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Tbh I think WM is shaping up quite nicely. For me, I'll just be happy if Bryan beats HHH (he will), if Taker beats Lesnar & Wyatt beats Cena. Batista will walk out champion.

Looks like it's heading for Cesaro vs Swagger, maybe with Big E too since he's never away from them.

What are they going to do with the Shield if they don't split them?? Compose another random 3 man team for them to beat??

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Tbh I think WM is shaping up quite nicely. For me, I'll just be happy if Bryan beats HHH (he will), if Taker beats Lesnar & Wyatt beats Cena. Batista will walk out champion.

Looks like it's heading for Cesaro vs Swagger, maybe with Big E too since he's never away from them.

What are they going to do with the Shield if they don't split them?? Compose another random 3 man team for them to beat??

Would be even better if Bryan ends WM as champion.

This year's WM has some decent matches.

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Smart money, surely, is on Batista pinning Orton to keep Bryan in the picture. Perhaps there will be shenanigans - a returning Punk turning all corporate heel on Bryan is obviously total fantasy booking but that'd be a brilliant way to spend the 'mania post-season, leading to Bryan winning the belt at Summerslam, a year after he first got screwed.

I think really that's the best option (for WWE anyway) as that would keep some of the audience that would traditionally zone out after WM.

From a fan perspective it'll be shite, I'd much rather they had DB closing the show leading 80000 people in a YES! chant.

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If Bray Wyatt wins clean and Bryan wins the title, this will be an awesome Wrestlemania. Neither will happen though. Cena to win and Bryan to lose to Batista, after knocking out Orton.

Nah, Bray will beat Cena. He has to, he's so fucking hot right now and they've got a real chance to push him to the sky if he wins.

Surely the HHH vs Bryan match has the most predictable outcome ever?

As long as Bryan wins then I don't think anyone minds.

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The Bryan thing is surely more Terry Funk at Barely Legal than it is Bret Hart at Mania X?

decent shout, either works really.

the placement on the card will be interesting - HHH-Bryan would be a hot opener, on the other hand having ti second to last, with an exhautsed, battered Bryan facing orton-Batista would be good as well.

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Bryan will be away to apply the YES lock in the title match, HHH to come out pedigree him and orton before demanding Batista to pin them.

Bryan to win the title on the Monday night.

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HHH vs Bryan. Then taker vs Lesnar to give Bryan a moment to catch his breath. Then Bryan to come in and steal the show in the main event despite being in a losing effort. Batista to lie in a corner fucked while Orton & Bryan do 20 mins of top notch hard graft, only for Batista to eventually get up and finish the match on Orton.

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Tbh, even with the addition of Bryan, the main event isn't exactly mouth-watering. Taker's match should close Mania, as it should have done a good few times over the past few years.

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Bryan vs Orton would be a fine main event if they hadn't done it so many times in the last 6 months, but adding him in has saved it cos Batista can't last 20 mins one on one. At least now they can have a big spot and let Batista rest for a while.

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Oh man. Wyatt HAS to fucking go over on Cena. They are building him up to be absolutely massive. If Cena buries him it kills Wyatt stone dead in the water. The guy is absolute gold.

Regardless of what happens wyatt will come out better I feel. A loss does not always mean they will be buried. Somehow I can see cena having to sneak a win and Wyatt going over him at extreme rules.

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I can see Bryan beating Triple H but then being denied that victorious Wrestlemania moment post match by being attacked by Kane/Triple H to the point where he's unable to compete in the title match.

That would be unspeakably bad and pointless. It would be fucking stupid. It won't happen. What an appalling shout.

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