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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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Even though I said that, I do enjoy some of your reviews.

I actually watched The Tree Of Life based on your review. I hated it. Sorry.

All in jest, you understand. There's not a lot to say about Drive really, except it's BRILLIANTLY directed, and Gosling gives a great performance. Always nice to see Cary Mulligan too. My #2 film of the year so far.

Sorry to hear you didn't enjoy TTOL, unfortunately it is one of those films that is NOT going to be for everyone...

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A day off and chucking it with rain here so went to see Melancholia (2011) by Lars Von Trier today.

Apart from the slow motion first 5 minutes I really enjoyed it. Good idea, great acting especially by Charlotte Gainsburg and Kirsten Dunst. The whole film feels very clautrophobic so it's not a film that is going to leave you feeling good but definitely thought provoking.

Edited as I forgot to give it a 7/10

Edited by roverthemoon
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Layer Cake 2004

I quite liked that. I'm starting to enjoy crime related films more than I used to. I didn't get everything that was going on as it jumped a little but I caught on reasonably well. Pretty good film.


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Sucker Punch (2011)

Very good ballet on film. I know it may not seem like a ballet, but the story is almost entirely told by the brilliantly selected soundtrack. You could just listen to the music, with only Scott Glenn's narration, and it would work just as well.

Yes, the concept was done fairly well last year by Shutter Island, but it was done far better here.


I couldn't disagree more about this one. I thought the soundtrack (poor covers of drug/trip related tracks) was terrible and cliche and it was effectively a series of CG sequences from an anime or video game, in fact I may have even put my own review of it up here. I didn't like the set pieces and didn't like the other bits in between =/

Ah well each to their own I suppose, just this film kinda pissed me off.

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I've watched the following films over the last few weeks ;

Midnight in Paris 6/10 - It reminded me of being a very good film to watch on a flight. I see it is getting rave reviews but I wasn't feeling it. It wasn't bad or anything but just sort of plodded along. After seeing Marmaduke :ph34r: I cannot stop picturing Owen Wilson without being a dog.

Happythankyoumoreplease 7/10 - An indie rom-com about a group of 20 somethings who are all at different stages in their lives. There is nothing stand out about it but I found myself warming the folk near the end especially a couple of the characters who at the start seem a bit unlikeable.

American Psycho 8/10 - Not seen this flick (possibly since it came out) but really enjoyed it and the 80s pop-rock really helps. Bale is superb as Bateman especially when he's talking about music 'Do you like Phil Collins?' etc feels like it should have been Jim Carrey doing that. Quite an allstar cast as well.

It's Kinda A Funny Story 7/10 - 16yr old lad checks himself into a mental health facility where he finds out about himself in detail and the others inside. Zac Galifinakis (that dude from the Hangover) is this too and he's really good at acting - hope he gets more serious roles.

Somewhere 9/10 - I love most of Sofia Coppola's work. I know she divides opinion. Most of my pals don't like her stuff. Stephen Dorff plays a action type film star who's partying, drinking, living the dream you might say but isn't really going anywhere. His 11yr old daughter comes to stay with him for a while (get the impression they don't see each other much) and she seems to change him and his direction in life. The film is slow, similar to Lost in Translation so if you don't like that, I don't think you'll like this, a great soundtrack and the ending was fantastic.

Wall Street 7/10 - Never seen it before and was expecting it to be a shady but a pleasant surprise. I'm now considering if I should download the 2nd one.

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The Box (2009)

Everybody should watch this film.

Is it because it is so brilliant that life wouldn't be worth living if you haven't seen it? Well no, but it will make you appreciate everything that you will ever see for any small glimpse of worth - even Jonathan Toto.

This is without a shadow of a doubt the worst film ever made.

Cameron Diaz is a terrible actress and must be a nominee for the world's worst actress, Cyclops (or whatever his real name is) is surely up there for the equivalent actor's award.


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American Psycho 8/10 - Not seen this flick (possibly since it came out) but really enjoyed it and the 80s pop-rock really helps. Bale is superb as Bateman especially when he's talking about music 'Do you like Phil Collins?' etc feels like it should have been Jim Carrey doing that. Quite an allstar cast as well.


Are you fucking mad?! "Jim Carrey is.....Patrick Bateman"


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Sex, Lies And Videotape

A film I'd been eager to see and it didn't disappoint. Gripping and exhilarating throughout, wonderful narrative and character development and all credit to Steven Soderbergh who has developed something very special, at a relatively low budget. I think he's one of the best at assembling a cast in cinema today. Points off as it didn't 100% work for me and the direction, although good, lacked the magic of a masterpiece.

Has left me very much looking forward to Contagion.


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(500) Days Of Summer

First film I've watched in a while, and it's the first time I've ever seen this film. I was impressed. It's very good and a thoroughly enjoyable film, that works well as a comedy-drama. I like both the main actor and actress (Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Zooey Deschanel) so that's a plus. The music is good for the most part, the film is good throughout and there is plenty of moments where I laughed out load rather than just a wee chuckle - which most recent comedies I've watched have struggled to do. Oh and it is quite "touching" at some points. I didn't think I would like it but I did, and I'm not quite sure how I missed it because 2009 wasn't a great year for films IMO. So yeah, it's brilliant and I recommend it (not least because the beautiful Zooey Deschanel is in it).

Definitely a solid 8.5/10. 4 stars. Whatever. It's pushing a 9/10 but I can't bring myself to give it that wee boost up.

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True Grit (2010)

Of the 9 nominees this year for Best Picture, this is my favourite.

How Hailee Steinfeld didn't win the Osca for Best Supporting Actress, ahead of Melissa Leo, is beyond me.

Definitely worth a watch, and did the Duke proud.


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True Grit (2010)

Of the 9 nominees this year for Best Picture, this is my favourite.

How Hailee Steinfeld didn't win the Osca for Best Supporting Actress, ahead of Melissa Leo, is beyond me.

Definitely worth a watch, and did the Duke proud.


There were ten.

I'm surprised Steinfeld qualified for Supporting, as she was really the lead.

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There were ten.

I'm surprised Steinfeld qualified for Supporting, as she was really the lead.

Of the 9 I've seen, I meant, I haven't seen The King's Speech.

The film is called True Grit, True Grit (a term used for Cogburn, a few times) therefore was the lead!

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True Grit (2010)

Of the 9 nominees this year for Best Picture, this is my favourite.

How Hailee Steinfeld didn't win the Osca for Best Supporting Actress, ahead of Melissa Leo, is beyond me.

Definitely worth a watch, and did the Duke proud.


I feel the exact same way, so much better than the King's Speech IMO.

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There were ten.

I'm surprised Steinfeld qualified for Supporting, as she was really the lead.

That's a scam that's used now and again to try and steer an actor or actress into an Oscar. There's a few examples but the only one that springs immediately to mind, thanks to few beers, is Tatum O'Neal winning Best Supporting Actress for Paper Moon when, despite her age, she's blatantly the lead actress.

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Midnight In Paris

Woody Allen back on form in a true work of genius. Beautifully structured and written with some fabulous acting from its supreme cast. Owen Wilson fits perfectly the role a younger Allen would have occupied, the other big names keep popping up in the most wonderful places.

The scenic cinematography is magnificent, and some classic Allen camerawork to enjoy. Couldn't possibly ruin the surprises for potential viewers (the trailer hides it yet hints to it very well) but suffice to say if you go with it, it'll pay off very handsomely.

It's got all the hallmarks of Allen's vintage era; wonderfully complicated romance, a lot of laughs and a little bit of magic that I've never seen him produce before.


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