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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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Ed Wood (1994)

The somewhat true story of the worst director in the world Edward D Wood Jr, with possibly the greatest random cameo cast ever!

George 'The Animal' Steele (as a wrestler... well people quite often get cast in roles they are unaccustomed to...), Johnny Depp (as transvestite director Ed Wood), Martin Landau (winning an Oscar for doing a fucking brilliant job as legendary smackhead Bela Lugosi), Sarah Jessica Parker (as Wood's girlfriend at the beginning), Patricia Arquette (as Wood's girlfriend at the end, got to love the irony of an Arquette dating a tranny) and of course the legend that is Bill Murray as a wannabe transsexual!

The film, despite not really leading anywhere was good fun, I would have passed it even just for Sarah Jessica Parker saying "do I really look like a horse?" - yes dear, yes you do!

7/10 - would have been higher but I'd have liked to know more about Wood, and what happened after Plan 9.

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Lost In Translation

Not sure what to make of this film, I guess I can describe it as a nice film and I think I really enjoyed it. I did find it very funny, even if it wasn't 'laugh out loud', it made me chuckle and smirk a fair bit though. The humour was smart in places and very subtle in other places - which is what I like in a film. Bill Murray is just terrific, right down to every facial movement which usually produced a chuckle. The whole awkwardness between him and Scarlett Johansson ( :wub::wub::wub::wub: ) is brilliant, and for me that is the best part of the film. They work well together because they really shouldn't, it's a fantastic 'odd couple'. There were a few moments which weren't sad so to speak, but a bit more sombre than other parts of the film. It's downbeat and deadpan, but it works well in this film. I think I might need to give it another watch though.

My only criticism is that it's not the kind of film that I could stick on at anytime and watch all the way through.

8/10 (that's without the extra marks for the fair bit of screen time that Scarlett Johansson's cracking legs and arse get :P )

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TRON Legacy ( 2010 )

It LOOKS nice and stuff, but this is ultimately a fucking awful movie. There are times watching it when I was thinking "cool", but the realisation of the pish that was going on soon made this totally redundant. There is not one other redeeming factor about this movie. I suppose I'll give it an extra point for the looks. Second lowest score. Probably could have been lower.


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TRON Legacy ( 2010 )

It LOOKS nice and stuff, but this is ultimately a fucking awful movie. There are times watching it when I was thinking "cool", but the realisation of the pish that was going on soon made this totally redundant. There is not one other redeeming factor about this movie. I suppose I'll give it an extra point for the looks. Second lowest score. Probably could have been lower.


No four point bonus for Jeff Bridges?

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No four point bonus for Jeff Bridges?

Nope. I don't give points for actors being in a movie unless it's a noteworthy performance. The younger Bridges was kinda cool, but I'm classing that in the "looking good" category .

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While im on the subject off awful films watched the clockwork orange for the very first time the other night, after all the hype and praise especially surrounding the book, (which i have never read), i was left thinking what in the f**k have i just watched??

Had no idea what to expect before watching the film, but the description in the tv mag sounded good enough so decided to watch it, big mistake left me pretty disturbed.

The gang with the main character in the film are fucked well and truly up in the head, dressing up like fucking charlie caplin,drinking milk out of a statue of a womans body in some fucked up bar ,speaking in all sorts of riddles going about fucking and raping and beating people up, while signing songs like singing in the rain.

Had no idea what the message in the film was either.

Anyone else feel this way about this film?


spot on

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TRON Legacy ( 2010 )

It LOOKS nice and stuff, but this is ultimately a fucking awful movie. There are times watching it when I was thinking "cool", but the realisation of the pish that was going on soon made this totally redundant. There is not one other redeeming factor about this movie. I suppose I'll give it an extra point for the looks. Second lowest score. Probably could have been lower.


The only slightly redeeming feature for me was the Daft Punk cameo and soundtrack. The rest was as you say, 'fucking awful.'

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Watched Paranormal Activity for the first time last night. Thought it was pretty good. Wasn't really that jumpy not until the last couple of minutes or so

When the guy gets chucked into the camera and the chick is smiling and crawls into the camera and you see the demonic face

Not sure if I will watch the second one, mostly because I don't think they can do anything else with it that the first one didn't bring to the table.

Fantastic work though, only cost about 15 grand(dollars) to make yet made them over a million back.


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Watched Paranormal Activity for the first time last night. Thought it was pretty good. Wasn't really that jumpy not until the last couple of minutes or so

When the guy gets chucked into the camera and the chick is smiling and crawls into the camera and you see the demonic face

Not sure if I will watch the second one, mostly because I don't think they can do anything else with it that the first one didn't bring to the table.

Fantastic work though, only cost about 15 grand(dollars) to make yet made them over a million back.


Erm, we'll just forget the millions they spent on propaganda to convince dumb Americans that a terrible film was scary...

Also, it made over $100m in the States alone!

In regards to HoFD; it's a great film which suffered from being over-hyped. It definitely should have won the Oscar that it was nominated for though...

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Norwegian Wood.

Went to see this at the cinema the other day. I'd read mixed reviews, which was worrying as it's one of my favourite books, but I was pleasantly surprised as I thought it was really good. Hard to judge it given how much I love the book, but I'd probably give it:


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Parasomnia (2008)

I doubt anyone will have heard of this film, as it's only had about 1000 votes on IMDb in 3 years, but despite the score on there it's a bit of a sleeper!

It's a really good film about a guy that falls in love with a girl with Parasomnia (a kind of reverse narcolepsy), and has to save her from a mass murderer called Byron Volpe who can hypnotise people into doing whatever he wants them to do. Volpe also wants the girl for himself and he makes the girl kill loads of people and try to kill the guy, ending up with the most surreal scene in his old book store.

It has a strong Sin City like vibe to it, and has one of the most gorgeous girls in it as Laura (the parasomnic girl), Cherilyn Wilson.

Well worth a watch, I saw it in the trailers for Dead Snow and bought it straight away before the film had even started. Worth it!


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This week watched;

13 (2010)

(Jason Statham, Mickey Rourke, Sam Riley, Ray Winstone, Michael Shannon, 50 Cent)

Tagline : "Spin, Aim, Survive".

Law Abiding Citizen (2009)

(Gerard Butler, Jamie Foxx).

"Justice At Any Cost"

Enjoyed the second one the best. Really hope there is no one like the Butler character out there !

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