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Hadn't realised Ambrose is expected to be away for a few weeks shooting a WWE financed film. I must admit, when he was in the Shield he was clearly the best on the mic but I never really rated him as a wrestler, but in the the last few weeks he has stepped it up big time and he is one of the few reasons I keep watching right now.

I am interested to see the plan with Lesnar, I enjoy the Rollins/Ambrose stuff and I am glad Ziggler is getting another (hopefully decent) push. Other than that there isn't much going on for me to get excited about. They have totally buried Cesaro just now, the tag team division has stalled badly, the Wyatts (IMO) have become a little stale. Also Orton and Reigns does not bother me in the slightest.

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I don't think it's that important that Brock won't be on Raw regularly. At the least it's something a bit different. In a strange sort if way it might actually raise the prestige and value of the title. If Lesnar only turns up for big matches then you know his title defences will be a big deal and therefore the belt is something that matters. They could Heyman on most Raw's to talk up Lesnar and engage on the mic with potential opponents.

Ziggler now holds the belt that will be on every Raw/Smackdown so it's a good position for him to be in. This is the perfect time for them to make the IC belt more important by positioning it in Raw main events.

Agree with the Ambrose love. He's exceptional. I'd rate him as easily the best in WWE just now. He's the one who should be getting the monster push, not Reigns. I rate Reigns but he's clearly being pushed on look alone, showing that somehow WWE STILL don't get it.

Rollins is ace as well.

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Brock Lesnar as champ actually means something. So who the f**k cares if he isn't regular?

WWE knew what they were doing putting the belt on him. Because it now means the person that takes the belt from him is going to be MEGA over. There's nobody else who could do that on the WWE roster right now. So I think the downside of him being part-time can be overlooked.

Brock Lesnar won't lose the belt any time soon I don't think, unless Seth Rollins cashes in after a bitter post-match beating from someone. It's obvious Cena can't be the one that beats him. He also beat Taker. So who beats Lesnar at this point in time?

As for Rollins and Ambrose, this feud has done wonders for both guys. They're also two examples of guys who were pretty mediocre on the indies and have become really terrific wrestlers when they've made the jump to the WWE, showing just how good the training is at NXT. Still not convinced by Seth Rollins as a character, but this feud might well have made him anyways, which is good, because he deserves it. Dean Ambrose has serious potential going forward though. He has the whole package, outside of the look, but the look he DOES have is intense enough to work.

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What's the point?

I have a bad feeling that SuperCena will bravely overcome all the odds yet again. f**k sake, is that why Lesnar was so dominant? Just so Cena will look even better?! Surely not and I'm just panicking?

If they stick with Lesnar as champ (i.e. he beats Cena again) then I suppose it could just add to his aura. "The man who beat John Cena two matches in a row" etc.

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Aye if they are going to keep him ticking with mini-feuds til they put someone over him in a big show (RR or WM31) then it makes sense to burn up one of the PPV's with the rematch before cycling through a couple of different faces. Cena ain't winning this, don't panic.

Edited by Christophe
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I think he beats Cena again. He had to face SOMEONE, and it makes sense that it's Cena again. I'm not worried.

I think Lesnar will win again but it'll be a totally different match. Maybe some Heyman interference or Cena running him a lot closer this time.

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Maybe an Authority person to keep Triple H's Plan C thing going. I can see him acting all triumphant until Heyman/Lesnar basically say that he doesn't need to bother with all the PPVs and Triple H tries to get the title back off him somehow. He'll have to entrust someone he doesn't get on with (hopefully a returning Bryan but probably Reigns) to save the day and the company, effectively.

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