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Walking Down The Halbeath Road

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two years ago they re arranged a game wi us at eep (midweek) for 10 pence they could have had plugs on kingdom fm all day ffs pr yer havin a laugh its no algebra ,biology or hnc gardening or fu**in rocket sience min get youngsters in wi fresh in put just do it

It's not English either.

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I can't believe there is any cynicism at the Rovers gesture! The only time the pars have brought a sub 2000 gate to starks was earlier this season. It was only a slightly less and we didn't allow dafc to sell any tickets which had a significant impact on the away support. If the pars fans were to sell out the away end that would put the best part of £20k in the kitty. In lower league Scottish football that is an incredible gesture from a local rival.

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I can't believe there is any cynicism at the Rovers gesture! The only time the pars have brought a sub 2000 gate to starks was earlier this season. It was only a slightly less and we didn't allow dafc to sell any tickets which had a significant impact on the away support. If the pars fans were to sell out the away end that would put the best part of £20k in the kitty. In lower league Scottish football that is an incredible gesture from a local rival.

I was at the meeting tonight and it was announced we took 2200 to Starks earlier in the season. I think it's a great gesture by Rovers

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I'm sorry but I believe that tonight was nothing more than a PR exercise to get the fans back onside and it seems to have worked

Genuinely wondering why you think this mate?

Also, what about the absolute roaster who kept going on and on about trying to get 51% ownership for the fans? Because we don't have bigger fish to fry than that of course! Then there was the guy who asked whether GM was aware that liquidation would mean no cash for him. Then finally, "If GM was offered more money from someone else, would he take it?" Holy Fucking Jesus.

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Perhaps we could ground share?

I wouldn't be adverse to a newco pars setting up camp at San Starko, for a reasonable contribution. We could loan you a few U19 players for free too. Big fife love in.

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I'm sorry but I believe that tonight was nothing more than a PR exercise to get the fans back onside and it seems to have worked

Genuinely wondering why you think this mate?

There was a lot of gushing over Leishman from the floor and the first few questions seemed to be nice easy ones and then when they got more difficult the people on stage would look blankly at each other before someone would take a stab in the dark at answering them.

The Steering Group may believe they are in control but it's still Masterton's ball.

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At the meeting last night and the only lift we as Pars fans got was hearing the responses / offers from Raith and Cowdenbeath. Truly shocked and humbled by what I heard our neighbours proposing . We may be fiercest rivals however nice to see us wee non old firm little clubs pulling together at times of crisis. Hopefully my team can pull through this but must say didnt get information I was looking for last night . Still not sure of timescales of debts owes .

************************ Many thanks to all at Raith & Cowden . Be proud of your teams ladies and gents , truly great gestures at hard times many thanks *************************************************************

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two years ago they re arranged a game wi us at eep (midweek) for 10 pence they could have had plugs on kingdom fm all day ffs pr yer havin a laugh its no algebra ,biology or hnc gardening or fu**in rocket sience min get youngsters in wi fresh in put just do it

On the sauce last night were we? Hope so.

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So the current tenants of the Kingsgate unit have been paying rent to DAFC (ie GM) for the past 3 years but nobody at the club has forwarded the money on to the Kingsgate. Now the current occupants are being forced out over non payment of rent.

I'd never be stupid enough to call GM a criminal online but...

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