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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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Last file which I wacted is Big Hero 6. It was a really great, very funny and really action-packed Disney animated science fiction comedy adventure. It had really amazing animation, great characters, lots of funny parts, great voice cast, lots of action, really exciting adventure, really awesome music, really awesome visuals and a very well done storyline. It's one of my favorite Disney animated films of the year. I really recommend this movie for both kids and adults.

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Would give it an 8/10. Only thing that irked me was the accents from the main characters was so strong, you struggled to understand what they were saying at times


7/10. Great performance from Gylenhall (sp). Can see where the shouts for awards are coming from for him

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Dumb and Dumber To

Fucking dreadful. There's a couple of bits that are really funny, but most of it is actually so shite that it's difficult to watch.


Penguins of Madagascar

Reasonable movie this. It's all a bit too childish for me. Disney/Pixar are much better at aiming their movies at a more general audience. There's still enough fun here to leave the thumbs leaning up though.


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Was It's a Wonderful Life a big Christmas film here, say, twenty years ago? I'd heard of it, but I don't remember knowing much about it until visiting the US, where's it's THE Christmas film, and it seems to have caught on here now. Just curious if I was walking around with my head stuffed up my arse when I was younger and didn't realise it (on this matter).

Today we have mostly been watching:

Halloween 4 - hadn't seen any of these past 3. Pretty disappointing by-the-numbers slasher flick, especially after the brave third installment, which ditched the signature character and marvellously straddled the line between being monumentally awful and actually quite good. Really hard to imagine a more bog-standard film in the genre, although the ending's quite nice (albeit telegraphed), and Donald Pleasence is sadly missed from movie screens.

The Machine - Sci-Fi thriller about the British government attempting to build AI assassins during a new cold war with China. Film's very much what you'd expect, with a tug-of-war between scientists who want to nurture their creations, and the military trying to undo the empathic programming to create cold-blooded killers. Not a lot of surprises to be had, but still fairly engaging, and with a cracking soundtrack reminiscent of a really good '80s Italian zombie movie. Not a classic, but work a look if there's nothing else on.

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Wall-E's excellent, but I feel the pain of anyone who's had to sit through Frozen today.

Quarantine 2: Terminal: Starts off quite nicely, but quickly turns into a stock everyone-chased-by-the-fast-zombies flick as soon as the plane lands. Pity, but still probably better than REC 3.

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The Taking of Deborah Logan

Found footage horror about a woman suffering badly from dementia, and then we find there might be something more there. It can get VERY creepy at times, and they heighten the tension quite well, which makes their forays into jump scares quite good. It's a bit ridiculous at times, but it's a fairly decent effort.


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Mockingjay part one

Had low expectations for this having killed time on a very long flight reading the book a few months back. Very lazily written by an author going through the motions to cash in on the success of her initial Battle Royale rip off and second repeat of the same basic formula. The script writers managed to knock the story into reasonable enough shape in what was always going to be the most difficult installment for them to make a watchable film out of. End result is entertaining, if you can remember what happened in the first two. Probably seems completely turgid, if you don`t. Next one should be good, because they will have much more action to work with and have set the stage well for what happens at the end. 7/10

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