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Walking Down The Halbeath Road

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16 minutes ago, HoBNob said:

Inverness is decent, Ayr is pish. The terracing aspect is vastly. overrated. 

Nah loads of good pubs in Ayr and I enjoy the train down.

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On a football note, away from all the other s*ite going on. 

I actually feel for you guys, we've been through crazy injuries and it's not fun, and completely f*cks your season. 

I'm not a par but in my eyes there's not much McPake can really do. Injuries happen but when it's large scale, it's an unenjoyable roller-coaster. 

On the other note, there were approx 6,500 thousand pars fans at the Derby, you can't tar all of them with the same brush. It's a bunch of clowns who will get their comeuppance. 

The police need looked at here as well, barely any presence on Halbeath road. Rovers fans gloating, Pars fans pride hurt had the recipe for disaster and I seen 1 wagon? Crazy but hey ho. 

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5 hours ago, spot on said:

So just to check that I’m getting this right ! A couple of years ago Raith made a monumental error and do something that caused the club and everyone associated with it great embarrassment and resulted in unending ridicule from everyone, including many on this thread,  and is still going on every other day with additional ‘reminders’ more  than two years later.

Then all of a sudden Mr Karma comes along chapping on your door  and your club are involved in an incident that also brings great embarrassment and the associated bad press with it that no one wants or to be associated with but it appears that the time scale for yous getting a bit of stick is less than a week.

Get off your high horse yous have no right to be on it.

For Christ’s sake man, leave off it! You are the embarrassment to us here. The glaring difference between a Club’s actions and the actions of a few “supporters” in a solitary case are clear to everyone but you. Sorry you feel we got picked on (justifiably at the time) a while back, but that doesn’t justify this continued stupidity. I’ve seen perhaps one reference to the saga recently that wasn’t directly appropriate or proper, and it was from an annoying poster who likes to stir shite up, like you have now become. Honestly, it’s probably time to slink off and create a new account.

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7 minutes ago, A_Rover_In_The_Burgh said:

On a football note, away from all the other s*ite going on. 

I actually feel for you guys, we've been through crazy injuries and it's not fun, and completely f*cks your season. 

I'm not a par but in my eyes there's not much McPake can really do. Injuries happen but when it's large scale, it's an unenjoyable roller-coaster. 

On the other note, there were approx 6,500 thousand pars fans at the Derby, you can't tar all of them with the same brush. It's a bunch of clowns who will get their comeuppance. 

The police need looked at here as well, barely any presence on Halbeath road. Rovers fans gloating, Pars fans pride hurt had the recipe for disaster and I seen 1 wagon? Crazy but hey ho. 

I had a (admittedly quick) walk along Halbeath Road after the game to go to the Lizzie, I didn't see any Raith fan going overboard in there delight and there were a few in the Lizzie aswell. 


It's a shame because I'd always had this as a fixture where for 90 minutes there's a class atmosphere but you should be capable of rubbing shoulders post match with the opposition fans. 

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Not wanting to get dragged further into the debate, but by "sizable number" I didn't mean a majority or even a healthy minority. I meant the dozens or so who defended it on social media (including here by the way), the guys who had the banner and the shirt with Goodwillie 9 or whatever it was on the back, and the ones who complained that fans of both Raith Rovers and other clubs who were opposed to the signing were "virtue signaling". I'm well aware that the vast majority of Raith fans were against it and that the pressure from those fans who stood up to the chairman and supporters who took no issue with it did a fantastic job in getting him out the club. But you only have to go back to read that thread or look at the Fife Free Press etc to see that there were fans who weren't against the Goodwillie signing. The comparison (which was brought up by that Spot On guy, by the way, not any Dunfermline fan trying to score points) between the two was clearly a nonsense, both in terms of who were responsible and the response to it. Maybe it was clumsily worded, and I had no intention of saying that most Rovers fans were in favour so apologies if that's how it read. 

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3 hours ago, Ebanda's Handyman Services said:

Decent folk simply looking to support their club should disband their group? Nah.

Rovers have their moronic element too. Should we stop encouraging the decent supporters because some belters hang about the same area?

Well if I was simply a decent person trying to support my club I would certainly disband any group which I had created if it was bringing shame to the club.

Yes we have plenty of morons in our support but they aren't all in a big gang which is endorsed and given special privilege by the club. 

3 hours ago, HoBNob said:


Load, of, pish.


3 hours ago, DA Baracus said:

I wasn't there but did 200 fans really get battered outside a pub?

Na, about 10 of them got battered then the rest of them shat it.

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3 hours ago, RR #1 said:

Pish. The cretins who carried out the assault clearly were part of the SNW. They sat in that part of the stadium, posed for pics behind snw banners and posted pics of themselves in snw merchandise.

Anyone can buy that merchandise. Your owners are actually the ones that sell it - in their Soccer Shop Direct (or whatever it’s called) shop, so it’s publicly available. Owning the merchandise and having a ticket for the North West stand does not make you a member of the supporters group.

Nobody is denying that those involved in the assault on Monday are cretins and the behaviour is completely unacceptable. But I don’t understand why you and a few others seem desperate to pin this on a supporters group.

SNW need to improve their behaviour in the stadium, we’ve all agreed on that. But that doesn’t make them responsible for the disgusting attack on Monday.

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7 minutes ago, CallumPar said:

Anyone can buy that merchandise. Your owners are actually the ones that sell it - in their Soccer Shop Direct (or whatever it’s called) shop, so it’s publicly available. Owning the merchandise and having a ticket for the North West stand does not make you a member of the supporters group.

Nobody is denying that those involved in the assault on Monday are cretins and the behaviour is completely unacceptable. But I don’t understand why you and a few others seem desperate to pin this on a supporters group.

SNW need to improve their behaviour in the stadium, we’ve all agreed on that. But that doesn’t make them responsible for the disgusting attack on Monday.

What owners sell this gear? Hope whoever it is has a re-think. Aye maybe anyone can buy the gear but no one is buying it and posing for pics in it on their socials unless they are part of the gang. 

You say you don't understand why people seem desperate to pin this on snw? It is because the attackers clearly associate with the supporters group. No-one can reasonably deny this given the pics of them in the gear and behind the flags. 

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2 minutes ago, RR #1 said:

What owners sell this gear? Hope whoever it is has a re-think. Aye maybe anyone can buy the gear but no one is buying it and posing for pics in it on their socials unless they are part of the gang. 

You say you don't understand why people seem desperate to pin this on snw? It is because the attackers clearly associate with the supporters group. No-one can reasonably deny this given the pics of them in the gear and behind the flags. 

Your owners sell the gear. 

Seems pretty clear they're part of the "gang" aswell, you going to run them out the club? 

I think I seen someone wearing Adidas trainers aswell, when you firing them an email asking them to cease operations? 

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Just now, RR #1 said:

What owners sell this gear? Hope whoever it is has a re-think. Aye maybe anyone can buy the gear but no one is buying it and posing for pics in it on their socials unless they are part of the gang. 

You say you don't understand why people seem desperate to pin this on snw? It is because the attackers clearly associate with the supporters group. No-one can reasonably deny this given the pics of them in the gear and behind the flags. 

The owners of your football club sell Section North West gear. They own the soccer shop direct, who have a partnership with Section North West to sell their merchandise. There are also plenty of people who own the gear and don’t even sit in the north west. I’d also imagine that about 99.9% of people who buy it do not identify as part of any gang.

It’s easy to sit in a section of the stadium, to think you’re ‘cool’. But, again, that doesn’t make you part of any supporters group that is around you. Particularly when the photos I’ve seen are from away games, where literally anyone with tickets for the Dunfermline end can sit/stand nearby and take photos around the SNW flags.

No point arguing with you though. You aren’t interested in facts and are letting rivalry cloud your judgment.

As I say, those involved in the attack should be locked away and certainly not be allowed in a football stadium again in their lives. But I also know that the guy who organises the fan displays etc for SNW would 100% be naming and shaming these guys if he knew who they were. But those involved in the anttack are about half his age and almost certainly won’t socialise at all with the people actively involved in the supporters group.

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Well, results this weekend not particularly going our way. 

We are definitely on relegation form. We have about 10 players out injured who would be starters or close to starting. Confidence must be so low. I think last night could possibly be a sliding doors moment in our season. Very depressing after starting the season alright and looking to challenge for 4th. I know it is only halfway, but you are mad to think we'll get near the promotion play-offs. Combination of bad luck, poor defending, and poor management is absolutely screwing our season up massively. Just don't see how we turn this around as there is no chance we are making the signings to replace these important players that are out. I would gladly take 8th right now. 

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1 minute ago, DAFC. said:

Confidence must be so low

Must be hard for the players not to be there thinking "am I next" or every time someone is down injured that they are going to be out for a while.

The three games there in such a short space of time was always going to be a challenge, even with a fit squad. Hopefully a weekend off a bit of down time the niggling injuries are given time to calm down.

I would absolutely be bringing in Joe Cardle now and maybe it's daft as a fan but someone with his experience and love for the club I think could really help and give us a different option from the bench.

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Aye, 4 points behind Airdrie now and who'd bet against it being 7 points next Saturday? Queens Park come to KDMGEEP the following week then we go to Tannadice so the potential for dropping like a stone is definitely there. Got to just try and grind out some results to keep a few points above the teams below and hope the players coming back allow us to secure a mid table finish..

Edited by Salvo Montalbano
I can't count (and didn't realise the league table had already been updated)
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If there are affordable, solid enough players at this level available, especially in defence, we should be doing everything we can to get them in. This has got to be declared as a bit of an emergency by the BOD, no? 

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A couple of decent signing are not only needed for the squad but the morale of the players and fans. Get it right and it could settle things down and buy us time till a few come back that aren't long term crocked.

If not then we'll spiral for sure.

Edited by Heaton
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Its been a shite weekend overall and its certainly stopped me looking up the table. 

Seems clear to me that every single penny that can be found must be directed to bringing in first team ready players ASAP.  We've lost the first two of this month without bringing in reinforcements, there's a huge risk that turns into 5 by the end of the month without signings and another 4 games in February if we f**k around and wait until the end of the loan window.  These aren't games we can afford to write off waiting on signings.

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I hope it is as simple as the board chucking cash at folk to make signings, but that may not be reality. They could make various offers but doesn't mean players will accept them, as we saw with Wotherspoon.

Regarding loans, usually the situation is that you need to wait for a club to make a signing before they'll let a player go out on loan.

I hope we get guys in on Monday, but we need to be realistic about the situation and understand that it might not be as quick/straightforward as we all hope.

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4 hours ago, TxRover said:

For Christ’s sake man, leave off it! You are the embarrassment to us here. The glaring difference between a Club’s actions and the actions of a few “supporters” in a solitary case are clear to everyone but you. Sorry you feel we got picked on (justifiably at the time) a while back, but that doesn’t justify this continued stupidity. I’ve seen perhaps one reference to the saga recently that wasn’t directly appropriate or proper, and it was from an annoying poster who likes to stir shite up, like you have now become. Honestly, it’s probably time to slink off and create a new account.


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