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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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I watched most of 'Circle of Eight' the other night. The reason it was only 'most of' is because I had to turn it off, it was that bad. As dull and annoying a film as I've seen since I watched 'Carriers'

1/10, and that's just because the leading female character had quite a nice arse.

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Aliens ( 1986 )

After watching the first one, I said on here that it was a brilliant horror movie. This movie is almost completely different. For a start, this doesn't just lean towards being an action movie. This IS an action movie. Which shouldn't be a surprised given than James Cameron is the king of looking for the popcorn movie. That's not to say that the movie isn't decent. There are some really tense moments thanks to the motion sensors and some of the big sequences are great fun to watch. It doesn't TOUCH the first movie as far as drawing emotion goes though. Any big scares are completely ruined by the mood and the "SOMETHING ALWAYS HAS TO BE HAPPENING" style of it. The other problem is that there's a lot of characters and I find it hard to care about any of them.

Anyways, even with all of the negativity, that was brought about by disappointment, because I did expect a better movie. There's still worse ways to spend a couple of hours and it's naw bad for the most part.


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Crimson Tide (1995)

This was a strange one, it was a good watchable film, however it sadly was a "Denzel style" film. I love Denzel Washington's films, but this was one which really was forced into his style when it really wasn't suited for it. When I talk about "Denzel style", watch Philadelphia and watch this. Two totally unrelated films that just seem to feel the same, simply as a result of Denzel Washington being in a starring role.

I automatically have to take off a couple for the inappropriate style of the film, but also one for the ridiculous scene where

the boat has been struck, it's propellers are down, it's approaching the depth at which the UTS is reached... oh, and the engine just fixes itself... unnecessary, predictable and pretty lame, tbh!

Glad I finally got around to seeing this one, but not a classic by any means!


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Trying to watch the best picture nominees as well.

True Grit was amazing. Bridges was phenomenal, should win the Oscar for best actor(well I've not seen King's Speech which is his only rival really). Damon was good in it, and I'm not a huge fan of his work. I was surprised by how small Josh Brolin's part was, considering he was on the posters. The girl, whose name I do not know, was really good in it. And she will only be bested by Natalie Portman in the Black Swan.

Nice wee segue, Black Swan. f**k me, definite Oscar for Portman. Darren Aronovsky could be in for a Best Director Oscar as well, well I wouldn't be surprised if he won. I wasn't expecting it to be as thriller-y as it was. Quite a few times I was jumping and wincing, especially with the skin stuff.

Both 9/10s.

Edited by forehead7
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Trying to watch the best picture nominees as well.

True Grit was amazing. Bridges was phenomenal, should win the Oscar for best actor(well I've not seen King's Speech which is his only rival really). Damon was good in it, and I'm not a huge fan of his work. I was surprised by how small Josh Brolin's part was, considering he was on the posters. The girl, whose name I do not know, was really good in it. And she will only be bested by Natalie Portman in the Black Swan.

Nice wee segway, Black Swan. f**k me, definite Oscar for Portman. Darren Aronovsky could be in for a Best Director Oscar as well, well I wouldn't be surprised if he won. I wasn't expecting it to be as thriller-y as it was. Quite a few times I was jumping and wincing, especially with the skin stuff.

Both 9/10s.

Did they use the segway in True Grit, or Black Swan? It doesn't seem an appropriate mode of transportation, tbh!

The word is "segue"!

This is a segway...


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Gnomio and Juliet yesterday. Passed an hour and a half, although I've seen better childrens films - the only time we go to the pictures is with the grandchildren - I'd give it 5/10.

It's more a wee girls film than a wee boys one I think, if anyone has 5 - 10 year olds and is thinking of seeing it.

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Dead Birds (2004)

Set during the Confederacy, a bunch of soldiers rob a bank, then hide out in an old abandoned plantation. Shock horror the previous owner carried out voodoo rituals on his slaves to try and bring back his dead wife... well nothing ever good happens when you mess with black magic, and we get into the clichéd sequence of visions, deaths and flash backs.

Wasn't the worst of its kind, but when it became evident that it was going to become what I call a cycle horror (any horror fans will know pretty much what I mean by that) it just became a tiring dawdle to the finish.

Not many positives in this, except perhaps Isaiah Washington who does a pretty good job as Todd, the ex-slave that was part of the group.

3/10 - don't waste your time!

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127 Hours.

Not bad, considering it was, for the most part, basically one guy stuck in a ravine, it was pretty well done. Difficult story to tell for the afore mentioned reason, Franco was excellent I thought, and apparently it was, other than the dropping into the stream, totally factually accurate, which I always find interesting.

I'd give it a 7/10.

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Finally got round to seeing The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo I'd say 7/10, it seemed true to the book but plodded along.

Be interesting to see if the Hollywood version can nail both the story and make it manageable.

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I went to see I Am Number Four tonight. It was quite enjoyable - nothing special, but decent enough, and stars the loverly Dianna Agron :wub:

I want to go see it mainly for that very reason, but I'm having a tough time convincing the burd to see it as she wants to see bloody Gnomeo and Juliet in 3D :wacko:

We'll just have to compromise and see Paul :P

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