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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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My Dinner With André

Having heard so much positive stuff about this film I finally got round to watching it.

Anyone who's heard anything about it will know what it is, two old friends in a restaurant, having a conversation over dinner. Back from travelling and having been emotionally distressed, André does most of the talking, telling New Yorker Wally his stories from around the world, honestly and openly describing both the joyful and inspiring experiences, and some darker ones. But it's after his stories that the two diners begin to interpret them and get down to the deep stuff.

Very thought-provoking, it'll make you think about all sorts of stuff, but I'm not sure what to make of it as a film. I think it might be so substance-over-style that it's a tad dry. It took quite a bit of settling into and a lot of it began to bore me. If you take it to heart you might think about friends you haven't seen in a long time and about what people are doing in different cultures around the world, but the big thing I take from the film is the manner of human nature and how the writer thought two people who hadn't seen each other in a long time would manifest itself. But as a film...it's a one-watch. Rent it.



Spielberg had just made Jaws and Close Encounters. He had the world at his feet, big production companies behind him, he could have made anything he wanted. He went for a World War II comedy, set a few days post-Pearl Harbour, with the Japanese plotting to attack "Horreerood", with all sorts of crazy interlocking events linking all sorts of crazy interlocking characters.

Very goofy but very funny, with appeal to all sorts of senses of humour, and with big-budget stunts including planes, tanks, submarines and

a house falling off a cliff, in Duel-esque fashion.

Never comparable to the best of Spielberg but at least it was funnier than Schindler's List.


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There is something about this movie that captures you... it starts out quirky and comedic but as the film progresses it becomes more serious... the ensemble cast gives it the feeling of a classic like Snatch but this isn't just an action film... its more dramatic and you do feel for some of the characters.. the movie does have some faults like some predictable plot points and the humor fails at some parts but this shouldn't discourage you from watching the film. It doesn't disappoint. 9.5/10 Brilliant !!!

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These rave reviews may have persuaded me to take a jaunt to the cinema to see Les Miserables. Along with my last watch, The King's Speech. Outstanding film, and absolutely brilliant performances from everyone involved- Firth gets the plaudits but Geoffrey Rush was phenomenal. Can't mention those two without saying Helena Bonham Carter was great too. I'd rate it as a good 9/10, not up there with my very favourite films but it's a must-see.

Edited by Rabbi Williams
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I'd agree on Geoffrey Rush. He stood out in that movie, but Colin Firth was amazing in there. I actually thought someone else should have won Best Supporting Actor, but not Bale. John Hawkes in Winter's Bone should have taken it.

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The hobbit - meh , s'alright, no lotr though and a tad too long.... 6/10

Aye, I reckon our fears about stretching a wee book over three films have been realised. A lot of padding, and after nearly three hours we're about ninety pages in. Not unwatchable, but I've have preferred one film - it's a fairly simple story after all, without all the different factions and events of the LOTR books.

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The Hobbit - An Unexpected Journey" thoroughly enjoyed it an dlooking forward to the next one. 7/10

(Not having read the book may have helped, I came with no preconceptions or illusions.)

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Killing Them Softly - 6/10.

Was really looking forward to seeing this but it was a predictable and ultimately boring film which was disappointing. Some good performances from Pitt and Gandolfini couldn't save it for me.

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Killing Them Softly - 6/10.

Was really looking forward to seeing this but it was a predictable and ultimately boring film which was disappointing. Some good performances from Pitt and Gandolfini couldn't save it for me.

Buggar was looking forrward to that :(

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What yoda said.

Not my number 1, I think it'd place 2nd so far, but if Django, The Unfortunates, Lincoln (not sure about this one), Silver Linings Playbook, Argo... are eligible it could slip.

Andrew Dominik- great example of what a great director should do. He could have sold out after Jesse James but kept a low profile and did something genuinely interesting and original, with a message. Hats off to the guy, getting recognition can be the worst thing that could ever happen to someone like that, but he's stuck to his guns and made what he wants to make.

Has anyone seen Chopper?

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It got absolutely shat on over in the States though, arseholes.

No doubt because it dared to make a political statement and question American ideologies. For all America has given us more great films than anywhere else, there's still quite a sickening extent of capitalism and patriotism in their film industry.

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Has anyone seen Chopper?

I've seen about half of it (almost certain it was on TV in the last few months) before falling asleep. From what I saw it was quite entertaining and funny. Very Bronson like (although obviously it came before Bronson) and Eric Bana was pretty good.

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The Seventh Seal

Ingmar Bergman's philosophical drama, which centres itself around a knight (Max von Sydow) in search of answers, who tries to make a deal with Death.

It's about the mysteries of religion and human nature, fair enough, but while the message might be a big, deep question, I don't think it was very good. It's a little over 90 minutes long but it felt like much longer. Just very, very boring and lacking in any substance. I'll add, though- well shot, and well acted, and there are a few scenes where these elements combine with superb results, but on the whole I thought it was just a snooze-fest.


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Killer Elite - 7/10

As you might expect, just a non-stop action film. Statham does what he does best, and Dominic Purcell's character's a cool guy. De Niro doesn't really do much but he's good in it too.

Rampart - 5/10

Woody Harrelson plays a "dodgy" cop who is filmed beating a black guy almost to death after the guy rammed his car and made a run for it. That kicks up a Rodney King-esque media shitstorm, and the rest of the film is him dealing with that, while trying to resolve his fucked up family situation. Sigourney Weaver in it seems like she is literally reading lines off the script, and she looks dreadful too. The film had a lot of potential when i read the synopsis but to be honest, it goes nowhere. I was just waiting for it to end.

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