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Why are people suggesting that HHH would screw Bryan in the title match? That would render their match utterly pointless. It would just be a waste of time. It would make no sense from a storyline point of view.

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Apparently the reasoning for AJ being laid out last night was because Punk refused to return last week in Chicago and she will drop the title on Main Event leading to a triple threat match with Naomi, Nikki and Natalya.

This company...

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Apparently the reasoning for AJ being laid out last night was because Punk refused to return last week in Chicago and she will drop the title on Main Event leading to a triple threat match with Naomi, Nikki and Natalya.

This company...

Really hope not. AJ is by far the best thing about the divas. She should at least lose it at Wrestlemania.

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Bryan last week and this is getting more and more audibly booed the more WWE try to manufacture the beautifully organic Bryan momentum. The 'Yes Movement' thing is going to end him as a credible fan favourite for the sake of pushing their stupid fucking hashtags on twitter. They should know whan they have something good and leave it the f**k alone instead of the obvious tampering they do as soon as they see it getting over with the crowd.

Think Lawler with his 'hey everyone lets all do some Fandango-ing! Yeah Fandango-ing is great!'. Fandango buried until the next time a mental British crowd get a hold of him again.

Bryan will go the same way, or possibly the same way as Cena with all of his recent superman antics in ring. I said it after Royal Rumble, they really missed the boat with him and great as it might be if he actually wins at Mania, his popularity is on the wane and will continue to while WWE try to overmarket his natural success.

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Apparently the reasoning for AJ being laid out last night was because Punk refused to return last week in Chicago and she will drop the title on Main Event leading to a triple threat match with Naomi, Nikki and Natalya.

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Jesus fucking Christ.

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Bryan last week and this is getting more and more audibly booed the more WWE try to manufacture the beautifully organic Bryan momentum. The 'Yes Movement' thing is going to end him as a credible fan favourite for the sake of pushing their stupid fucking hashtags on twitter. They should know whan they have something good and leave it the f**k alone instead of the obvious tampering they do as soon as they see it getting over with the crowd.

Think Lawler with his 'hey everyone lets all do some Fandango-ing! Yeah Fandango-ing is great!'. Fandango buried until the next time a mental British crowd get a hold of him again.

Bryan will go the same way, or possibly the same way as Cena with all of his recent superman antics in ring. I said it after Royal Rumble, they really missed the boat with him and great as it might be if he actually wins at Mania, his popularity is on the wane and will continue to while WWE try to overmarket his natural success.

Was thinking along similar lines. I got the feeling that they're forcing what the fans want into their faces, and it's going to have a negative effect if they're not careful. I didn't "mark out" when the fans 'stormed' the ring. Maybe I was just tired but I didn't get the same feeling I read elsewhere. As you said, if it grows naturally, let it do that and stop hijacking it in a 'this is our idea, go with it look at us' like they did with Fandango, who they totally f*cking knocked back so quickly with the way they done it.

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Was thinking along similar lines. I got the feeling that they're forcing what the fans want into their faces, and it's going to have a negative effect if they're not careful. I didn't "mark out" when the fans 'stormed' the ring. Maybe I was just tired but I didn't get the same feeling I read elsewhere. As you said, if it grows naturally, let it do that and stop hijacking it in a 'this is our idea, go with it look at us' like they did with Fandango, who they totally f*cking knocked back so quickly with the way they done it.

This, WWE are making so many blunders lately, the connections between them now and WCW back in 99 are becoming more and real. If WWE had a competitor they would be loving this right now

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Apparently the reasoning for AJ being laid out last night was because Punk refused to return last week in Chicago and she will drop the title on Main Event leading to a triple threat match with Naomi, Nikki and Natalya.

This company...

Thankfully not the case.

Don't mind Natalya beating AJ but it should be with a proper build-up and feud. They need to start making AJ look a bit stronger too as it's mostly been focused on her losing non-title matches and Tamina trying to help her.

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Apparently the reasoning for AJ being laid out last night was because Punk refused to return last week in Chicago and she will drop the title on Main Event leading to a triple threat match with Naomi, Nikki and Natalya.

This company...


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Yep, she won on Main Event. Pretty good match. Her booking is still absolutely disgusting, though.

I think she'll drop it to some minion from Total Divas at Wrestlemania, which although shite, at least she has a match on the card.

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Yep, she won on Main Event. Pretty good match. Her booking is still absolutely disgusting, though.

I think she'll drop it to some minion from Total Divas at Wrestlemania, which although shite, at least she has a match on the card.

I agree the booking has been terrible. She's become stale over the past month or two and none of it is her fault at all. She's either not on the show or losing a non-title match.

A feud with Natalya is something I'd be all for as they're most likely to put on the best matches. Apparently the match on Main Event was good so hopefully they'll persevere with it.

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She is okay in the ring but botches a fair few times and has nothing else.

She's one of the best wrestlers on the roster. I'd need to see examples of her botching because I can't think of any times where it's been her fault.

In that division, she's the safest worker by far. She's a better wrestler than AJ is, she just doesn't have the chat.

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She's one of the best wrestlers on the roster. I'd need to see examples of her botching because I can't think of any times where it's been her fault.

In that division, she's the safest worker by far. She's a better wrestler than AJ is, she just doesn't have the chat.

She's definitely prone to the odd botch, her work isn't always all that fluid, she's decent enough though. Her and Beth had some pretty good matches before Beth left.

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