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Walking Down The Halbeath Road

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1 minute ago, HoBNob said:

I hope the club take every action they can but the banning thing always brings a question up in my head, how do the club go about banning someone? 

If you get a police banning order you have to report to the station at a certain time on the weekend. But if the club says "Naw" how are you meant to enforce it? What stops you buying a ticket in yer mates/family members name and just walking in? 

In this situation you'd hopefully have 15 of them getting told to f**k off, so do you have a bloke scanning cctv every week for 15 people? 

Yeah don't know how it would be enforced but needs to be done anyway.

Hopefully these wee rat cowards get a hiding themselves soon.

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6 minutes ago, da_no_1 said:

I sit in the Norrie. It was noticeable that just about every seat in the section nearest the flag was occupied. At the last home game it was a lot less busy. Maybe the guys who sit in there can confirm but there seems to be a squad who only turn up to the high profile games? 

Aye, they seem to be happy paying a 50 quid season tickets for the big games. Total dickheads throwing flares on the pitch when we score tae. Slows the game down when we are on the front foot. The aresholes in that video are cowards. Kicking a young lad on the ground whilst on his own is embarrassing. 

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Where’s the Dunfermline statement on what actions they plan to take against these cretins? 

They’re not going to be able to go radio silent and hope it blows over if that’s the plan.

There’s many positives with your section NW but based on the derbies this season and 2 seasons ago they’re more than needing reigned in. 

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7 hours ago, Cardle is Magic said:

Anyone involved in that video should be banned and lifted.

Probably the same sort of c***s who were causing trouble before the last game at Starks as well.

Utter vermin.

It wouldn’t surprise me if it’s the same wee fudds that fling the smoke bombs and things at the opposition players in front of the NW. 

I hope they are all identified, charged, prosecuted, have their tickets switched off, and have to attend the police station every Saturday for the rest of their lives. 
These cowardly c***s deserve jailed 

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53 minutes ago, RAITHROVERS84 said:

Where’s the Dunfermline statement on what actions they plan to take against these cretins? 

They’re not going to be able to go radio silent and hope it blows over if that’s the plan.

There’s many positives with your section NW but based on the derbies this season and 2 seasons ago they’re more than needing reigned in. 

I totally agree with you. 
I’m sure our club will make a statement on this today, I’ll be both shocked and ashamed if they don’t 

ETA, I really think the club will close the NW after this. It’s the true fans that go to support the team that I feel sorry for, they could lose their seats because of some wee shitebags 

Edited by Wacky
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56 minutes ago, RAITHROVERS84 said:

Where’s the Dunfermline statement on what actions they plan to take against these cretins? 

They’re not going to be able to go radio silent and hope it blows over if that’s the plan.

There’s many positives with your section NW but based on the derbies this season and 2 seasons ago they’re more than needing reigned in. 

I'm sure Dunfermline will release a statement in due course. And from a Rovers fan's perspective, I've nothing but respect for the unanimous response from Pars fans on here and on . net who have condemned the action of the thugs involved without any degree of whataboutery.

Also, best wishes to your boy Fisher. Hope his injury isn't too serious.

Edited by Specky Ginger
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42 minutes ago, RAITHROVERS84 said:

Where’s the Dunfermline statement on what actions they plan to take against these cretins? 

They’re not going to be able to go radio silent and hope it blows over if that’s the plan.

In fairness, the footage only really surfaced at around 9/10pm on a bank holiday last night. Statement up at 8:30 this morning, it’s hardly a ridiculous delay - particularly when the majority of our board are based in Germany.

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7 minutes ago, Wacky said:

I totally agree with you. 
I’m sure our club will make a statement on this today, I’ll be both shocked and ashamed if they don’t 

ETA, I really think the club will close the NW after this. It’s the true fans that go to support the team that I feel sorry for, they could lose their seats because of some wee shitebags 

I don't think they'll close it either but something needs to happen that sends a message to all supporters this scumbag behaviour needs to stop and encourage right minded fans to speak up and self police more. Unfortunately, this means the majority take some of the punishment for the minority until things improve.

Aside from obviously identifying the individuals involved and banning them for life, what options does the club have? The tifos could be stopped, or at least not supported by the club, for rest of the season? No season ticket sales in NW next season (walk up tickets only)? These responses hit the majority who are doing nothing wrong, and unfortunately likely hit club finances, but that's the price we need to pay if we're serious about building a community club. 

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I believe it is Jason that runs NW page on Twitter? He has reached out to the victim to offer help to replace his hearing aids on behalf of Section NW. Club have also put a statement out this morning. 

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Just now, Stellaboz said:

Maybe our club could invite the young lad for a day with the team or something. I know he's a rival fan but I think it'd be a good gesture.

I’m sure both clubs could arrange something and I’d honestly be shocked if we weren’t offering to help out/show him support in any way possible.

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16 minutes ago, Wacky said:

short but to the point statement. 

No issues with that statement whatsoever. That’s what I wanted to see that they’re getting banned. I’m sure with their names being known it’ll be a straightforward process.

The idiocy that they thought they obviously thought they’d get a positive reaction to filming and positing. Brainless wasters.

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4 minutes ago, Stellaboz said:

Maybe our club could invite the young lad for a day with the team or something. I know he's a rival fan but I think it'd be a good gesture.

Absolutely should be doing something. Pay for his replacement hearing aid and for him and his family to attend Rovers hospitality would be a start. Happy to chip in. 

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Didn't realise how much attention this had got until I logged on to my work this morning and the first half dozen messages I got were all from people asking about the boy who got beat up.  Half the messages were from people who don't even follow football but had heard about it on the radio.  

At least the idiots who did it were stupid enough to record themselves doing it and them tag themselves in the original video so should make it a lot easier for the Pars to look to ban them from the stadium.

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I can mind last season where your section NW were getting a lot of credit on here for what they give to the atmosphere, but some small rumblings about aspects of their conduct. Fast forward to now and they are being condemned by the right thinking among you. I only mention it because our own ultras section is in its infancy and has been fantastic for the atmosphere home and away for us. But I'm concerned about it in the long run. What I'm not sure about is whether these groups start off right and turn into wee dicks, or whether they are sort of latched onto by the sort of wee dicks who want to misbehave and see these groups as some sort of cover to do so. 

Ultras groups in general make me wary in that I hate the way they eventually seem to begin to think they speak on behalf of the fans etc. Like they Green Brigade dicks.

Do you think the ultras section is now beyond redemption for you lads, or is it a case that they need to self police the fannies out and continue with the good of what they bring? 

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