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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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We Need To Talk About Kevin

Really captivating and harrowing stuff, so much so that it's actually hard to pay attention to the technical work for the wonderful structure and plot. I'll need to see it again and watch it from that viewpoint but I do recall some fabulous shots and cuts.

The acting is really what it's about though, it's meticulous: if I was a director Tilda Swinton would be first on my casting list, her performance adds a mark or two to my score, in my opinion the best of her many great performances. Please give this woman a leading actress Oscar.


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The Thing (2011)

Sadly the quality of the version I watched wasn't the best and it was difficult to make out what was going on during the scene's with The Thing attacking. I didn't think this was going to be anywhere near as good as the original, but as far as re-makes go this is one of the better ones! The story moves along at a nice pace and the gore/ effects were pretty decent. I'd really love to watch it again on a better quality version.


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Margin Call (2011)

First thing that's great about this film is cast. The performances were absolutely amazing! Especially from Bettany, Spacey and Jeremy Irons. Storyline involves an investment bank who are currently re-structuring their staff. They lay-off Stanley Tucci's character who is working in Risk Assessment. He is currently working on a a document which he thinks could have dangerous outcomes for the company. Spok's character then takes on the work and solves it by calculating a few things that were missing. This then involves an exciting watch to the end of the film where we see each character consult their superior right to the top of the company and try to find a solution to what will be a huge financial crisis. A really, really good film!


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Kick-Ass (2010)

Was not bad, nothing special but it was kind of fun.

Cage's character had so much potential, then they gave the part to him.


'Kick-Ass? More like Ass-Kick! Ha ha.'

Possibly the greatest delivered line in a film. Ever.

Paranormal Activity 3 - 7/10

I'm aware these films get quite a level of criticism but I've always enjoyed them as I'm really creeped out by that sort of horror. Anyway, went to see this at the Cineworld on Saturday and they racked up the scare factor with some very unsettling moments especially towards the end, however, they sacrificed the build up that was in the last two (although in some ways this is an improvement as it stopped it becoming boring) but the ending was well done. The only major problem which knocks down the overall score is from what I can see they've completely detracted from the plot of the first two films but I may be wrong.

Also, anyone that's into these sort of films I highly recommend Grave Encounters. Possibly the most terrifying horror film I've seen.

Edited by NotThePars
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Watched it for the first time last night. My friends had all hyped it up to be the greatest comedy ever. Maybe too much expected of it as i didnt find it hilarious, funny in parts but not brilliantly funny like the had described it.

The bit where Michael Cera sings was side splitting tho. Prob watch it again to see bits i missed.


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Also, anyone that's into these sort of films I highly recommend Grave Encounters. Possibly the most terrifying horror film I've seen.

I watched the trailer for that the other day., It looked terrifyingly shit!

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The last film I watched was Collateral, with Tom Cruise, Jamie Foxx, and the DELICIOUS Jada Pinkett Smith :wub:

I wasn't too sure of whether or not I fancied it to be honest, but it was on my blockbuster list and came through before I knew it. I was very pleasantly surprised. I thought it was superb.

Having said that, I'm a big fan of Michael Mann (Heat). Cruise was excellent, Foxx was even better, and it was very well shot. Very dark.

My only criticism, is that there's always a lot of background noise, and some of the dialogue was difficult to pick up at times.

However, overall 7/10. Very good.

I wonder if this thread will take off? :P

I'm finding more and more that I struggle with dialogue in films. The wife is even worse. I have an excellent surround sound system and watch blu ray movies. However, a lot of the time I really struggle to make out the talking parts. Explosions, cars, fights etc, the sound is excellent and loud, but then there's some chat and it's rubbish. It's not all films but certainly a lot. I've tried all the different sound settings and it makes no difference.

Anyone else find this, or are both me and the wife developing partial temporary deafness at the same times?

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Friday the 13th Part VIII: Jason Takes Manhattan (1989)

There seems to be two types of Jason Vorhees film, they're are either decent (not spectacular) or really quite shit. This falls into the latter cetegory...

There were teleports all over the fucking shop, and someone even got choked to death - how fucking boring!

This had two saving graces though, Jason's face when he removed the mask made me laugh pretty heartily for a good minute or so, and the black guy boxing him for ages, making him push back and back before the inevitable happened - but when it did it was far funnier than I expected! One hell of a decapitating roundhouse! :lol:

All in all... 4/10

My list for these, as that was the last one I hadn't seen, would be:

Friday the 13th - 7

Friday the 13th Part 2 - 6

Friday the 13th Part III - 4

Friday the 13th: The Final Chapter - 3

Friday the 13th: A New Beginning - 6

Jason Lives: Friday the 13th Part VI - 7

Friday the 13th Part VII: The New Blood - 6

Friday the 13th Part VIII: Jason Takes Manhattan - 4

Jason Goes to Hell: The Final Friday - 6

Jason X - 6

Freddy vs. Jason - 7

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Sir Michael Caine plays a good roll in this. Enjoyable. Funny how the riots in this almost look similiar to the riots happening earlier this year, what did this director, Daniel Barber, know that we didnt lol.

Few 'cameo' appearances from Plan B, Jack O'Connell and Chase & Status.

Decent enough watch.


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Friday the 13th Part VIII: Jason Takes Manhattan (1989)

There seems to be two types of Jason Vorhees film, they're are either decent (not spectacular) or really quite shit. This falls into the latter cetegory...

There were teleports all over the fucking shop, and someone even got choked to death - how fucking boring!

This had two saving graces though, Jason's face when he removed the mask made me laugh pretty heartily for a good minute or so, and the black guy boxing him for ages, making him push back and back before the inevitable happened - but when it did it was far funnier than I expected! One hell of a decapitating roundhouse! :lol:

All in all... 4/10

My list for these, as that was the last one I hadn't seen, would be:

Friday the 13th - 7

Friday the 13th Part 2 - 6

Friday the 13th Part III - 4

Friday the 13th: The Final Chapter - 3

Friday the 13th: A New Beginning - 6

Jason Lives: Friday the 13th Part VI - 7

Friday the 13th Part VII: The New Blood - 6

Friday the 13th Part VIII: Jason Takes Manhattan - 4

Jason Goes to Hell: The Final Friday - 6

Jason X - 6

Freddy vs. Jason - 7

Jason X deserves another point purely for the dip into all out comedy in the scene that they try to distract Jason with a hologram of two teenage lassies camping by a lake, and they're both coming away with lines like "We both enjoy premarital sex!" and "We take illegal drugs!". It cuts away and then cuts back and he's got the two of them zipped up in sleeping bags and is battering one to death with the other. :lol:

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I Am Number Four

All about an Alien Kid living on earth with Timothy Olyphant as his guardian (pretending he is his father) trying to live a normal life while being hunted by other Aliens. Not as over the top as it sounds. A bit like a cross between the first of a Superhero franchise, and a standard good vs evil film. Not brilliant, but watchable. Get's bonus points for the lovely Dianna Agron.

7/10 - Would have been 6/10 without Dianna Agron to ogle.

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I haven't seen it but I imagine lots of things suddenly appear on camera and people are occasionally thrown across rooms by an invisible force.

There is a wee bit of people getting launched across rooms laugh.gif But does anyone know if the 3rd is meant to be in any way connected to the first two films?

I can't even score it out of 10 because I was confused throughout! Not scary, no idea if the plot is connected to/ or explains the first two (as this is meant to be a prequel). Infact, f**k it! 1/10

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