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Evil Neighbours Thread

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I always thought Mrs. Mangol was an evil Neighbour?

Nah she was just the moral rock of Melbourne's worst neighbourhood. If it wasn't for her Bouncer would have been shitting on everyone's lawns, scott and Charlene would have been at it like rabbits in full public view, and Anne Robinson's drug dealing empire would have taken hold in the community :)

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Nah she was just the moral rock of Melbourne's worst neighbourhood. If it wasn't for her Bouncer would have been shitting on everyone's lawns, scott and Charlene would have been at it like rabbits in full public view, and Anne Robinson's drug dealing empire would have taken hold in the community :)

Who remembers Annalise? Yum.


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I posted a thread a while ago about my evil neighbour.


He remains evil. He has become more and more erratic and aggressive lately. In the last few weeks he has approached me numerous times and has tried to ban me from walking across a patch of open land he owns to access local woodland. I have told him that he needs to understand that I am not answerable to him, but he says I need to do as he says as I am "on his property".

The reality is that we have servitudes of access across "his property", basically some land and shared access areas around our house. These servitudes are irredeemable and do not have any conditions or restictions attached, other than us contributing to the cost of the upkeep of the shared access road. We also have pedestrian access to all these other areas as members of the public anyway.

He has been more and more antisocial towards us lately and this is a punishment because we refuse to treat some other neighbours like dirt, neighbours who he has an ongoing civil dispute with. He has asked us repeatedly not to speak to these people and has even approached visitors to our property asking them not to speak to these other neighbours. I have explained to him that his civil dispute with these people is his and that we are not involved. This has utterly enraged him.

Regarding the specific bit of land that he has tried to ban me from, I told him that I will continue to take access as per my Land Reform Act entitlement. He went out and built a wooden barricade at the back of my house to block me. Twice. Both times I have waited until he went to work and went out and dismantled the barricades, leaving the wood neatly stacked. Then he saw me going round the back of my house again and went absolutely mental, screaming and bawling. He was also very aggressive to my wife recently because she was parking outside our house in a way he wasn't happy with. The police have been involved for quite a while, They have been very supportive, and they believe him to be mentally ill. The amazing thing is that this neighbour is himself a serving police officer. He is twice my size and thinks he can intimidate me. I have told the police that I think it is only a matter of time before I am assaulted, but I have to be very careful and I strongly suspect he is trying to draw me into a breach of the peace.

Recently when he had a go at me about letting my dog off the lead in the woods behind our house I challenged him about his lie earlier this year when he claimed our dog had killed a chicken. His sister in law told me essentially that it didn't happen and my neighbour had made it up. He said to me when I challenged him that if he wanted to make up a lie he "would just say that the dog had attacked one of his horses". I laughed at him and went inside.

10 minutes later he sent an email to my solicitor claiming that my dog had attacked one of his horses.

He has told an incredible amount of lies and I truly believe that he has maliciously damaged property belonging to me and other neighbours. I'm talking car tyres and things like that, but I can't prove it. As well as being really mental, I truly believe he is quite evil.

I'm not sure where it will end but my wife and I are having to have Voice Memo on our phones turned on when we are in the areas outside our house. We are being harrassed in our own home but I'm not sure if it constitutes criminal behaviour. We may turn out to be the least of his worries though, as he might have gone too far with someone else. Fingers crossed.

Just hit this c**t with a metal pole during the dark winter

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Evidence or GTFO

She did a nightclub tour back when she was in the show and I happened to be in a nightclub in Aberdeen when she appeared on stage. Due to the amount of guys standing in front of the stage I didn't get close enough to cop a cheeky feel of her melons, I did manage to touch her hand which at some point must have touched her ain chebs. Poor consolation, but I can always claim to have touched her tits by proxy
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She did a nightclub tour back when she was in the show and I happened to be in a nightclub in Aberdeen when she appeared on stage. Due to the amount of guys standing in front of the stage I didn't get close enough to cop a cheeky feel of her melons, I did manage to touch her hand which at some point must have touched her ain chebs. Poor consolation, but I can always claim to have touched her tits by proxy

You've also touched her "area" by proxy.

I salute you.

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Who remembers Annalise? Yum.


Poor man''s eye candy. This is the ultimate


Although I have to concede in the context of the thread Ms Brennan wasn't quite evil enough for Ramsay Street, That's why she had to leave

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She did a nightclub tour back when she was in the show and I happened to be in a nightclub in Aberdeen when she appeared on stage. Due to the amount of guys standing in front of the stage I didn't get close enough to cop a cheeky feel of her melons, I did manage to touch her hand which at some point must have touched her ain chebs. Poor consolation, but I can always claim to have touched her tits by proxy

I mind meeting her in Perth when I was a bairn. Looking back, I had no idea why she was there but now you mention the nightclub tour it makes sense. Would assume an appearance at either Electric Whispers or Shenanigans.

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  • 3 months later...

Shite weekend because of these c-units.

Took a couple of days off to catch up with sleep only to get woken up by them during the night and again early in the morning. Last night was horrendous, banging about from 11PM till 1AM then woken again at 3AM -4AM and up at half six.

Had to shout at the top of my voice STFU and it stopped.

This country has gone to far to pander towards people who don't want to help themselves or rely on handouts, how can you get all this shit and run a home business at unsociable hours?

Try to do anything and they'll just play the sympathy card and they know it.

If your disability means you can't function 9-5 then dont put yourself amongst people who are trying to contribute to society.

That sounds horrible but try living next door to this nightmare...

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Shite weekend because of these c-units.

Took a couple of days off to catch up with sleep only to get woken up by them during the night and again early in the morning. Last night was horrendous, banging about from 11PM till 1AM then woken again at 3AM -4AM and up at half six.

Had to shout at the top of my voice STFU and it stopped.

This country has gone to far to pander towards people who don't want to help themselves or rely on handouts, how can you get all this shit and run a home business at unsociable hours?

Try to do anything and they'll just play the sympathy card and they know it.

If your disability means you can't function 9-5 then dont put yourself amongst people who are trying to contribute to society.

That sounds horrible but try living next door to this nightmare...

f**k sake man you still living next to this mob, I would have cracked by now.

I would just go fucking mental now, police rounds or punch the c**t straight in coupan.

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Shite weekend because of these c-units.

Took a couple of days off to catch up with sleep only to get woken up by them during the night and again early in the morning. Last night was horrendous, banging about from 11PM till 1AM then woken again at 3AM -4AM and up at half six.

Had to shout at the top of my voice STFU and it stopped.

This country has gone to far to pander towards people who don't want to help themselves or rely on handouts, how can you get all this shit and run a home business at unsociable hours?

Try to do anything and they'll just play the sympathy card and they know it.

If your disability means you can't function 9-5 then dont put yourself amongst people who are trying to contribute to society.

That sounds horrible but try living next door to this nightmare...

Have you spoke to the council ? In the past the police would come out if you called them I don't know if thats still the case but worth a call or even a visist if you can manage it, if you come across as the 'reasonable' one it all helps. Any contact with them is logged as well which would support your ongoing issue.

If you live in a flat (sorry can't remember) then speak to your 'neebs' but even if its just you, you can keep a diary, not easy I know. First stop, the council to seek advice on where you stand. Don't give them an excuse, don't swear at them and try and keep things civil while you're fucking them over, its a war not a battle in these situations.

Good luck

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