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I'm trying to get up to speed with TNA, thought I was a lot further behind but I was only like 4 episodes. I'll admit that I skip through any matches that just don't take my fancy.

14th of November - Bully Ray tormenting Mike Tenay never gets old, I fucking love how much of a dick he is to people and his "do you know who I am?" still gets me, it's like Foley's cheap pop, you know it's terrible but I smile every time. His promo was pretty good, he got like 2 or 3 really blunt sex jokes in there which I found hilarious.

Aries and Angle's submission match was good.

21st of November - Turning Point. This was alright. Magnus and Joe put on a decent match but the finish was horrible. Joe did not hit the chair properly. I agree with DA regarding him, he's been fairly pish for the past few months. Pretty much since they split up him and Magnus. I'd totally be for him going back down to the X-Division and mowing c***s down. Is the stupid weight limit still on the division or have they swept that under the carpet?

Daniels and Kazarian bullying Joseph Parks was excellent. They went quite far for the wrestling world but I liked it, it felt a lot more real than what you might normally see.

The Florida Deathmatch was pretty good but the commentary team was fucking woeful, especially at the finish. Why are they getting up in arms about Roode bringing out the barbed wire board? It's a fucking DEATHMATCH! Similarly with Gunner throwing in the towel (was it TNA who did this or was it WWE? Someone did this recently and it was just as ludicrous), this isn't boxing, no one should be able to end the match for you.

Nice to see Shark Boy back. Oh shell yeah.

The main event was alright. I'm really not a fan of Anderson but I'm happy to see the end of Aces and Eights, finally someone actually saw it to the end. Taz at the end was really funny, handing the vest thing over and then spouting off some shit. As bad as he can be on commentary, I love when he throws out a "don't you eyeball me!" line to a wrestler nearby. Always gets me.


They've already taped up until like January 6th so I found out who wins the tournament and what happens afterwards. Some interesting stuff.

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Impact was again enjoyable last night. As people have already stated, when they keep it simple it works. Wrestling isn't complicated and doesn't need to be.

Forehead, if you thought Bad Influence's bullying of Park was bad before, they took to real extremes last night when they became downright vile. Good heel work. Also they removed the weight limit from the X Division, although they've barely bothered about it recently. Despite that there is an X Divison title match next week (Aries vs Sabin).

I've not read any spoilers, but given who's in the final of the title tournament, it doesn't take a genius to see who'll win.

And since it's been heavily hinted at for a few weeks now, he'll become heel and probably be a 'corporate' champion'

Kurt Angle looks destroyed physically. The guy walks with a visible hunch. He needs to retire or I truly believe he'll die in the ring.

I hope Chavo gets the 'fired' briefcase when they do the 'Feast Or Fired' match. He's pish. Him or Hernandez. Preferably both. Norv or Dewey to get the WHC title case (are these guys actually part of TNA now?!) just for the laughs.

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Forehead, if you thought Bad Influence's bullying of Park was bad before, they took to real extremes last night when they became downright vile. Good heel work. Also they removed the weight limit from the X Division, although they've barely bothered about it recently. Despite that there is an X Divison title match next week (Aries vs Sabin).

I hope Chavo gets the 'fired' briefcase when they do the 'Feast Or Fired' match. He's pish. Him or Hernandez. Preferably both. Norv or Dewey to get the WHC title case (are these guys actually part of TNA now?!) just for the laughs.

Excellent. :D

Shit, I completely forgot about the X-Division title. I couldn't for the life of me remember who the tag champs were while watching those two episodes. Storm and Gunner were on and Bad Influence were there and they were talking about getting the titles and I was sitting there thinking "who the f**k are the champs?" I didn't even bother to look it up, happened upon one of those Impact365 things on FB and the Bro Mans turned up and I realised.

I fucking love Norv and Dewey, they're hilarious. They're like what 3MB were when they first started. Fantastic entertainment.

edit: I heard a rumour about Angle maybe not re-signing as his contract is coming to an end. Also heard something about Hardy maybe retiring. Those would be two pretty huge names for TNA to lose.

Edited by forehead7
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Excellent. :D

Shit, I completely forgot about the X-Division title. I couldn't for the life of me remember who the tag champs were while watching those two episodes. Storm and Gunner were on and Bad Influence were there and they were talking about getting the titles and I was sitting there thinking "who the f**k are the champs?" I didn't even bother to look it up, happened upon one of those Impact365 things on FB and the Bro Mans turned up and I realised.

I fucking love Norv and Dewey, they're hilarious. They're like what 3MB were when they first started. Fantastic entertainment.

edit: I heard a rumour about Angle maybe not re-signing as his contract is coming to an end. Also heard something about Hardy maybe retiring. Those would be two pretty huge names for TNA to lose.

Aye they're quite amusing. They were brilliant in the turkey suit segments.

I think Hardy should retire. He's utterly fucked. Years of ridiculous moves off of ladders and cages have clearly knackered him. The poor guy looks to be in pain all the time. Plus TNA have stripped him of most of his star power (and he deserves to retire for his awful promo last night; getting the fans to chant 'Hardy' was terrible!).

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Do they still use the TV title on TNA?

I thought Devon was champion but he's no longer with TNA is he?

Nah they've not had it on in months. Abyss is the current holder. He beat Devon a few months back. And aye, he's no longer with them. No great loss.

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You would think they would use the TV belt to build someone like Joe, Roode or Magnus back up and put them eventually back in to a world title programme. Give someone a solid six month run that sees the tv belt take a similar role to the ecw version when van dam held it.

Or my initial idea that would see a battle royal to crown a new tv champion that would ultimately see Dixie Carter emerge victorious. She'd look great in ring gear similar to that of Michael Cole.

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You would think they would use the TV belt to build someone like Joe, Roode or Magnus back up and put them eventually back in to a world title programme. Give someone a solid six month run that sees the tv belt take a similar role to the ecw version when van dam held it.

Or my initial idea that would see a battle royal to crown a new tv champion that would ultimately see Dixie Carter emerge victorious. She'd look great in ring gear similar to that of Michael Cole.

All have been in the WHC title tournament. Indeed one of these men is in the final and is my favourite to win it.

And I'm sorry, but I can't agree with your second point. I don't think Dixie Carter should ever be on TV. Ever. She's abysmal.

There really isn't need for the TV Title when they have the X Division title.

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The Aces and Eights funeral was fantastic entertainment the other week. Anderson nearly handing Kurt the beer and Tenay sneakily pocketing Brooke's hotpants were particular highlights. It was fairly obvious the whole skit was a big GIRUY to Bischoff.

It was a million times funnier than just about any comedy that the WWE has attempted in recent years.

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You would think they would use the TV belt to build someone like Joe, Roode or Magnus back up and put them eventually back in to a world title programme. Give someone a solid six month run that sees the tv belt take a similar role to the ecw version when van dam held it.

Roode doesn't need building up, he's plenty strong. Has beaten Angle twice and beat Storm in the deathmatch at Turning Point. Magnus is still up and coming and is right in the main event picture with his victory against Sting, a TV Title reign would set him back, tbh.

An X-Division run for Joe would be the best thing, though I heard from someone that his contract may be running out and with the way they've dealt with AJ's contract (ie asking him to take a paycut to stay) then I doubt anyone else will fancy renewing since they'll likely have to take a paycut too.

The problem with TNA is that they don't really have enough respectable midcarders for a reign like that to mean anything. And they forget about titles far too quickly. I remember when AJ made it the TV title and he said he'd defend it every week on Impact. Must've lasted about 5 shows before they forgot about it. (pretty sure someone since AJ said the same thing and it got forgot about quickly again).

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Yeah Devon said they same. The be fair though in singles Devon can't compare to aj.

It's not about the wrestler, it's about TNA Creative/Booking being ridiculously bad at their jobs.

I mean christ, they kept that AJ/Claire Lynch story for longer than any of those TV Title ones!

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No surprise to see Magnus win the title. Glad he's turned heel cos he was boring as f**k as a face. Seems he's going to be a 'corporate champ'.

The match with Hardy was alright. Usual mentalness from Hardy. Fucking Whisper In The Wind off the top of the cage! And that bump he took from the ladder looked brutal. Thought the match suffered from overbooking though. The whole 'Dixie Land' thing was silly and to have ECIII and Spud was totally unnecessary. It's a match for the top title in the company; it should be important enough in it's own right. I keep saying it, but Dixie Carter has to just f**k off. She's awful. The shit she's doing screams of Russo in WCW. She simply should not be overshadowing the WHC title match. She shouldn't be on TV at all.

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No surprise to see Magnus win the title. Glad he's turned heel cos he was boring as f**k as a face. Seems he's going to be a 'corporate champ'.

The match with Hardy was alright. Usual mentalness from Hardy. Fucking Whisper In The Wind off the top of the cage! And that bump he took from the ladder looked brutal. Thought the match suffered from overbooking though. The whole 'Dixie Land' thing was silly and to have ECIII and Spud was totally unnecessary. It's a match for the top title in the company; it should be important enough in it's own right. I keep saying it, but Dixie Carter has to just f**k off. She's awful. The shit she's doing screams of Russo in WCW. She simply should not be overshadowing the WHC title match. She shouldn't be on TV at all.

Magnus is Oblivion from Gladiators isn't he?

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