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P&B subcrawl

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Times Square - St Enoch

Laurieston - Bridge St

Lord Nelson - West St

Quayside - Sheilds Road

Grapes - Kinning Park

Kensington - Cessnock

Louden Tavern :) - Ibrox

Black Man's - Govan

Deoch an Dorus - Partick

Partick Tavern - Kelvin Hall

Brel - Hillhead

Deep Blue Sea - Kelvinbridge


Wintergills - St Georges Cross

? - Cowcaddens

Dows / The Vale - Buchanan St

I can't remember the boozer at Cowcaddens as that's the point where I would have struggled to bite the end of my own finger.

That's my cut off. My recollection of the last two pubs is virtually zero before being back in the Vale and Dows, which I remember again. And the legendary chippy after Partick.

I also got a flashback earlier today of standing at the bar in Dows during the karaoke and a very hard looking chunt and his son standing beside me sipping away quietly on their pints. I turn round to see who's up next and the hard b*****d is flat out on his back, steaming and his equally pished son trying to help him up. I generously lend a hand and get the pwoppa nawty fella back in the game and in a show of solidarity of pishedness, give him a pat on the shoulder and tell him man to man: 'don't worry mate, nobody saw it!', 'SAW WHIT?' he replied. 'You decking it! nobody saw it though' I remind him...... and in a show of total indignant, youre-about-to-get-stabbed-if you-don't-fuck-off rage, he replies 'AH DIDNY DECK IT YA p***k'.

Fair enough, I chuckle, and stagger back to the party.....brilliant.

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That's my cut off. My recollection of the last two pubs is virtually zero before being back in the Vale and Dows, which I remember again. And the legendary chippy after Partick.

That's a shame, because you and I had a really interesting conversation about "the fear" in that Cowcaddens pub.

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That's a shame, because you and I had a really interesting conversation about "the fear" in that Cowcaddens pub.

Actually, I remember that well! I mean I have no recollection of where any of the last 2 pubs actually are or the interiors of them. But I remember that conversation!

I'm delighted to say I woke up yesterday without any iota of the fear. Parts of the night are still missing, yet I remember nearly everything, even threatening to go with Gordie to the union in Paisley for a pint before deciding that enough was enough before getting there.

Edited by djchapsticks
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Times Square - St Enoch

Laurieston - Bridge St

Lord Nelson - West St

Quayside - Sheilds Road

Grapes - Kinning Park

Kensington - Cessnock

Louden Tavern :) - Ibrox

Black Man's - Govan

Dows / The Vale - Buchanan St


Deoch an Dorus - Partick

Partick Tavern - Kelvin Hall

Brel - Hillhead

Deep Blue Sea - Kelvinbridge

Wintergills - St Georges Cross

? - Cowcaddens


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I remember the pishy Belgian lager in Deep Blue Sea that was 8.5% and my rant that somewhere in Belgium is there a shitey alternative student hovel that sells Tennents Super and tries to pass it off as 'niche' because it's foreign, as that's what that place was doing.

Disgusting stuff.

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I remember the pishy Belgian lager in Deep Blue Sea that was 8.5% and my rant that somewhere in Belgium is there a shitey alternative student hovel that sells Tennents Super and tries to pass it off as 'niche' because it's foreign, as that's what that place was doing.

Disgusting stuff.

I have an extremely vague recollection of that rant laugh.gif

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Didnt Deep Blue Sea change to a beer pub like a Brew Dog several months ago?

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I remember the pishy Belgian lager in Deep Blue Sea that was 8.5% and my rant that somewhere in Belgium is there a shitey alternative student hovel that sells Tennents Super and tries to pass it off as 'niche' because it's foreign, as that's what that place was doing.

Disgusting stuff.

Duval,I mentioned it was 8.5% and you were like a kid in a candy shop ;)

Was that the pub down by the river Kelvin? If it was that was a wanky pub.

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I'm delighted to say I woke up yesterday without any iota of the fear. Parts of the night are still missing, yet I remember nearly everything, even threatening to go with Gordie to the union in Paisley for a pint before deciding that enough was enough before getting there.

I remember every little thing. As if it happened only yesterday, in fact.

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Duval,I mentioned it was 8.5% and you were like a kid in a candy shop ;)

Was that the pub down by the river Kelvin? If it was that was a wanky pub.

I missed half the time we were in that place as I was out meeting Mr Three Times Lost himself, ffcsam.

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Deep Blue Sea (or whatever the f**k its called now) is where I got conned into getting a bottle of "80 Shilling" as they had no Best/Heavy on tap.

I vaguely remember forcing folk to try it as I didn't think anyone was taking my "this is rancid and tastes like flowers" complaints seriously.

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Deep Blue Sea (or whatever the f**k its called now) is where I got conned into getting a bottle of "80 Shilling" as they had no Best/Heavy on tap.

I vaguely remember forcing folk to try it as I didn't think anyone was taking my "this is rancid and tastes like flowers" complaints seriously.

To be fair, I'm not believing it tasted like flowers now.

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Deep Blue Sea (or whatever the f**k its called now) is where I got conned into getting a bottle of "80 Shilling" as they had no Best/Heavy on tap.

I vaguely remember forcing folk to try it as I didn't think anyone was taking my "this is rancid and tastes like flowers" complaints seriously.

I think the biggest smile of the day came from you when you were asked for £2.10 for pint of Best :lol:

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