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Absolute rage. I'm up to division 2 and need 1 win to get to division 1. I use consumables to max my team out, up 3-0 with minutes left and 'connection lost with opponent'.

It gets back to the main screen I've lost the fucking game?

Ea Sports have a serious amount of aids.

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Absolute rage. I'm up to division 2 and need 1 win to get to division 1. I use consumables to max my team out, up 3-0 with minutes left and 'connection lost with opponent'.

It gets back to the main screen I've lost the fucking game?

Ea Sports have a serious amount of aids.

Similar happened to me last night. Need a win to stay in division 2, get paired with some boy who has an all bronze team, me thinking 'yaaaaaas'.

Nah, boy dicks around with the ball for 3 mins, pauses, waits, pauses, waits, pauses, quits and next thing I'm down in division 3.


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Absolute rage. I'm up to division 2 and need 1 win to get to division 1. I use consumables to max my team out, up 3-0 with minutes left and 'connection lost with opponent'.

It gets back to the main screen I've lost the fucking game?

Ea Sports have a serious amount of aids.

I don't play online due to pish like this. I'm reasonably decent at FIFA but my record is 0-0-2 due to disconnections.

I just stick to online friendlies with my mates now. It's shite mind you but much more reliable than playing a random online.

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Aargh fucking furious. I could train my dog to pick big fast strong guys and cross and lob through ball all day. Try to play decent football and regularly lose to teams like that. Verge of tears at times. My couch can't take many more punches

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What are people's thoughts on players like this? I've had a few opponents clearly chuck it at 3 or 4-0 down but don't see the point in continuously scoring against them. However, I was involved in a close game the other night, locked at 1-1 going on 80 minutes and the guys players just stopped. Now, in my head I felt it would be bad craic to take advantage of what could be controller problems or some sort of technical issue at his end, so just stood with the ball to see if he would start playing again. Time ran out and the game was drawn.

I then get a message from him saying, 'ur shit m8, cant even beat me when im not trying'. :lol:

when you say players like this are you meaning me or them? Well if in my case I stood to the 15 mins doing nothing before taking advantage if he's doing nothing for that long I'm not quitting when it's the last game of my season needing a win for promotion. No idea why they do it unless they are trying to avoid being promoted. Maybe ea should automatically boot them after so long. Edited by paisleysaints
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Thought that doing drop-in matches would be good for a laugh...

Good thing my mic doesn't work otherwise all those p***ks would hear me threatening and wishing death on them.

Seemed every game I was paired with the twats who thought they could do solo runs and called for the ball all the time. Always came up against players who passed the ball and looked for space, the kind you want to be paired with. Instead I get the players who seem to have had a lobotomy.

It's always players who try nothing but solo runs or one's who will pass, but when you're trying to do a move e.g. one-two through ball past the defender, they call for it from the other side of the pitch and totally f**k everything up and then have the audacity to blame me when we lose (not saying I'm blameless, I accept when it's my fault, but they're the one's causing the team I'm on to get humped)

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What are people's thoughts on players like this? I've had a few opponents clearly chuck it at 3 or 4-0 down but don't see the point in continuously scoring against them. However, I was involved in a close game the other night, locked at 1-1 going on 80 minutes and the guys players just stopped. Now, in my head I felt it would be bad craic to take advantage of what could be controller problems or some sort of technical issue at his end, so just stood with the ball to see if he would start playing again. Time ran out and the game was drawn.

I then get a message from him saying, 'ur shit m8, cant even beat me when im not trying'. :lol:

Maybe they start the game and then have to go do something and think they'll be back quickly bit they get caught up? I doubt they're deliberately doing it or 'avoiding promotion' because they could just quit after kick off and lose 3-0 If they're that desperate to do that.

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f**k this game right now! I've been playing really well but can't seem to win for shit, and I've been up against total muppets recently. I should be pummelling these guys but have only managed a series of draws or narrow defeats. Just played a guy there who I absolutely dominated but he had Robben, Lewandowski and Ribery as his front three so he scored all his goals on the break and they were all top corner mega shots. Talk about deflated!

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f**k this game right now! I've been playing really well but can't seem to win for shit, and I've been up against total muppets recently. I should be pummelling these guys but have only managed a series of draws or narrow defeats. Just played a guy there who I absolutely dominated but he had Robben, Lewandowski and Ribery as his front three so he scored all his goals on the break and they were all top corner mega shots. Talk about deflated!

Were they, for example, into the top left corner from the right side of the box with an outside curl? Cause that seems to be the OP shot type of the game, I do it a lot in career and clubs and it's very rare that a keeper saves it.

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Maybe they start the game and then have to go do something and think they'll be back quickly bit they get caught up? I doubt they're deliberately doing it or 'avoiding promotion' because they could just quit after kick off and lose 3-0 If they're that desperate to do that.

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What's happened to the price of consumables?! A lot of them have went down by around 70%

It will only be a temporary thing as there are thousands of extra packs being bought because of all the special offers. A good time to buy things like contracts for dirt cheap and then wait a couple of weeks if you have the patience, there could be a killing to be made.

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I don't know if it's just me experiencing this or not, but it seems now the only way to win a foul in FIFA 14 recently is if it's handball or just sheer dumb luck.

I've been hacked down from behind and had players tug the shirt whilst I'm trying to sprint past them so much and not even get an advantage it beginning to become a joke, this happens yet I so much as bump into the AI opposition = immediate foul

The advantage is bull as well. AI gets what feels like 7 seconds advantage & I'm lucky if I get 2 seconds

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Back to the stage of not being able to buy a win for love nor money. Honestly I have no idea what has happened to my FIFA 'skills' in the last few weeks. I have gone from 1st Division and consistently staying there to 3rd Division relegation candidates. Its not been a fun few weeks, and I have come very, very close to smashing some controllers (if they weren't so expense to replace I would have!)

I am giving serious consideration to selling my entire squad and starting again, something I haven't done as of yet.

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Online games have suddenly got shit. Played seven games last night and lost all to total muppets just running down the wing all the time or constant through balls.

One fouled me every time I had the ball and gubbed my 7-1 with Liverpool. Every shot top corner and each player faster. Guess the players were all tweaked to 100 or something?

Lost the head after seeing him run about in circles after each goal giving it sssshhhh gesture then watching replay three times.

You can't win this game playing decent proper football now.

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Just played a guy who had 5 shots the whole game and scored all 5, all with Andy Carroll. Which had me shouting various Andy Carroll themed insults at the telly.

Fair to say i was fucking seething considering i had the likes of Rooney, upgraded Sturridge and IF Buffon in my team.

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