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Lets All Laugh At Rangers Thread

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Like the soldiers of the Third Reich..............Really? Don't bother trying to explain, you'll only make it worse.

That's just the first comparison that came to mind (as in following shady orders) being tired.

Obviously not comparing the Iraq War to WW2, was going to edit the comment but wasn't sure if anyone would actually read it that way.

Sadly you did.

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Also there is absolutely nothing wrong with Catholic schools in Scotland, or any type of private/home schooling for that matter...

If you're going to abolish Catholic or Islamic or whatever the f**k schools because of sectarianism you may as well just ban religion altogether. It's absolutely ridiculous logic.

It's odd that you draw a parallel between Catholic schooling and private/home schooling. One is funded and necessarily provided by the state; whereas the other involves actively opting out of such a system. That's the point.

The suggestion that a logical step from not having state funded schools divided along religious lines, is to ban religion altogether is absolutely nuts. Why on earth would the first step require, or even suggest the other?

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Aye the Staggie is on a roll. British soldiers are on a par with the Third Reich and the next step after opposing the state funding of schools who seperate children due to their religion is to ban all religion.

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Don't believe the lies no8 has posted the last few days,trying to look like a good guy,he's an out and out bigot,who doesn't associate with them.

Ohh dear Fergus.

I don't associate with who? My wife? My Daughter? Who?

Edited by No8.
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British soldiers are on a par with the Third Reich

I didn't say that. I also specifically clarified what I meant when someone previously misinterpreted it.

Hold on a minute though, Catholic schools are state funded in Scotland?

Is that what you're saying here? Absolutely that should be abolished then, complete separation of church and state.

I thought Catholic schools were funded entirely by the Catholic Church in Scotland (or just private benefactors), if that's not the case then they shouldn't exist.

Apologies for my ignorance here, btw.

Edited by ironstaggies66
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I didn't say that. I also specifically clarified what I meant when someone previously misinterpreted it.

Hold on a minute though, Catholic schools are state funded in Scotland?

Is that what you're saying here? Absolutely that should be abolished then, complete separation of church and state.

I thought Catholic schools were funded entirely by the Catholic Church in Scotland (or just private benefactors), if that's not the case then they shouldn't exist.

Apologies for my ignorance here, btw.

You started wading in on such a contentious issue without the first idea what you're talking about? Oh, you're going to fit right in here, fella. :lol:

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You started wading in on such a contentious issue without the first idea what you're talking about? Oh, you're going to fit right in here, fella. :lol:

To be fair it seems absolutely absurd that Catholic schools WOULD be funded by the state in a country like Scotland in this day and age.

So maybe my assumption can be forgiven, slightly.

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If you're going to abolish Catholic or Islamic or whatever the f**k schools because of sectarianism you may as well just ban religion altogether. It's absolutely ridiculous logic.

Banning religious interference in state funded, taxpayer public schools is eminently sensible.

Where bigots tend to out themselves is by working their staunch faces into fits of apoplexy when considering the heinous crimes of Catholic schooling, whilst coughing into their sash with "umm, well, it's just some services at Easter and Christmas and some assembly prayers n that - NOT THE SAME" when the Protestant school system is mentioned.

These threads are an excellent vehicle for identifying staunch posters.

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Nah, this is daft. There is a strange requirement for all state schools to offer opportunities for Religious observance, as well as Religious education, which seems somewhat anachronistic. It's also true that with schools being encouraged to forge community links that this means the local church they connect to is often a C of S one. That's very different from the way Catholic schools operate however. In these, the RC church has direct input into the appointment of staff to certain posts, requiring that such people are deemed acceptable. Most such schools are also not short of the associated iconography and the church has a large influence over Social Education and Health input. To suggest that most State schools in Scotland are 'Protestant' in the way that RC ones are 'Catholic', is thoroughly fallacious.

Did you attend a Catholic School?

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Banning religious interference in state funded, taxpayer public schools is eminently sensible.

Where bigots tend to out themselves is by working their staunch faces into fits of apoplexy when considering the heinous crimes of Catholic schooling, whilst coughing into their sash with "umm, well, it's just some services at Easter and Christmas and some assembly prayers n that - NOT THE SAME" when the Protestant school system is mentioned.

These threads are an excellent vehicle for identifying staunch posters.

I agree completely.

I didn't get much of that stuff in school (far more in primary than secondary), but what little there was was too much.

RE is it, church services and singing hymns in assembly and shit is a no-go in state schools for me.

Although I did enjoy them, personally, great excuse not to be in school working and the biblical stories were always really interesting.

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I like the way that sevco fan describes John Reid as a "war criminal", yet every year sevco fans parade British soldiers round Mike Ashley's field as "war heroes", despite the fact that all of these soldiers willingly and voluntarily signed up to fight for this "war criminal". Bit of a contradiction, no? Yet another Ibrox paradox I guess.

They were f*ckin lied to, just like the rest of us!!

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I didn't say that. I also specifically clarified what I meant when someone previously misinterpreted it.

Hold on a minute though, Catholic schools are state funded in Scotland?

Is that what you're saying here? Absolutely that should be abolished then, complete separation of church and state.

I thought Catholic schools were funded entirely by the Catholic Church in Scotland (or just private benefactors), if that's not the case then they shouldn't exist.

Apologies for my ignorance here, btw.

Is this another of Tedi or Bennets stupid aliases?

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The French got it right, Schools are for Education, Churches/Chapels/Mosques/Synagogues are for Religion. Not that it stops violence though.

Are you implying religions etc. are responsible for violent acts commited by people who claim to be acting in the name of their religion/nationality/weapon they're using/substance they're abusing/media they were inspired by/ideology?

I hope not. I know why people use the old blame game here and it's really sad and pathetic. That, as an adult, they aren't mature enough to finally accept that regardless of what we do there are going to be disenfranchised people in the world who gain some sort of fulfillment from harming others is depressing.

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They were f*ckin lied to, just like the rest of us!!

You could maybe give a fool's pardon to the soldiers who were already serving in 2003/04, before the full facts of the reasons for going to war in Iraq came to light, but any soldier who's joined the British Army since then has done so in full knowledge of these lies. To decry Reid as a "war criminal" yet laud these soldiers as "heroes" is utterly hypocritical.

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