were wee hints at various complicated reasons behind people's behaviour without ever spelling it out.



..and probably one of the great "WTF" mooments right at the start. I agree that it was refreshing to have to work out peoples'  issues/problems without having them constantly rammed down your throat. I'd give it 9/10 - from memory, but seeing its just popped up on Netflix, I'll watch it again and may change my mind.

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..and probably one of the great "WTF" mooments right at the start. I agree that it was refreshing to have to work out peoples'  issues/problems without having them constantly rammed down your throat. I'd give it 9/10 - from memory, but seeing its just popped up on Netflix, I'll watch it again and may change my mind.
Don't have a cow man...
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This is, by a distance, the best "Best Picture" since No Country For Old Men. And it's better than that: it's one of the great films of all time. There's been a few occasions when I've been gripped by a film, sat on the edge of my seat, unable to look away, and this was one of those times; I was genuinely transfixed.

It's a gorgeous film to look at, there's not a weak acting performance (it's a sin that there were no acting nominations at the Oscars), and it's one of the most well-crafted pieces of cinema I've seen; it's such a tight well-made film with not a single wasted frame. I loved it. 

There's plenty of parallels to the, quite frankly, underrated and overlooked Burning. So if you haven't seen that, and loved Parasite, then get it watched.

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Dark waters

This movie is an eye opener. Based on true events about a chemical giant poluting the local river and land that caused a number of deaths to people and livestock. It's mind boggling that nobody from the company involved done any jail time.


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‪Zombieland Double Tap is a thoroughly enjoyable film and a worthy sequel, until the point that Bill fucking Murray picks up a steel chair, at which point it becomes utterly sensational.‬

‪Bill Murray is the undisputed greatest of all time.

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Just watched the Blu Ray of ‘Once Upon a Time in Hollywood’ for the first time. Never saw it in the cinema. The whole package of the fashions, cars, music, buildings, adverts.... especially the cigarette ones, really creates a stylish feast for the eyes. The amount of work, the effort, that went into creating the look of the film, astounding. As with many Tarantino movies, you will find a set-piece that is your favourite. There were more than a few here that allowed me to forget that for much of the movie - not a lot is actually happening. Plot wise, or action wise. I can forgive him though, when it looks as good as it does, sounds as good as it does, and the performances are as good as they are. The set-piece where Bruce Lee reckons he could take Cassius Clay in a fight - for that scene alone, I could give this movie 10 out of 10. The way he shot the Western sequences, just brilliant. The ending was tremendous, the way Tarantino can show such explicit violence, and have you pishing yourself laughing at the absurdity. The guy is a genius.

Edited by pozbaird
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Color Out Of Space.

Another addition to Nic Cage's spate of latter day batshit crazy movies.

This time he has to contend with a meteor landing in his garden and mutating everyone around him whilst also going through a severe sex drought with his wife, dealing with a witchy daughter, and having Tommy Chong randomly squatting at the bottom of his garden.

If you've ever pined to see Cage enthusiastically milking an alpaca then this is the film for you.

Needless to say it was watchable stuff.


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The Boy (2016)

Young american woman fleeing an abusive relationship gets a job in a remote mansion in England, as a nanny to a young boy, on arrival it turns out that the boy is actually a lifesize doll called Brahms.

At this point I thought here we go, another Child's Play chucky type film.

Not at all, it was well worth watching & a genuinely creepy mystery/horror.



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The Boy (2016)
Young american woman fleeing an abusive relationship gets a job in a remote mansion in England, as a nanny to a young boy, on arrival it turns out that the boy is actually a lifesize doll called Brahms.
At this point I thought here we go, another Child's Play chucky type film.
Not at all, it was well worth watching & a genuinely creepy mystery/horror.
The second one is out now.

Creepy dolls + creepy kids = a big fat nope from me
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I thought The Boy was a pretty pathetic excuse for a horror movie, and unintentionally hilarious at times.

The Conjuring

This however, is a cracking piece of horror. Plays the long game more often than not and doesn't go for the cheap jump scares too often, choosing to actually build the tension and give characters who are actually good. It does play up to some cliche nonsense but does so pretty effectively, which I'd say is the case for many of the truly classic horror movies of the modern day, and while this isn't at THAT level, it's definitely well worth a look.


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18 hours ago, Mark Connolly said:
Dark Waters
Really enjoyed it, Ruffalo is excellent.
Scary as f**k what DuPont were up to though- if someone had just written a story like that you’d say it was far too outlandish

Got this lined up to watch tomorrow.

ETA.........tremendous film 9/10. Partly based on this article....


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It's definitely an intriguing tale. On a deadly serious note...

Birdemic: Shock and Terror

One of those movies that gets brought up when talking about "so bad it's good" movies, and this does NOT disappoint in that regard. There isn't a way that this movie doesn't fail. Even the score in the background is odd as f**k. It takes more than half the movie for the birds to turn up, and oh boy, that does NOT disappoint when it happens. The only reason I'm not giving this 10/10 is because I don't think giving a movie this bad the full score is right. But there's no way I can't score this extremely high.


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