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I must be in a minority of people who sits and enjoys shows instead of nitpicking every minor fucking detail. Headcases man.

That's a cheap and easy line to throw in, but it's not how fiction works. No fiction can be enjoyed by being watched perfectly passively, it's only interesting insofar as it reflects some understanding we have of the world around us, and that requires at least some minimal effort to reach and appreciate that understanding - even if, for the large majority of the time that process is mostly unconcious. The degree to which that's the case varies both between people and between the works. Sure, some books / films / tv shows can be easier to get to grips with than others, and there are many that can be taken pretty much at face value. But many of the more interesting ones are more subtle than that and sometimes the detail is important, often by design, to understanding.

(In this particular case TSAR and JMG have got a bit fixated on details which I suspect don't carry the importance they're ascribing to them, but that doesn't mean the discussion is worthless.)

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Breaking Bad fans have placed an obituary for Walter White in the local newspaper where the show was shot.

After the series finished on AMC recently, fans put the obituary for the main character in the Albuquerque Journal.

The notice appears with the headline "White, Walter" and includes a photo of Bryan Cranston, the actor who played the chemistry teacher turned drug kingpin in Breaking Bad.

It says that the 52-year-old "founded a meth manufacturing empire" and that he died "after a long battle with lung cancer and a gunshot wound."

The five-season series was set and filmed in Albuquerque.

Los Lunas science teacher David Layman, one of the members of an unofficial fan group that placed the obit, said that many were sad to see the show go, but that the obit helped provide some closure.

Too far: :lol:


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Just a thought - the last episode was the only one of the latest batch actually written by Vince Gilligan himself... Maybe he's just not as good a writer as he is an ideas guy? Not as many plot holes and the like in the previous episodes, perhaps he was given 'Creator's honour' on the last episode, despite his perhaps lack of top-drawer talent in the writing department?

Don't know what other episodes he's written etc, just a thought as I said.

Vince Gilligan basically wrote all the best episodes. Go back and look at what he wrote, some truly exceptional episodes.

Other favourite writers of mine on the show were Moira Wallet-Beckey and Peter Gould.

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Just a thought - the last episode was the only one of the latest batch actually written by Vince Gilligan himself... Maybe he's just not as good a writer as he is an ideas guy? Not as many plot holes and the like in the previous episodes, perhaps he was given 'Creator's honour' on the last episode, despite his perhaps lack of top-drawer talent in the writing department?

Don't know what other episodes he's written etc, just a thought as I said.

The fact he wrote the final episode doesn't mean he is solely responsible for any plot holes (although I personally don't think there were any).

He is part of a writing team consisting of about 10 people. Together they come up with the storyline for each episode. As 'writer' of the specific episode, it is simply his job to put that storyline down on paper.

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Dont get me wrong I loved the whole series but im with TSAR in that I believe that when Walt found out he had cancer he should have taken Gretchen and Elliot's money for treatment and the series end there.

Get goosebumps just thinking about how tense that would have been.

It's also why my favourite James Bond movie is the one where the bad guy takes a gun out and shoots him in the head 4 minutes into the movie rather than tries to feed him to a pool of sharks or saw off his nuts.

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Clearly he "should have" done many things differently from what he did. That's the point and premise of the programme, and many other programmes besides. I don't quiite get your point.

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Finally, I've been able to read this thread. Here are some points I have thought of based on it:

TSAR seems to have been whooshed by the show.

TRS made about 25 predictions and was correct on about two on them :lol:

He's not alone in that, every one seems to have been really overthinking things when trying to decide what was going to happen next.

It is impossible for Walt to have correctly measured the dose of poison he gave Brock. He'd have to weigh or measure the boy first.

I don't know why people had it in for Jesse at any point, he's great.

I hated Skyler and loved Hank at the start. Around half way through, about the time Hank got shot and Skyler cottoned on to Walt, they'd completely switched places for me. By the time Hank started walking and working again, they'd switched back.

What happened to Marie's shoplifting? And what was she thinking with that tiara?

I love the relationship between Walt and Jesse. They clearly care deeply about each other, even when they hate each other.

It was actually quite good that Walt essentially killed himself after being hit by a bullet from his own gun. It wouldn't have been the same if he'd been taken in by Hank or killed another way.

Edit: no, he can't have been. He was on the deck at the time, wasn't he? :/

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Finally, I've been able to read this thread. Here are some points I have thought of based on it:

TSAR seems to have been whooshed by the show.

TRS made about 25 predictions and was correct on about two on them :lol:

He's not alone in that, every one seems to have been really overthinking things when trying to decide what was going to happen next.

It is impossible for Walt to have correctly measured the dose of poison he gave Brock. He'd have to weigh or measure the boy first.

I don't know why people had it in for Jesse at any point, he's great.

I hated Skyler and loved Hank at the start. Around half way through, about the time Hank got shot and Skyler cottoned on to Walt, they'd completely switched places for me. By the time Hank started walking and working again, they'd switched back.

What happened to Marie's shoplifting? And what was she thinking with that tiara?

I love the relationship between Walt and Jesse. They clearly care deeply about each other, even when they hate each other.

It was actually quite good that Walt essentially killed himself after being hit by a bullet from his own gun. It wouldn't have been the same if he'd been taken in by Hank or killed another way.

Edit: no, he can't have been. He was on the deck at the time, wasn't he? :/

I hadn't considered that he might have been taking himself out with the automatic gun with the nazis....but did he deck it only to save jessie? was he planning on taking himself out with that gun? A kind of....ego thing where the only person to kill Heisenberg, is Heisenberg.

I liked Hank until the point where he got shot, he turned into a pube after that

Skyler was always a bitch

Walt Jr. (Flynn..ugh) has always beena wee sh*te I f*cking hated him

Mike and Saul were f*cking excellent thoughout

I loved Jessie throughout, especially when he was working with Mike

I both loved and hated Walt

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I only watched it a couple of hours ago but I think I'm going to have to watch it again to clear that up! What's confused me is the shots were all coming from outside in, so Jack and his men would have been concentrating their efforts on firing back out, rather than at Walt, who appeared to be launching an attack on Jesse at the time.

The thing I particularly liked about Mike was that it was near impossible to rile him. The only time he ever got really angry was when Walt asked him to help him kill Gus (another character I thought was excellent). Even when he'd been shot in the head, all he had to say was "Will you shut the f**k up and let me die in peace?". :lol: I'm a bit disappointed that his granddaughter never got her money though.

Bryan Cranston was on Twitter a few days back commenting on a tweet someone else had made about Walter being dead. He replied "or am I?". At first I was a bit annoyed about it being a spoiler but then considered that Walter's death was the only way it really could end, given the terminal cancer and all. There was no way Gilligan was going to have him end up in prison because, frankly, I think that would have been a kick in the teeth for anyone watching and while he doesn't want the drug manufacturer winning from a moral point of view, he just can't lose either. He had to go that way. I do think his "or am I?" was just a way to make it seem less spoiler-ish, rather than hint at an ambiguous ending.

I'm sure it was a ricochet.

Yeah, I think you're probably right. There can't have been too many people firing from inside to others inside. It was only after the firing stopped that Todd looked outside and realised it wasn't a person outside shooting.

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