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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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King's Speech.

Meh, it was a decent film, no doubt, but no where near as good as people are making it out to be. I also don't think any of them will win Oscars, or should rather.

Probably about a 7/10.

Decent? The film was basically all about Colin Firth and Geoffrey Rush and their relationship as King George and Logue, the way they are played is simply superb, and is rightly up for Oscars.

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The Social Network (2010)

Being a non facebook user I actually really enjoyed this.

I think Jesse Eisenberg is a good actor after seeing him in Adventureland and Zombieland.

Not sure how close to the truth the film actually is and Justin Timberlake does a good impression of an actor


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The Hurt Locker (2008)

Best Picture Academy Award Winner? Really?

Thought the acting was solid enough. Awful screenplay, I hope that didn't win an Oscar as well.


It did...

I won six: best film, screenplay, sound, editing, sound editing and directing.

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[Rec] 2 (2009)

This started off so well, I like a good old church v demon battle... unfortunately it didn't stay that way for long...

Great funny moment when the young girl gets the gun and has, well, let's just call it an epic fail!

As soon as Manuela Velasco shows up, this goes from being a decent sequel to turning into a completely ridiculous waste of time.

I'll pass it for everything up until Velasco shows up, but it barely even deserves that tbh!


EDIT: Just noticed that Paco Plaza is making a prequel, just let it fucking die... you made a good film, then you made a shit sequel, prequels after that NEVER help the matter!

Edited by SaltyTON
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Shadow of the Vampire - Worth watching if only for Willem Dafoes astonishing, hilarious and unhinged performance as Nosferatu actor Max Shreck. John Malkovich plays Director FW Marnau who hires real vampire Shreck to star in his film. A smart off beat film but too under developed in plot and characters. 7/10 (mainly due to Dafoe)

Solaris - Really enjoyed this, I like these slow burning, thought provoking scifi films. This being the 2003 version starring George Clooney. Clooney is sent in to space to check out a small crew studying the planet Solaris, when his dead Mrs turns up. 7.5/10

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Solaris - Really enjoyed this, I like these slow burning, thought provoking scifi films. This being the 2003 version starring George Clooney. Clooney is sent in to space to check out a small crew studying the planet Solaris, when his dead Mrs turns up. 7.5/10

Obviously your opinion, but it's frankly rotten in mine (3/10)! Clooney is painful to watch in this, he's like a straight Tom Cruise!

Watch the original, it's a gazillion times better! Also called Solaris, except it's in Russian, so it's called Solyaris.

PS I saw the Clooney version first so I'm not basing it being shit, on having seen the original first, like people tend to do with English/US remakes of foreign language films!

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I saw True Grit yesterday, I thought it was really good. Bridges is excellent in it and there's a lot of funny lines, and some fairly dark violent moments too. I thought it was brilliantly paced and shot and easy to get into.


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Very enjoyable. Always been a fan of Pegg and Frosts humour. Glad they could still pull it off without the help of Edgar Wright. 8/10.


On the back of watching Paul, I watched Greg Motolla's other recent film. Certainly not a laugh out loud comedy by any stretch of the imagination, but its still a decent film with a very strong cast. 7/10

The Ghost

Had seen the trailer for this in the cinema at the time and never got round to seeing it. I thought it looked ace, but hadn't heard anything about it since, so I assumed it bombed. If it did, I have no idea why. I was gripped throughout and the twist at the end was unexpected (well, it was for me, but I'm gash at guessing twists). 9/10

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Great film, until the ending.

It had been excellent up until that point, for a film to keep the interest and suspense going for the duration while set in a coffin was great, but the ending just completely pissed me off. Another thing that annoyed me was his attempts at getting rid of the snake. Why not just stamp repeatedly on the fucker? Had he survived, I would've given this 9/10 but the whole "he's led us to Mark White, I'm sorry Paul" ending is just weak.


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Satan's Little Helper - 4/10

This is pretty rotten, but it's always watchable which is all you can really ask for with most low budget horrors. It's labelled a comedy horror, so doesn't take itself seriously at all. I despised the wee boy who was the main character, but i can't really blame him for wanting to marry his big sister. She was gorgeous. :wub:

Also thought the Jesus costume was terrifying!

Timecrimes - 7/10

Spanish film about a guy who, whilst sitting in his garden, spots something in the woods behind his home. He goes to investigate and is chased by a scissor-wielding figure who's face is wrapped in bandages. Stuff happens along the way that basically means the guy "wakes up", and is back to the day before, watching himself spotting something in the woods!

I've made it sound really confusing, but it's not too hard to keep up with. To liken it to another film i would say it's like Triangle, just not set on a ship!

Apparently a US remake is due for next year.

The Proposition - 7/10

Surprised i hadn't even heard of this film before i bought it. A Western set in the Outback, starring Guy Pearce, John Hurt, Ray Winstone and Emily Mortimer among others.

Very brutal at times, but it seems necessary to convey just how bad a place the film is set in.

Great performances from everyone.

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Full Monty was on last night, for some reason I love that film and before anyone says it, it's not because it's about a bunch of guys stripping.:rolleyes: . For some reason,, it just makes me laugh, even though its not particularly funny.


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Satan's Little Helper - 4/10

This is pretty rotten, but it's always watchable which is all you can really ask for with most low budget horrors. It's labelled a comedy horror, so doesn't take itself seriously at all. I despised the wee boy who was the main character, but i can't really blame him for wanting to marry his big sister. She was gorgeous. :wub:

Also thought the Jesus costume was terrifying!

mmmm Katy Winnick! :wub: :wub:


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Lost Boys 2: The Tribe

Not great. Some pretty poor acting, most notably from Angus Sutherland (half brother of Kiefer I believe). The best bits about the film are a couple of decent females and the scences involving Corey Feldman. They bump up the mark slightly.


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