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Last Book You Read....


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John Grisham ...."A time for mercy". A well paced story about a small town American lawyer defending a disadvantaged boy who kills a drunken cop.
I'm midway through this at the moment. Enjoying it - Grisham is one of those you're not going to be surprised by. Style,I mean- no doubt a plot twist or two on the way.
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"Bedroom Secrets of the Master Chefs" - Irvine Welsh

Picked this up years ago in a charity shop and finally got round to it.

Bit different from other Welsh books in that it's all about booze rather than drugs. Guy that works for the council wants to track his dad down and runs into a new rival at work. Suitably dark tone with the same excellent descriptive writing you'd expect from Welsh. Saw the "twist" coming a mile off but still good. Yet to read one of his books I didn't like.

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Roy - Algorithm Party

More of a pamphlet than a book as it's only forty pages long.  Anyway, this is collection of short stories about life in modern day Liverpool. It's not a million miles away from the sort of stuff that Irvine Welsh writes, references to alcohol, drugs and violence etc. It somehow avoids being as cliched or hackneyed as books like this normally are.

A decent wee read.

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On 11/03/2021 at 14:01, Richey Edwards said:

Last book I read was Shuggie Bain. A very cheery read.

I started Dracula by Bram Stoker last night. That is a book I have never read, despite it's reputation as a classic of it's genre.

Found it a bit of a task because it was ( obviously) written in the dialect of the day. 

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Lanny by Max Porter.

Weird, but good.

An eccentric kid goes missing in a rural village in the south of England.  It's cleverly done, pulling together strands in the local reaction recognisable from Soham to Bristol to Portugal.  A mythological, ancient character called Papa Toothwort oversees it all, relaying snippets of chat he hears in odd lyrical swirly patterns.

As I said, it's a strange book, but it manages to be funny and insightful.

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Finished Chris Brookmyre ‘The Cut’ and now half way through Fallen Angel.

Had not read any of his work in ages but really enjoying it, though less laugh out loud than I recall.

Thinking of doing reverse order back to where I left off, then maybe retreading his earlier stuff.


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The Goodbye Man by Jeffery Deaver. I hate to say it but, while an enjoyable read, this could have been written by any number of less talented writers. Nowhere near the number of twists you'd expect, and those that do appear are not of the screeching 180 degree style he does so well.

Maybe he should have stuck to the Rhyme/Sachs series, or even Katherine Dance. Mind you, Child has done that, and I hear from fans (I'm not one, I'll admit) that the Reacher series has shown signs of running out of steam.
Currently being lectured by James O'Brien's latest, before going on to the first Barney Thomson book. Can't remember the author's name but I enjoyed the film with Carlyle and Emma Thomson, so might well get the rest of the series as well (first one was free on Amazon).

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Later by Stephen King.

Hard boiled crime story with a mix of a kid that can speak to dead people. Fairly easy read and then in typical King fashion, the story peters out comes to a close and then in his final 3 pages, without a single clue prior, just throws in some incest for no reason.

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