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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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The 'Hammer House of Horror' tv series was fantastic. Some of it terrified me as a kid, and as you say, there was hardly any gore on show.

Great series which now can be picked up dirt cheap in its entirety. The scariest episode to my mind was the doppelganger one - The Two Faces of Evil.

Here's a quick copy and paste of the plot -

A hitch-hiker dressed in yellow oil skins attacks the driver of a car who has stopped with his family to give him a lift. The car crashes and the driver fights with the insane hitch-hiker. It appears like the driver, though badly injured, has prevailed and is taken to hospital. The drivers wife subsequently learns that her husband has damaged his throat in the struggle and is unable to talk, she is also asked to identify the body of the madman. The body looks exactly like her husband and doubts begin to enter her mind as to which of the two is the killer.

Agreed. Got the series on DVD and it is very entertaining despite it's many obvious flaws.

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The story is very different, but the character that Matthew McConnaughie plays is almost exactly the same; I think the two of them are his best films by quite a distance.

He is a defence lawyer in a trial... but the setting is completely different, and the crimes completely different, and the theme of the film completely different.

I loved it.

The book is clearly better, in my view, but it is a very, very good adaptation.

The soundtrack is absolutely brilliant.

Indeed, knew it'd be good when Bobby Blue was playing at the start!

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having been heavily advertised on lovefilm i was eventually tempted enough to get it sent out, first of all its clearly not completely a documentary which it claims. Things just don't add up either even towards the end, i'm not saying the whole entire film was faked but it seems a bit convenient that everything just happened whilst they were being filmed.

basically it's the story of a photographer who finds about an 8 year old girl who is painting his pictures, starts talking to her family and such and starts some weird online long distance relationship with her sister. Turns out to be the typical boy meets girl, boy likes girl

boy finds out that the 8 year old girl doesn't actually paint and she hasn't spoke to the sister in years and its actually the mother that's created 15 different facebook profiles and it's just one big sham really

don't know how to rate it, in saying all the negative stuff about it, its still quite interesting to see what happens next. But it just seems all a bit suspect..

somewhere between 3-6 out of 10

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Just saw Kick-Ass for the first time tonight, and thoroughly enjoyed it. Great performances all round. I can imagine it woulda been tremendous fun to make. Great entertainment 9/10

Switch to Krypton liiiiIIIIIGHHHHHHHHT!!!!!

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Recorded Wrong Turn 1 and 2 the other night, watched them both last night.

Bloody Hell and here was me thinking Deliverance was bad for mutated hillbilly cannibals!

Still pretty good films though.

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Norwegian Wood.

Went to see this at the cinema the other day. I'd read mixed reviews, which was worrying as it's one of my favourite books, but I was pleasantly surprised as I thought it was really good. Hard to judge it given how much I love the book, but I'd probably give it:


I really want to see this! Not read the book yet but I am a fan of Murakami's work, really enjoyed A Wild Sheep Chase and Dance, Dance, Dance. would you recommend reading Norwegian Wood before watching the film?

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The Lincoln Lawyer

Don't generally expect much from Matthew McConaghey films but I really enjoyed this. Thought him & Ryan Philippe were good too. Would recommend it to anyone, some really good twists & turns.


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Recorded Wrong Turn 1 and 2 the other night, watched them both last night.

Bloody Hell and here was me thinking Deliverance was bad for mutated hillbilly cannibals!

Still pretty good films though.

Wrong Turn 2 was fucking awful; that's about all you could say about it.

Wrong Turn 3 is just about passable, but mainly due to the improvement after the hideous pish of a reality show!

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Just watched The Assassination of a High School President

It was pretty damn good.

6.6 on IMDb and a synopsis of "At a Catholic high school, the popular girl teams up with a sophomore newspaper reporter to investigate a case of stolen SAT exams. Once the duo target their suspects, a larger conspiracy is unearthed."

It made me hesitant but it was actually good. Bruce Willis is really funny. And Mischa Barton (:wub: she even gets her tits out for a brief moment, reason enough to watch it tbh) Wasn't so hot on the main actor in it, Reece Thompson, but I persevered. Plot twist was pretty obvious but I'd assume it's marketed as a comedy so it didn't ruin the film.


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I watched A Bronx Tale last night. It was a bit to neat and tidy for me, but I can't believe I went this long without seeing it. Very very enjoyable film.

"Now you's can't leave."

One of my favourite ever movie scenes.

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"Now you's can't leave."

One of my favourite ever movie scenes.

A great film.Chazz Palminteri is a brilliant actor,didn't know he wrote it and De Niro directed it.

The boy who played Calogero is in jail now,doing 10 yrs for his part in a robbery homicide.Lillo Brancato jr,was in The Sopranos too.

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Could have saved yourself the risk of watching it... clicky

Nah, doing a challenge on another forum which required me to watch three films where Willis doesn't touch a gun at any point, but has more than a cameo role.

Think the count is at 5 atm, because Four Rooms and The Expendables don't count.

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Finally finished the trilogy last night with the Bourne Ultimatum.

Again a really good film, can say I really enjoyed them all seperately and as a whole they all fit in quite well. I've heard they're proceeding with "the Bourne Legacy" without Paul Greengrass & Matt Damon. Hope they don't spoil it. I think I've rated them all seperately on here but I can't remember when or what, so I'll do them all now. I don't think there's much between them all....

Identity - 7.5/10

Supremacy - 8.5/10

Ultimatum - 8/10

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Fargo - I'd give it about 8/10... Maybe a 9 on a good day.

Anyone got any recommendations for the dark comedy genre? Fargo, In Bruges, The Big Lebowski etc... Really enjoying those types of movies the now, though I've made my way through the Coen Brothers collection and they're like the kings of dark comedy I believe.

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All the Boys Love Mandy Lane (2006)

Not much you can about generic teen vacation horrors like this; tired, uncreative but ultimately harmless enough to pass the time without causing any real boredom!

The acting's crap, but you can't expect much from this type of film, and the dialogue is corny, but it's all been said a million times before so you can't really fail every film like this for doing it...

It's low budget, it's the directors first feature film and it had a hilariously shit attempt at a twist - let's just be kind and let it slide without further mention!


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