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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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Take it you watched that on Channel 4 or 5?

I did anyway and I thought it was pretty good, was my first time watching it. Was a pleasant surprise to see the guy from Happy Gilmore in it as I'm not to keen on horror movies but I enjoyed this one.

8/10 from me as well.

Apollo Creed has become "the guy from Happy Gilmore"

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See No Evil, Hear No Evil. - 9.5/10

Ive seen this a few times over the years but not in a long time, so didn't really remember most of it. It was the first time i've watched it with someone which may have added to it given that laughing is a social trait (you don't really laugh out loud at something when you're on your own that you would if you were with someone), or maybe its that at the age of 23 i've grown into the films sense of humour, but it was absolutely hilarious.

Both Gene Wilder and Richard Pryor give masterclasses in comedy acting performances, and i don't remember ever seeing better chemistry between two actors, especially in a comedy movie. Even my friend who had never watched it before asked me if they had worked together before because their chemistry together was amazing. How they bounce off each other with one being blind and one being deaf is truly awesome.

Some of Pryor's one liners had me doubled over in stitches, and i can't think of any comedy in the last 5-10 years that has made me laugh like i did at this.

80's films always ruled in my opinion, but seeing this again just confirms it.

Most of you will have seen it probably but if you haven't seen it in a while then i urge you to give it another watch, and for people who haven't seen it and the younger posters make sure you see this movie, and youll see what real, smartly written and expertly performed comedy is compared to the guff that's released today and heralded as hilarious comedy.

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Green Street - 6/10

Not bad, but not great. Probably one of the better football hooligan films that have come out of late. Elijah Woods as an American student, extremely green around the gills, adds a bit of (unrealistic) added interest. The film features some really well scripted fight scenes, and a couple of slow-motion and shaky camera fights add to the atmosphere.

Best character has to be Bovver, the dark, moody second in command. Towards the end, when he is standing on the bench with a bottle of Vodka and crying his heart out is a good piece cinema.

The guy who plays the leader of the firm, I forget his name, overacts so much it's actually funny.

Best scene - when they leave the pub and walk down the street singing "I'm Forever Blowing Bubbles". I challange any fan of any club to watch this scene and not want to be in the middle of the crowd.

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Green Street - 6/10

Not bad, but not great. Probably one of the better football hooligan films that have come out of late. Elijah Woods as an American student, extremely green around the gills, adds a bit of (unrealistic) added interest. The film features some really well scripted fight scenes, and a couple of slow-motion and shaky camera fights add to the atmosphere.

Best character has to be Bovver, the dark, moody second in command. Towards the end, when he is standing on the bench with a bottle of Vodka and crying his heart out is a good piece cinema.

The guy who plays the leader of the firm, I forget his name, overacts so much it's actually funny.

Best scene - when they leave the pub and walk down the street singing "I'm Forever Blowing Bubbles". I challange any fan of any club to watch this scene and not want to be in the middle of the crowd.

No. Just... no.

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I second this. Probably a neds number one rated film, yet they couldn't tell you who plays Hans Solo in Star Wars, sad times...

I've never seen Green Street and i can't tell you who played Hans Solo, what does that make me? :(

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Saving Private Ryan - 10/10

Been a while since I last watched it and despite seeing it loads of times before it never gets old!

Hanks is brilliant in it, the special effects and graphical scenes are second to none from a film of its era.

The only thing that annoys me about Saving Private Ryan is Uphams lack of balls!! When its at the end and the German goes upstairs he starts to go, stops and cries half way up when he should just he manned up and went upstairs and helped his comrade! :angry:

For anyone who hasn't seen Saving Private Ryan I would highly recommend it!

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Død Snø (Dead Snow) - 4/10

Not very good, at all.

I am going to do five word reviews from now on.

There are, however, some cool photos of Nazi zombies.

Also, the tagline is cool: "Ein, Zwei, Die!"

And these two factors, make it a four.



Edited by Mr. Brightside
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Blackmail 6/10

A couple of criminals hold a doctor hostage in his house and attempt to blackmail him but the plucky doctor turns the tables on them and turns out to be a bit of a sadistic nutjob.

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Where The Wild Things Are - 8/10

At cheap film morning with kids and thought this was pretty decent. None of the kids liked it though for some reason?

Basically about a badly behaving kid who runs away, builds a habitat with some furry monsters, fucks it up, learns his lesson and goes home.

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Billy Madison


its so funny imo. when hes at elementary school anyway and in 3rd grade when the kids trying to read laugh.giflaugh.gif

gets a bit boring and predictable but all films are at some point eh?

watching Anger Management on 5 atm. not too great tbh

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The Departed - 85%

Decided to start following a mate with this and start handing out percentages.

Anyway, i cant believe that i've waited this long to watch this. The problem was that i walked in when a very intrigral part happened at the end of this and probly ruined the movie for me.

Still though, absolute cracker of a movie.

Edited by the jambo-rocker
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