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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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I didn't recommend it, the title of this thread is "what was the last movie you watched" not "what was the last good movie you watched" and i said what I seen of it was good not go check it out, so yeah, no recommendation from me on that one.

To the guy who posted above you (didn't check your name cause I couldn't be bothered) I like people like you.. you act smart on the internet, trying to slag folk and stuff, you probably claim to have a wife, good job and good friends but when you get off this website you'll probably still be old, fat, balding and lonely like the majority of P&B users, you are an internet joker/funny guy but in real life.. you are a w**k..anyway enjoy your night yeah??

^^^ verge of tears

Don't waste your time Smurph. the tedious b*****d will just reply with some turgid standard reply dry.gif

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I didn't recommend it, the title of this thread is "what was the last movie you watched" not "what was the last good movie you watched" and i said what I seen of it was good not go check it out, so yeah, no recommendation from me on that one.

To the guy who posted above you (didn't check your name cause I couldn't be bothered) I like people like you.. you act smart on the internet, trying to slag folk and stuff, you probably claim to have a wife, good job and good friends but when you get off this website you'll probably still be old, fat, balding and lonely like the majority of P&B users, you are an internet joker/funny guy but in real life.. you are a w**k..anyway enjoy your night yeah??


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Watched the Lord of the Rings Trilogy over the past day, love study leave. For the trilogy as a whole, 9.5/10. Couple wee faults I had

When Aragorn is knocked off the cliff with the wild hog thing, his body floats ashore, that wouldn't have happened.

If Gandalf is a wizard then why doesn't he do the Star Wars force-like move that Saroman did to him at the start of the first one to the various towers/battering rams/catapults that the enemies use to try and take Helm's Deep or Minas Tirith?

I also hate the character of Golem, not like I hate Saroman or Sauron, just don't like the whole idea of the character and the way the story with Frodo ends, although I love how the ring affects him and his slow descension into madness.

Looking back it's amazing how many stars of today are in it, McKellen, Lee, Mortensen, Wood, Monaghan, Tyler, Weaving, Bloom, Bean. Sure there's others I've forgotten

edit: Cate Blancett and John Noble as well

Edited by forehead7
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If Gandalf is a wizard then why doesn't he do the Star Wars force-like move that Saroman did to him at the start of the first one to the various towers/battering rams/catapults that the enemies use to try and take Helm's Deep or Minas Tirith?

Tolkien was once asked why the eagles just didn't take Frodo and Sam to Mount Doom, let him drop the ring in, and then fly him home. His reply? "Because then there would have been no story." :)

I imagine it's along the same lines - the battles at Helm's Deep and Minas Tirith would have been over in a jiffy had Gandalf gotten his magic on.

Incidentally (don't know if you've ever read the book), the Battle of the Hornburg (the proper name for the battle at Helm's Deep) only took up one chapter out of twenty-four, and in the film it takes up a good half hour or so!

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Tolkien was once asked why the eagles just didn't take Frodo and Sam to Mount Doom, let him drop the ring in, and then fly him home. His reply? "Because then there would have been no story." :)

I imagine it's along the same lines - the battles at Helm's Deep and Minas Tirith would have been over in a jiffy had Gandalf gotten his magic on.

Incidentally (don't know if you've ever read the book), the Battle of the Hornburg (the proper name for the battle at Helm's Deep) only took up one chapter out of twenty-four, and in the film it takes up a good half hour or so!

Fair enough, I haven't read the books. Got them though and I might end up reading them. It was just a thought that occurred to me.

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American Gangster

Quite a good watch. Crowe and Washington both put in very good performances - especially Crowe is was outstanding, not quite "Cinderella Man" but still a very good performance. The moment when Frank Lucas walks out of the church only to see Richard Roberts waiting for him infront of a police car was fantastic. Whilst it was good, the rest of the cast seemed quite weak (although perhaps because the story is centred around Lucas and Roberts they can allow for a weak supporting cast).


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I thought the plot was easy enough to understand, but as I said, there were a few things going on which I didn't quite get. A brilliant movie though. I'm going to get a few more of his DVD's. Fopp were doing a few of them for £7 a piece. Porco Rosso I was recommended, My Neighbour Called Totoro and Ponyo, so they'll be getting bought.

I bought all 18 movies for £16ish (+P&P) from eBay in a box-set. :D

I'll be watching Collateral tonight on Film 4. Sounds really good.

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I also hate the character of Golem, not like I hate Saroman or Sauron, just don't like the whole idea of the character and the way the story with Frodo ends, although I love how the ring affects him and his slow descension into madness.

when you get round to reading the books i think you'll appreciate Gollum a little bit more.

Gollum represents the effect of the ring, how it twists and warps good people into doing somethings they wouldnt.

Gollum has the ring for a very very long time hence his dependancy on it, he wants it back.

you see how this has affected Bilbo and Frodo.

the only thing is, the films make it look like its taken a few months but IIRC its 4 years or so it takes place over.

read the books then rewatch the films. you'll see it all in new light (make sure you start with the Hobbit)

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when you get round to reading the books i think you'll appreciate Gollum a little bit more.

Gollum represents the effect of the ring, how it twists and warps good people into doing somethings they wouldnt.

Gollum has the ring for a very very long time hence his dependancy on it, he wants it back.

you see how this has affected Bilbo and Frodo.

the only thing is, the films make it look like its taken a few months but IIRC its 4 years or so it takes place over.

read the books then rewatch the films. you'll see it all in new light (make sure you start with the Hobbit)

Four years!?! I definitely didn't get that on any viewings of the film. Lazy b*****ds should move a little quicker!

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Four years!?! I definitely didn't get that on any viewings of the film. Lazy b*****ds should move a little quicker!

I'm pretty certain its actually longer than 4 years. Sadly films can't go into as much depth as books but Gollum is probably the most intriguing character in the netire film simply because he completely warped. Im just gutted certain characters missed out sad.gif

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